Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Etrian Odyssey Wiki

List of weapons that is found in Etrian Mystery Dungeon. These can be bought at Chano Retail, at Red Lion Shoppe or found in dungeons. This list is in the order in which they appear in the in-game Item Almanac. In the store at Chano Retails, weapons are sorted depending on the attack.

Weapons can be enhanced by the Forge to add effects if slots are available, and by enchantment to increase their attack.

In addition to the materials, the Market District must be developed in order to unlock some weapons (this is not included in the tables exhaustively).


Swords are usable by Landsknechts, Protectors, Dancers, Sovereigns and Wanderers, except for the Knife which can be used by all classes. Swords inflict Cut Damage.

Name Cost Sell Description Atk Effect Requirements
Knife 100 10 A small blade distributed to new adventurers during registration. 3 None Available From Start
Short Sword 195 100 A one-handed sword shortened for ease of use. 5 AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
1 slot
Rat Fang x1
Cyanite x1
Hatchet 600 115 A single-bladed tool often used when working in the forests. 12 AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
2 slots
Sticky Web x1
Iridescent Ore x1
(Need Market District level 2)
Broadsword 1500 130 A wide, double-edged sword used for slashing. 17 TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
STR x1 (+5 STR)
Gold Quill x1
Iridescent Ore x1
Poison Knife 1150 105 An unusual blade with a groove that perpetually runs with poison. 9 3ds-poison x2 Sky Iron Nail x1
Corundum x1
Klewang 2200 205 Specially forged to facilitate cutting things. 22 AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
STR x1 (+5 STR)
1 slot
Poison Hypha x1
Dolomite x1
(Need Market District level 3)
Shamshir 2350 220 A sword with a crescent-shaped blade for rending. 27 TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
STR x1 (+5 STR)
1 slot
Rabbit Tail x2
Dolomite x1
(Need Market District level 3)
Viking Sword 2550 235 A double-edged longsword made to cleave its target in two with a single strike. 32 STR x1 (+5 STR)
Hit x1
1 slot
Bud Tusk x2
Steel Earth x1
(Need Market District level 4)
Murgleis 2850 340 A holy sword with a sacred relic embedded in its golden handle. 38 2 slots Spotted Tongue x2
Steel Earth x2
(Need Market District level 4)
Talwar 2950 295 A longsword whose slashing strength is optimized via its curved blade. 45 3ds-lbind x1
3 slots
Mountain Claw x2
Chalcedony x2
(Need Market District level 4)
Macuahuitl 3600 360 A long-hilted wooden sword, embedded with obsidian. 54 Fear x1
4 slots
Icy Rind x2
Chalcedony x2
(Need Market District level 5)
Greatsword 3800 370 Famed for its power and its large size, making it usable only by the most skilled. 65 3ds-sleep x1
2 slots
Zapper Skin x3
Chalcedony x3
(Need Market District level 5)
Stunning Sword 4100 410 A strange sword with a groove that always drips with a paralyzing agent. 46 Hit x1
3ds-paralysis x2
Thunder Tooth x3
Red Jasper x3
Beagalltach 4450 550 A divine sword known for cutting down prey with the handle, despite its tattered blade. 70 2 slots Wallaby Fist x3
Red Jasper x4
(Need Market District level 5)
Saptarishi 4700 470 A sword with Ursa Major carved into it. Used for driving away demons. 75 2 slots Eryngii Cap x3
Red Jasper x4
(Need Market District level 6)
Yataghan 4950 490 A short sword whose large pommel prevents it from slipping from its bearer's hand. 80 3 slots Crimson Fang x3
Rose Quartz x4
(Need Market District level 6)
Walloon Sword 5200 505 A sword with a split guard, used with an eye towards striking attacks. 85 4 slots Baboon Skin x3
Rose Quartz x4
(Need Market District level 6)
Bastard Sword 5350 520 A longsword designed for battle. So long that it must be held with two hands. 90 5 slots Feather x4
Rose Quartz x3
(Need Market District level 6)
Cavalier Killer 5050 505 A heavy longsword made to cut off the legs of one's enemy. 95 3ds-lbind x5 Thorny Shell x4
Dark Pyroxenite x3
(Need Market District level 7)
Icy Almace 6550 655 An ice-bladed sword, forged by a smith who honed his skills with the substance. 100 3ds-ice x4 Tiny Tooth x4
Dark Pyroxenite x3
(Need Market District level 7)
Dvergr Sword 6650 665 A legendary longsword said to have been forged by those who dwell below. 120 2 slots Bison Fur x5
Slate x3
Falchion 5950 595 A wide-tipped sword, made to sever. 125 5 slots Tiny Tooth x5
Slate x4
(Need Market District level 8)
Katzbalger 6200 620 A double-edged sword that relies on its weight for damage. 128 5 slots Withered Vine x5
Slate x4
Hrunting 7300 730 A sword forged from the wings of a great dragon. 135 2 slots Wing Bone x5
Slate x4
Gram 7450 745 A renowned sword with a dragon design on the hilt to signify the dragon's defeat. 140 1 slot Magma Shard x5
Tiger's Eye x4
Dainsleif 7900 790 A demonic sword that refuses to be sheathed until it has bathed in fresh blood. 145 2 slots Petal Stone x5
Tiger's Eye x4
Steel Sword 7000 700 A sturdy longsword forged with Damascus steel. 150 3 slots Petal Stone x5
Serpentinite x5
Bloody Sword 7150 715 A greatsword with a long, unsavory history of being used in executions. 155 4 slots Frigid Sickle x5
Serpentinite x5
Moralltach 8100 810 A famed sword that can pierce anything in the world with just one stab. 160 3 slots Dinogator Skin x5
Eclogite x5
Balmung 8300 830 A jeweled sword that can divide anything known to man. 170 3ds-lbind x1
3 slots
Soft Sickle x2
Eclogite x3
Durandal 8550 855 A holy sword that glitters with a sage's divine protection. 180 Fear x1
4 slots
Mille Shell x2
Fluorite x4
Caladbolg 8750 875 This quivering magic sword is said to be capable of splitting mountains. 185 3 slots Old Shell x1
Fluorite x4
Rubylight 9200 920 A sword that emits a warm glow, as if from a living thing. 200 4 slots Ruby Skull x2
Ruby Bone x1
Dragonbane 9250 925 A two-handed sword sharp enough to slay a dragon. 205 5 slots Fire Scale x2
Reverse Scale x2
Thunder Scale x2
Yggdrasil Sword 9350 935 Created from the condensed life force of Yggdrasil. 220 6 slots Amber Flakes x2
Sympathy Stone x3
Forest Aloe x4


Katanas are usable by Dancers, Ninjas and Wanderers. Katanas inflict Cut Damage.

Name Cost Sell Description Atk Effect Requirements
Kodachi 600 15 Its small size makes this katana easy to handle. 10 None Available From Start
Mumeitou 2130 213 A katana of unknown origin, but surpassing sharpness. 30 3 slots Hard Skin x1
Cyanite x2
Doutanuki 3120 312 This rough katana is known to pierce through chests with just one strike. 40 1 slot Tough Leg x2
Iridescent Ore x2
Shinobigatana 4550 455 With a short blade and minimal curve, this katana excels in portability. 55 None Muddle Hypha x2
Iridescent Ore x3
Nodachi 4800 480 This katana's length rivals the height of a human. 75 Hit x1
1 slot
Needle Tail x3
Corundum x3
Juzumaru 6400 640 A beautifully gleaming katana without a smudge or blemish on the blade. 85 2 slots Shining Rectrix x3
Chalcedony x4
Houcho 6000 600 A kitchen knife made to tear human flesh. Its victims are said to go into shock. 99 3ds-hbind x3 Armor Shard x4
Chalcedony x4
Kumo Otoshi 6250 625 A katana with the power to cut down even heavenly creatures. 108 2 slots Sharp Claw x4
Chalcedony x4
(Need Market District level 7)
Ichimonji 7400 740 Supposedly used by an ancient martial god. 120 None Black Crab Shell x5
Red Jasper x4
(Need Market District level 7)
Fuujin 7800 780 One of two katanas known to cut apart the heavens. The other blade is called Raijin. 130 AGI x3 (+30 AGI) Bloody Fist x5
Rose Quartz x4
(Need Market District level 8)
Raijin 7950 795 One of two katanas known to cut apart the heavens. The other blade is called Fuujin. 135 3ds-volt x3 Hard Bark x4
Nephrite x5
Kurourushi 7050 705 A long-bodied katana, as long as a person is tall. It's painted pitch black. 140 1 slot Baboon Bone x4
Tricolor Stone x5
Kijin Daiou 7200 720 This legendary katana is said to have been forged in one night by an oni. 145 2 slots Berserker Claw x2
Dark Pyroxenite x5
Zanmatou 8200 820 A katana with an extremely long blade, forged for battling monsters. 150 3 slots Earthy Skin x5
Slate x4
Chidori 8350 835 This katana is said to contain the lightning that it cut apart in ancient times. 165 3ds-volt x3 Ruby Skull x5
Serpentinite x4
Nihil Youtou 8650 865 A magic katana that demolishes all foes with its engraved curses. 180 2 slots Soft Sickle x4
Eclogite x4
Monohoshizao 8850 885 A long-bladed katana that only a master swordsman can wield. 195 None Melted Core x4
Fluorite x4
Ameno Habakiri 8950 895 A long, ancient katana, known for its ability to slay even gods. 200 2 slots Mille Shell x2
Sigil Ore x3
Rairyuunotou 9300 930 A unique katana forged by a master smith using material from the Storm Emperor. 222 3ds-volt x3
1 slot
Thunder Eye x2
Sigil Ore x1
Yggdrasil Katana 9450 945 Created from the condensed life force of Yggdrasil. 240 4 slots Beast Spikes x2
Sigil Ore x3
Forest Aloe x4


Maces are usable by Protectors, Medics, Hexers and Wanderers, except for the Pick-axe and the Golden Pick-axe which can be used by all classes. Maces inflict Bash Damage.

Name Cost Sell Description Atk Effect Requirements
Crushing Club 1250 115 A striking weapon with a chunk of metal bound to a wooden pole. 15 None Available From Start
Light Mace 2250 130 A simple, heavy club. It's powerful, but difficult to wield. 22 VIT x1 (+3 VIT)
1 slot
Sticky Web x1
Cyanite x1
Sturdy Timber x1
Spiked Club 2600 205 A light battle club that is used by less experienced soldiers. 29 STR x1 (+5 STR)
VIT x1 (+3 VIT)
1 slot
Spotted Tongue x1
Iridescent Ore x1
Teak Wood x2
(Need Market District level 2)
Morningstar 3550 350 This bashing weapon crushes its target's bones with the spiked steel ball at its tip. 33 VIT x1 (+3 VIT)
HP x1 (+7 HP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
1 slot
Shining Rectrix x1
Iridescent Ore x2
Teak Wood x2
(Need Market District level 2)
Nirrti 3900 400 A club with numerous stone spikes driven into one end. 36 VIT x2 (+6 VIT)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Mountain Claw x2
Corundum x2
Guaiacum Wood x2
(Need Market District level 3)
Volcanic 4500 450 A heated club cut from a chunk of igneous rock. 39 None Deer Skin x1
Heavy Mace 4150 415 A warhammer whose destructive power was increased by making it heavier. 42 Hit x1
1 slot
Thorny Shell x2
Cyanite x2
Mahogany x2
(Need Market District level 4)
Broad Pick 4250 425 A sharp hammer that can rip through the sturdiest armor. 45 3 slots Butterfly Wing x2
Steel Earth x2
Jet-black Pith x2
Kanasaibou 4300 430 A hammer made completely of metal. 66 4 slots Golden Horn x2
Dolomite x3
Trileaf Stalk x3
Langyabang 5500 550 A battle club with stumps attached to the striking side. 76 1 slot Giant Petal x2
Steel Earth x3
Ice Stake x3
Breaker 5100 510 A war mace known as the blade which crushes boulders. 80 4 slots Ostrich Feet x2
Chalcedony x3
Wisteria branch x3
(Need Market District level 6)
Warhammer 5400 520 A battle hammer used to bludgeon one's enemies into submission. 85 3 slots Bison Fur x2
Red Jasper x2
Thujopsis Root x3
Jadagna 6500 650 A battle club with a spherical tip on the business end. 90 1 slot Crusher's Hide x2
Rose Quartz x2
Holly Lumber x3
Stardust 6600 660 A striking weapon that strikes with the force of a star falling from the heavens. 95 1 slot Cursed Bone x2
Nephrite x2
Cave Palm Bark x3
(Need Market District level 7)
Skullcrusher 6300 630 A warhammer with a long shaft. Useful for striking at an enemy's head. 105 2 slots Cursed Bone x2
Red Jasper x2
Pagoda Branch x3
(Need Market District level 7)
Ogre Club 6450 645 An oriental bashing weapon, made by embedding spikes onto a hexagonal metal prism. 111 3 slots Cursed Bone x2
Rose Quartz x3
Pachypodium x3
(Need Market District level 8)
Bone Hammer 7550 840 An animal's bones, polished with the skin of a cursed demon. 121 1 slot Cursed Bone x2
Nephrite x3
Dried Vine x3
Evil-Eye Club 8000 800 A certain demon's dark power slumbers in this hammer. 126 1 slot Thorny Bone x3
Dark Pyroxenite x3
Deathly Vine x3
Goudendag 7250 725 A striking weapon with a large metal ball attached to a long handle. 132 3 slots Barbel x4
Dark Pyroxenite x2
Deathly Vine x3
Dramborleg 8250 825 A gigantic hammer, heavy and sturdy, that only those with great strength can wield. 138 3 slots Orange Shard x4
Dark Pyroxenite x2
Evil Copal x3
Aymur 8600 860 This warhammer's name means to repel and counterattack. 144 3 slots Lizard Back Fin x4
Dark Pyroxenite x2
Evil Copal x3
Sharur 8800 880 A large hammer often used by an ancient god. Capable of mass destruction. 150 3 slots Heavy Iron Ball x4
Dark Pyroxenite x2
Evil Copal x3
Yagrush 9050 905 This battle hammer's name means chaser and banishment. 155 3 slots Petal Stone x4
Serpentinite x3
Evil Copal x4
Storm Mace 9400 940 A unique mace forged by a master smith using the materials from the Storm Emperor. 165 3 slots Thunder Eye x2
Serpentinite x3
Evil Copal x3
Yggdrasil Mace 9500 950 Created from the condensed life force of Yggdrasil. 185 3 slots Armor Shard x2
Eclogite x3
Deathly Vine x4
Pick-axe 900 150 A pick-axe that can dig through walls. Breaks after being used for a while. 1 Break Walls (Breaks after between 11 and 43 uses) Mole Claw x1
Forest Aloe x1
(Need Market District level 3)
Golden Pick-axe 4500 750 A highly durable pick-axe, fortified with the antlers of a golden deer. 1 Break Walls (Breaks after between 106 and 163 uses) Golden Horn x9
Fluorite x9
Evil Copal x9


Staves are usable by all classes. Staves inflict Bash Damage.

Name Cost Sell Description Atk Effect Requirements
Wand 210 21 A staff designed to focus the user's magic. 5 TEC x1 (+5 TEC) Available From Start
Rod 825 85 A staff built to last through battles. 11 TP x1 (+7 TP)
2 slots
Fiery Rind x1
Teak Wood x1
Small Flower x1
Staff 1250 125 A staff made for forest explorers. 15 TP x2 (+14 TP)
3 slots
Mole Claw x1
Guaiacum Wood x1
Mint x1
Shakujo 2050 205 A Buddhist ritual tool that increases its bearer's spiritual power significantly. 22 TP x3 (+21 TP)
2 slots
Spotted Tongue x1
Mahogany x1
Crane Ginseng x1
Bone Staff 2700 250 A staff made from the large fangs of a boar. 30 STR x2 (+10 STR) Boar Tusk x1
Jet-black Pith x1
Luminous Moss x1
Mystic Rod 3850 385 A staff decorated with crystals that aid in the bearer's concentration. 26 TP x2 (+14 TP)
3 slots
Beast Fist x1
Paulownia Bark x2
Scarlet Sage x1
Mirage Rod 3230 323 Illusionary staff that protects the user. 32 Hit x1
4 slots
Lion Claw x1
Mahogany x2
Crane Ginseng x2
Malice Rod 2800 280 A staff containing a burning spirit. 35 TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
4 slots
Bloody Blade x1
Trileaf Stalk x2
Glove Grass x2
Flabellum 3650 360 Decorative feathers at the end of this staff accentuate its beauty. 38 TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
4 slots
Angel Wing x1
Ice Stake x2
Crabapple x2
(Need Market District level 5)
Vajra 4600 450 An oriental ritual tool with a spear-like blade at the tip. 40 3ds-lbind x1
4 slots
Thorny Shell x2
Wisteria Branch x2
Osmunda Frond x2
(Need Market District level 5)
Khakkhara 4350 435 A noisy staff that ancient monks carried on long journeys. 45 Fear x1
4 slots
Indigo Vine x2
Wisteria Branch x2
Osmunda Frond x2
(Need Market District level 6)
Luck Staff 4400 440 A mysterious staff that brings good fortune to its bearer. 50 LUC x1 (+10 LUC)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
5 slots
Golden Shell x2
Yggdrasil Trunk x2
Aloe x2
Moon Staff 5450 520 A fiendish staff that drives those without a strong will to madness. 53 TEC x2 (+10 TEC)
3 slots
Ostrich Feet x2
Thujopsis Root x2
Ambrosia x2
(Need Market District level 7)
Demon Staff 5550 585 The prized possession of a mage who sold his soul to a demon. 55 VIT x1 (+3 VIT)
5 slots
Earthy Skin x2
Holly Lumber x2
Shea Fruit x2
Arcana Rod 5150 510 A mage's staff that's said to contain divine power. 58 4 slots Ostrich Feet x3
Cave Palm Bark x3
Fennel x3
(Need Market District level 8)
Golden Staff 5250 505 A gorgeous, gilded staff. 61 5 slots Dinogator Skin x3
Cave Palm Bark x3
Fennel x3
Gunbai 6050 600 A fan known to have been used by an undefeated general to issue orders. 64 VIT x1 (+3 VIT)
5 slots
Hard Bark x3
Tough Vine x3
Deathly Bud x3
Solar Staff 6150 610 A staff that shines as brilliantly as the sun. 67 7 slots Ostrich Feet x3
Pagoda Branch x3
Life Honey x3
Tactician Fan 5750 575 A staff with a fan attached to it. Drives off evil spirits from the battlefield. 70 5 slots Berserker Claw x3
Pachypodium x3
Narcissus x3
Ogre Vajra 6750 675 A holy instrument that guides the bearer to enlightenment by abolishing desires. 75 6 slots Bear Claw x4
Dried Vine x4
Green Nut x2
Death Wand 6800 680 A staff that is said to hold evil powers. 80 7 slots Curse Tusk x2
Cork Tree Bark x4
Odd Fruit x4
Sage Wand 7350 735 A staff of illusion that's said to grant its bearer wisdom. 85 5 slots Wing Bone x3
Pagoda Branch x3
Life Honey x4
Kerykeion 7700 850 Holds the power of a god to control men's hearts. 90 6 slots Ruby Skull x4
Pachypodium x3
Narcissus x3
Blizzard Staff 7850 915 A unique staff made by a master craftsman using material from the Blizzard King. 95 7 slots Frozen Wings x2
Deathly Vine x2
Gum String x2
Yggdrasil Branch 8050 930 Created from the condensed life force of Yggdrasil. 100 8 slots Century Shell x3
Evil Copal x3
Papyrus Plant x3


Rapiers are usable by Landsknechts, Dancers, Ninjas, Sovereigns and Wanderers, except for the Dagger which can be used by all classes. Rapiers inflict Stab Damage.

Name Cost Sell Description Atk Effect Requirements
Dagger 185 18 A short-bladed knife that's easy to wield without hindrance. 4 None Available From Start
Fleuret 1750 120 A stabbing-focused sword for less experienced warriors. The light blade offers no defense. 19 Hit x1
1 slot
Available From Start
Parazonium 2400 190 A dagger with an unusual triangular blade. 25 3 slots None
(Need Market District level 2)
Verdun 2650 205 A rapier with a focus on ease of use. It can be wielded either with one or both hands. 34 3ds-sleep x1
3 slots
(Need Market District level 3)
Stiletto 2900 220 A thrusting weapon with a cross-shaped tip. 44 3ds-panic x1
3 slots
(Need Market District level 4)
Panic Fleuret 2500 195 A stabbing sword with a special tip that Confuses its victim. 11 3ds-panic x4 Shining Rectrix x1
Dolomite x2
Pugio 3950 325 A simple dagger fit for stabbing. 63 4 slots Zapper Skin x1
Steel Earth x2
(Need Market District level 3)
Rapier 4050 340 A rapier that can easily pierce most things of a certain solidity. 70 3 slots Soft Plume x2
Chalcedony x3
Estoc 4200 355 This rapier's thin body grants it excellent piercing capabilities. 75 3 slots Eryngii Cap x2
Chalcedony x3
(Need Market District level 4)
Royal Rapier 5300 510 A high-quality rapier only permitted for use by knights recognized by a lord. 90 2 slots Metallic Horn x2
Dolomite x3
(Need Market District level 4)
Flamberge 4650 430 A sword with flame-like waves on it. Deals more damage by stabbing than cutting. 80 3 slots Thorny Shell x2
Chalcedony x3
(Need Market District level 5)
Baselard 4900 480 A larger-than-average dagger with great offensive capabilities. 84 4 slots Deer Skin x2
Red Jasper x3
Ice Fang 6100 640 A magical sword that freezes anyone it pierces. 90 3ds-ice x3 Hard Bark x3
Rose Quartz x4
Hauteclaire 6350 655 This rapier's golden guard and inset gems make it more suited for noble use. 96 1 slot Giant Petal x3
Nephrite x4
Misericorde 5800 610 Penetrates openings in armor to give dying knights a merciful end. 101 Hit x1
3 slots
Frigid Sickle x3
Tourmaline x4
Narcoleps 5600 585 The neurotoxin that seeps through its blade robs the target of consciousness. 106 3ds-sleep x2
3 slots
Moa Tendon x3
Tourmaline x4
Joyeuse 6950 780 A rapier passed down through generations of an ancient royal bloodline. 125 2 slots Moa Tendon x4
Tourmaline x3
Epetam 7100 795 This wicked, powerful small sword is known to fly around on its own, seeking blood. 130 2 slots Berserker Claw x4
Tricolor Stone x3
(Need Market District level 8)
Colichemarde 6850 750 A lighter version of an estoc, this rapier is easy to wield with just one hand. 140 3 slots Bison Fur x4
Dark Pyroxenite x4
Egeking 7750 910 A thrusting sword cursed by a man who sought vengeance on his friend. 145 4 slots Fire Fang x5
Slate x4
Azoth 8400 1000 An alchemist's dagger with a great demon sealed inside. 153 5 slots Rainbow Skin x5
Tiger's Eye x5
Carnwennan 8450 1015 A short sword known to have been used by a legendary ruler to cut a witch in half. 160 3 slots Lizard Back Fin x5
Tiger's Eye x5
Futsuno Mitama 9000 1110 A dagger with spiritual power so great, it can ward off evil gods. 168 4 slots Lizard Back Fin x5
Steel Chip x5
Blizzard Rapier 9100 1125 A unique rapier made by a master craftsman using materials from the Blizzard King. 176 5 slots Frozen Wings x2
Steel Chip x2
Yggdrasil Rapier 9150 1140 Created from the concentrated life force of Yggdrasil. 195 7 slots Ruby Bone x2
Sigil Ore x3
Forest Aloe x4


Guns are usable by Gunners. Guns inflict Stab Damage and can hit monsters up to 5 spaces away in a straight line.

Name Cost Sell Description Atk Effect Requirements
Hakenbuechse 550 15 A gun with a claw attached to reduce recoil. 9 None Available From Start
Handcannon 1250 115 A personal firearm with plenty of stopping power and a tremendous kick. 15 1 slot Available From Start
Torador 1850 180 A matchlock rifle with a long barrel for easy targeting. 20 3ds-sleep x1
1 slot
(Need Market District level 2)
Madfa 2450 240 A firearm that fires large-bore ammunition. 25 3ds-lbind x1
2 slots
(Need Market District level 3)
Dark Saker 2750 270 A gun that can hunt beasts who lurk in the darkness without fail. 33 Fear x1
3 slots
Bud Tusk x1
Dolomite x2
Paulownia Bark x1
Iron Saker 3500 350 A firearm strengthened by wrapping its body in sturdy steel. 45 1 slot Icy Rind x1
Steel Earth x2
Jet-black Pith x2
Arquebus 3700 370 An improved hakenbuechse with increased firepower. 50 1 slot Beetle Shell x1
Chalcedony x2
Mahogany x2
Godhunter 4000 400 A shotgun that can fire multiple shells at once. 55 2 slots Sharp Claw x2
Chalcedony x2
Jet-black Pith x2
Leg Eater 3750 375 A gun that can take out an enemy's legs regardless of the user's aim. 60 3ds-lbind x3 Crimson Fang x2
Chalcedony x2
Yggdrasil Trunk x3
Tanegashima 5000 490 An instantaneous-discharge matchlock developed by a gunsmith in the Orient. 65 1 slot Metallic Horn x2
Red Jasper x2
Wisteria Branch x3
Nalnari 4750 445 A gun whose shape fits naturally in the hand. 70 1 slot Feather x2
Rose Quartz x2
Ice Stake x3
Pepperbox 4850 460 A gun with a revolving magazine that allows for continuous fire. 75 3ds-lbind x1
2 slots
Golden Horn x2
Nephrite x2
Tough Vine x3
(Need Market District level 6)
Ice Cannon 5850 610 A cannon modeled after a legendary blue dragon. 80 1 slot Giant Petal x3
Tourmaline x2
Cave Palm Bark x3
Silver Buster 5900 625 A gun that drives off evil with special silver bullets. 85 1 slot Indigo Vine x3
Tricolor Stone x3
Holly Lumber x3
(Need Market District level 7)
Gourai Cannon 5650 585 A firearm that shoots thunderbolts from a reinforced cannon-type barrel. 90 3ds-volt x3 Ostrich Feet x3
Dark Pyroxenite x3
Cork Tree Bark x3
Selena 5700 600 A pepperbox-style pistol passed down through generations in a land far to the north. 95 Fear x1
1 slot
Moa Tendon x3
Slate x3
Dried Vine x3
Traumerei 6900 750 A flintock rifle passed down through generations in a land far to the north. 100 1 slot Rending Claw x3
Tiger's Eye x3
Pachypodium x3
Brionac 7500 835 A magical gun that brings death to one's enemies at the speed of lightning. 105 1 slot Tiny Tooth x4
Serpentinite x3
Deathly Vine x3
Dragoon 6700 720 A gun that has been miniaturized with no loss of quality. 110 2 slots Red Plume x4
Eclogite x4
Deathly Vine x3
Marute 7600 870 A firearm named after a large spear, in honor of its destructive power. 115 1 slot Withered Vine x4
Fluorite x3
Deathly Vine x4
Yatagarasu 7650 885 This gun, engraved with a legendary crow, heightens one's abilities. 120 3ds-sleep x1
1 slot
Century Shell x4
Steel Chip x3
Deathly Vine x4
Gungnir 8150 970 This legendary gun never loses its target once its victim is in its sights. 125 2 slots Melted Core x3
Steel Chip x3
Deathly Vine x4
Ameno Makagoyumi 8500 1065 A mystical gun created from miraculous materials. 130 2 slots Petal Stone x3
Sympathy Stone x4
Deathly Vine x4
Dragon's Gun 8700 1080 A unique gun made by a master craftsman using materials from the Great Dragon. 135 3 slots Burning Horn x2
Sigil Ore x2
Evil Copal x2
Yggdrasil Rifle 8900 1095 Created from the concentrated life force of Yggdrasil. 150 3 slots Gauntlet Shard x2
Sigil Ore x3
Evil Copal x4