Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Etrian Odyssey Wiki

Spider (Etrian Odyssey)[]

Spiders that have evolved to hunt prey aggressively rather than trap it passively.
Enemy Data
HP 88
ATK 56
DEF 41
EXP 311
Skills Paralyze, Cocoon
Items Sticky Web
Weakness HD-Fire HD-Volt
Resistance None
Status Immune HD-Fear HD-Curse HD-Poison HD-Sleep HD-Panic HD-Paralyze HD-Blind
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Spiders are first encountered on B6F of the Primitive Jungle.

Their Cocoon skill binds the arms of one party member and with low health, they will start using Paralyze, which deals damage to one party member and, obviously, has a chance to paralyze. They are actually quite weak and they are also vulnerable to fire, making them easy prey for parties with fire-based alchemists.


  • Paralyze (Uses Head): Deals damage to a single party member and has a chance to Paralyze.
  • Cocoon (Uses Head): Has the chance of Binding the arms of a single party member.


  • Sticky Web (Worth: 28 en)

Conditional Drop[]

  • None

Related Monsters[]

Spider (Etrian Odyssey II)[]

A particularly dangerous forest spider that can quickly spin silk to cocoon its prey.
Enemy Data
HP 304
ATK 35
DEF 35
EXP 2247
Skills Cocoon
Items Sticky Web
Weakness HD-Stab
Resistance None
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Spiders are first encountered on 16F of the Petal Bridge.

They are normally encountered in combination with other monsters and will frequently try to use Cocoon, which binds the arms of your entire party. Other than that, they are not posing that much of a threat, making them probably the weakest enemy of the Petal Bridge.


  • Cocoon (Uses Head): Has the chance of Binding the arms of the entire party.


  • Sticky Web (Worth: 99 en)

Conditional Drop[]

  • None

Venom Spider (Etrian Odyssey Untold)[]

Venom Spider
Venom Spider (EOU)
Spiders that have evolved to hunt prey aggressively rather than trap it passively in webs.
Enemy Data
HP 155
ATK 15
DEF 12
EXP 160
Skills Cocoon
Items Spinnerette
Weakness None
Resistance None
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The Venom Spider is a monster that can be found in AREA I and AREA II of Gladsheim. Although rather weak overall, they can use their ability Cocoon to bind random party members.


  • Cocoon (Uses Head): Attempts to inflict leg bind on all party members.


  • Spinnerette (Worth: 19 en)

Conditional Drop[]

  • None

Related Monsters[]

Venomous Spider (Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold)[]

Venomous Spider
Venomous Spider EO2U
A spider that hunts in the woods. Stop it from spinning its web...
Enemy Data
HP 398
ATK 33
DEF 24
EXP 2100
Skills Binding String
Items Sticky Web, Bound Mandible (Conditional), Spider Carcass (Ingredient)
Weakness 3ds-fire
Resistance None
Status Weakness 3ds-paralysis
Status Resistance 3ds-lbind
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Venomous Spiders are first encountered on 17F of the Petal Bridge.

Their skill Binding String can inflict all three binds on all party members, though the chance of a single party member having all three binds at once is unlikely. Other than that, there's not much else to say about this enemy.


  • Binding String (Uses Head): Attempts to inflict head, arm and leg bind on all party members.


  • Sticky Web (Worth: 287 en)
  • Bound Mandible [Conditional] (Worth: 404 en)
  • Spider Carcass [Ingredient]

Conditional Drop[]

  • In order to get the Venomous Spider's conditional drop, the Bound Mandible, it must be killed while its head is bound.

Venom Spider (Etrian Mystery Dungeon)[]

Venom Spider
Venom Spider (EMD)
Rather than wait for food to be caught in its web, this spider actively seeks prey.
Enemy Data
EXP 100
Skills Paralyze
Items Sticky Web
Weakness EMD-fire EMD-volt
Resistance EMD-cut EMD-stab EMD-bash EMD-ice
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Venom Spiders can be encountered in Emerald Copse, Pristine Stream, Mysterious Forest and Phantom Depths and summoned by Ent Beetles.

This monster is an Insect type monster.


  • Paralyze (Uses Head): "Shoots out numbing threads that Paralyze when they hit an enemy."
  • Cocoon (Uses Head): "Sends out sticky threads that slow down whomever is hit for 5 turns."


  • Sticky Web (Worth: 17 en)

Related Monsters[]

