As per usual, the Quest system makes a return in Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City. This time, they can be taken from the bulletin board in Butterfly Bistro. In addition to the regular quests, there are also the brand new Sea Quests that can be taken from the Inver Port.
This time, quests award EXP on completion to the currently active party. This experience cannot be leaked through the Combat Study skill. However, certain quests will reward the player more if they manage to exceed the quest giver's expectation, such as hunting more monsters than needed or fetching more of the requested items than specified. Just like in the previous games, most of the town quests are unlocked as the player progresses through the floors of the labyrinth.
Butterfly Bistro's New Menu[]
- I am gathering ingredients to make a new frog dish for my restaurant! It couldn't get any easier than this!
- Unlock: Complete "Prelude to the Forest"
- Fight enough Forest Frogs until you get 3 Slimy Legs and 1 Frog Cheek. Remember not to accidentally sell them before turning in the quest.
- Reward: Tent x3, 200 EXP per member
The Fisherman's Rest[]
- I'm looking for a place I can sunbathe where nobody will find me and I'll be safe from monsters.
- Unlock: Complete "Prelude to the Forest"
- Travel to the dead end in sector A2 of B1F during the day (between 7am and 7pm) to mark the sunbathing spot.
- Reward: 100en, 100 EXP per member.
Tanniyn Hunting[]
- This is the Armoroad Fishing Committee. One of Armoroad's tastiest exports is its local tanniyn. Please catch one.
- Unlock: Reach B2F
- Go to Inver Port and set sail. Travel to the nearby giant fish icon, and attempt to fish it enough times to acquire the tanniyn parts.
- Reward: Ariadne Thread x2, 300 EXP per member.
Ho! The Gigapede![]
- I want you to get me a Gigapede leg. I hear they make really good bait!
- Unlock: Reach B2F
- Hunt Gigapedes until you get a Gigapede Leg. It only shows up from B2F onward at night.
- Reward: Pedant's Book, 300 EXP per member.
Request from the Firm[]
- This is the owner of Napier's Firm. I need Small Flowers to make Nectar... Let`s discuss this more in person.
- Unlock: Reach B2F
- Acquire a Small Flower from a Take Spot in B2F, and sell it to Edie. If you've already done that before and made Nectars available, you can complete the quest immediately without any hassle.
- Reward: Volt Hammer, 200 EXP per member
The Bond Between Guildmates[]
- This is Bouz, a member of Pale Horse. My comrades went into the forest a week ago and haven't come back! Find them!
- Unlock: Reach B3F
- After you've accepted the quest and arrived at the junction at B2F sector D4, you'll meet one of the guards who will direct you to speak to a Bertram guild member at the Butterfly Bistro.
- Talk to the Bertram Guild Member at the Bistro to learn that the Pale Horse members went to B2F to set up camp.
- Speak to Olympia at the campsite and ask about Pale Horse. She'll hand you a Diary Page saying they've advanced to B3F. If you've advanced the plot far enough such that Olympia isn't available, you'll find the Diary Page yourself.
- Continue down to B3F, going along the main corridor until you hit sector D3. You'll find an abandoned backpack, and be stopped by a scripted monster ambush against 2 Spotted Frogs and 2 Claw Shrimp.
- Travel to the B3F campgrounds and learn of the offscreen carnage. You can now complete the quest by returning to town.
- Reward: Poison Hammer, 350 EXP per member
Man Versus Nature[]
- This is the Armoroad Farming Committee. We're calling on skilled Farmers to share knowledge of crop development.
- Unlock: B3F
- Have a level 2 or higher Farmer in your party to complete the quest. If they're higher level, your reward increases. Maximum reward at level 8 or higher.
- Reward:
- If the Farmer was level 7 or lower: 400 EXP per member, Medica II x1
- If the Farmer was level 8 or higher: 450 EXP per member, Medica II x3
Amber Delight[]
- I am Espierre, and I travel the world in search of delicacies. I have yet to taste the honey of the Amber Bee.
- Unlock: B4F
- The bee hive is located in the dead end of sector A4. Smoke the hive, climb the tree, then cut away the hive from the branch. Picking the wrong options either inflicts damage to your party or triggers a monster ambush.
- Reward: 600en, 700 EXP per member
The Fish Festival[]
- The annual Fish Extermination Day will take place on B4F. All explorers are encouraged to participate!
- Unlock: B4F
- Enter B4F and fight as many Fanged Fish or Devilfish as you can without leaving the floor. You need a minimum of 15 to complete this quest, but you earn better rewards if you've killed 30, 40, or at least 50 fish.
- The fish have a higher encounter rate along river banks. You can intentionally leave Devilfish alive so that they can call in more Fanged Fish and milk more points from a single battle.
- Rewards:
- 15-29 fish: Amrita x1, 700 EXP per member
- 30-39 fish: Amrita x2, 800 EXP per member
- 40-49 fish: Amrita x3, 900 EXP per member
- 50+ fish: Amrita x5, 1000 EXP per member
Letter in a Bottle I[]
- I found a letter in a bottle on the beach. I want to write back, but I don't know what to say. Please help me.
- Unlock: B4F, complete "Request from the Firm"
- Speak to the innkeeper to learn of his pen pal. You can offer an idea yourself, or opt to go around Armoroad to speak to the townsfolk for advice. Suggest an idea to him once you're ready.
- Rewards: 100 EXP per member. Storage fees drop to 50en.
- If you suggested an idea from one of the townsfolk: Shock Oil x3
- Otherwise: Shock Oil x1
Too Close to Home[]
- An unusally strong monster has appeared on B1F. It needs to be killed before it finds its way into Armoroad!
- Unlock: B5F
- As you enter B1F, you'll notice three Greedy Lizards have spawned. Kill them all. You've bested Narmer to get this far, so these FOEs shouldn't be too much trouble.
- Reward: Fire Hammer, 1100 EXP per member
Messages from Aeons Past I[]
- I've heard rumours of a fossil lode on B5F. If they exist, I could learn so much from them! Can you find them?
- Unlock: B5F
- Search for the fossil lode in sector C2 of B5F. You can only access this secret room from a hidden passage. Be careful not to be caught by the Abyssal Death nearby. You'll find two chests in that room; search the northern wall for the fossil lode.
- Reward: Spatha (knife), 900 EXP per member
Clinic's Request[]
- I work for the Armoroad Clinic. My stock of Thick Throat used to make cough medicine is running low.
- Unlock: B6F
- Obtain a Thick Throat by killing a Koolasuchus with a Volt attack. Return to the bar; remember not to accidentally sell it.
- Reward: 1500en, 1600 EXP per member
Statue of Salvation[]
- I was in the Labyrinth the other day, and I was at Death's door when a strange statue saved me. Can you thank it?
- Unlock: B6F
- You are given an Alcohol Gift for this quest. Find the statue in the dead end in C3 and leave the offering there. Your party will be healed for 300 HP and TP, but this is a one-time deal. You can then return to the bar to complete the quest.
- Reward: Panic Fleuret (rapier), 1200 EXP per member
Deep Blue[]
- I hurt my back the other day, and now I can't go get the material I need to make Armoroad Dye... Can someone help?
- Unlock: B7F
- Obtain an Indigo Pith from a Chop point in B7F.
- Reward: Sleep Hammer, 1800 EXP per member
Professor Scott's All-Nighter[]
- For some reason, starfish are gathering together on B7F at night. Why? I don't know. That's where you come in...
- Unlock: B7F
- Travel to the dead end in D5, right after the sentry's corpse and the shortcut to the other sentry. You must investigate that spot at night (7pm - 6am). You have three opportunities to back away, but the longer you remain, the more thorough your report will be and the better your reward is.
- For maximum reward, stay until the monsters attack. You'll fight through an ambush of two Red Starfish and a Blue Starfish, followed by a wave of three Red and two Blue Starfish, capping off with a King Starfish flanked by two Blue Starfish. Only the first wave is a guaranteed ambush.
- Reward:
- If you backed away at the first opportunity: Pole Stone x1, 1500 EXP per member
- If you remained to study only once: Pole Stone x2, 1650 EXP per member
- If you remained to study two times: Pole Stone x3, 1800 EXP per member
- If you remained until the monsters attacked: Pole Stone x5, 1950 EXP per member
Unknown Mutation[]
- This is Scott, the monstro-biologist. I want someone to investigate the mutant monster unbalancing B8F's ecosystem.
- Unlock: B8F
- After you've used the Sea Bead to shut off the currents and entered B8F from the southwest staircase, enter the first open area, then take the left exit (with no FOE) and walk to the dead end. Inspect the monster carcasses, and you'll figh a Glutton Beast. It's identical to an Iron Turtle but with more HP.
- Reward: Power Book, 2400 EXP per member
Lost Treasure[]
- This is Ruffalo, a traveling adventurer. My prized knife was stolen from me. Could someone help me find it?
- Unlock: B8F, complete "Message in a Bottle I"
- Start by talking to the guard in the clearing of B1F. He'll mention he saw Ruffalo with the knife; he can recognize its intricate design on the hilt, but it was sheathed. He'll also say that Ruffalo returned to the inn afterwards.
- Speak to the innkeeper. He recalls that he's seen the knife and its crystal blade, but only because Ruffalo unsheathes it to pray before entering the Labyrinth. He'll pass the message that you didn't find the knife in the labyrinth; Ruffalo will then suggest to check the bar again. He was speaking with a blond-haired man.
- Speak to the blond-haired man at the bar. He's seen the knife and its beautiful crystal blade, but doesn't know where it went.
- Return to the inn and speak with the innkeeper. Ruffalo will suggest that someone you've spoken with is lying. Accuse the right person to complete the quest. Every mistake will reduce your reward.
- Reward:
- If you got it right in one try: Amrita II x3, 2300 EXP per member
- If you made a mistake: Amrita II x2, 2200 EXP per member
- 2 mistakes: Amrita II x1, 2100 EXP per member
- 3 mistakes: Amrita II x1, 2000 EXP per member
Wishing on a Branch[]
- I've heard that is you hang a blue shining branch from the Labyrinth out of your window, your wishes come true!
- Unlock: B9F
- You can find the shining branch in a dead end in sector E4 of B9F. You will have to wade through magma tiles to reach it.
- Reward: Ice Hammer, 2000 EXP per member
The Gourmand's Demands[]
- This is Espierre! The tales talk of a legendary Pomona Fruit found only in Armoroad! I must have it!
- Unlock: B9F, complete "Amber Delight"
- As you journey to the lower-left corner of B9F, you'll be informed of the Pomona Taker. Follow it until it attacks you, then defeat it and find the Pomona Fruit where it was standing.
- You'll then be informed of three other Pomona Takers in the sector. Defeating each one will get you more fruit; it's optional, but you get more rewards if you come home with more on hand.
- Rewards:
- If you got all 4 fruits: Madora x3, 3300 EXP per member
- If you got any less: Madora x1, 3000 EXP per member
Letter in a Bottle II[]
- Elly wrote back to me, but it sounds like there's something terrible happening in her hometown. Please help!
- Unlock: B9F, complete "Letter in a Bottle I" and "Lost Treasure"
- Speak to the innkeeper to learn of the disease that his pen pal's country is being ravaged by.
- Travel to the Twilight Inn in Deep City and speak to Angie. She'll ask for a Scarlet Sage. It's a rare drop from a Take point in B9F.
- Return to Angie and give her the Sage to get the remedy, then deliver the remedy to the Armoroad innkeeper.
- Reward: Frost Jar x2, 2500 EXP per member
Messages from Aeons Past II[]
- This is Scott, the monstro-biologist. My research on the fossils continues. Can you find Monster Bones for me?
- Unlock: B10F, complete "Messages from Aeons Past I"
- Get a Red Tusk from the Cave Elephant, Stegosaur Fin from Stegosaurus, and Dino Calcaneus from Flame Lizard.
- Reward: Sonic Dagger (knife), 3200 EXP per member
Searching for Springs[]
- It seems there's a hidden hot spring with its source in the lava caverns. I'd like someone to investigate this.
- Unlock: B10F
- All three spots are in B10F, and not on damage tiles. Search the top-right corner of sector A7, the top-left corner of A1, and the top of D1. You can turn in the quest just by finding one, but get all three for best rewards.
- Rewards:
- 1 spot: 2000en, 2000 EXP per member
- 2 spots: 2500en, 2400 EXP per member
- 3 spots: 3000en, 2800 EXP per member
The Sculptor's Request[]
- I am Tursel, a sculptor in Armoroad. My next piece requires a piece of obsidian, so I need someone to get it.
- Unlock: B11F
- Obtain 3 Igneous Rocks by killing Lava Beasts with Ice damage. They can be found in the eastern side of the floor.
- Reward: Speed Book, 3100 EXP per member
Ant Agony[]
- My guild went to pick Pomona Fruit the other day but we were attacked by ants. Only I survived... Please avenge them!
- Unlock: B11F, complete "The Gourmand's Demands"
- Defeat the Wicked Queen on B9F after unlocking a hidden passage in the southwest side of the area. This is a tough boss; you may want to wait until your party is level 40+ to stand a chance at defeating it.
- Reward: Vigor Book x3, 4500 EXP per member
Filling the Monstrous Codex[]
- It is the duty of all explorers of Armoroad to report on the ecology of monsters within the labyrinth.
- Unlock: B11F, complete "Letter in a Bottle II"
- You need 40 different entries in the Monstrous Codex. Speak to Flowdia at Via Senatus to complete the quest.
- Reward: Head Hammer, 2800 EXP per member
The Jeweler's Request[]
- My name is Finity, and I craft accessories. I'd like some materials that can be mined in the Third Stratum.
- Unlock: B12F
- Obtain materials from Mine points in B11F (Corundum, Clastic Rock, or Pyragyrite) and bring one of them to the bar to complete the quest. The rarest material gets the best reward.
- Rewards:
- Corundum: Panic Guard, 2900 EXP per member
- Clastic Rock: Gale Amulet, 3200 EXP per member
- Pyragyrite: Critical Belt, 3500 EXP per member
The Shrub Fruit[]
- I'm looking for fruit I can use to make herbal medicine. I heard it can be found on a shrub inside the Abyssal Shrine.
- Unlock: B13F
- Find the fruit in the dead end in sector D6.
- Reward: Kotegiri (katana), 3900 EXP per member
Elval's Hobby I[]
- I have indulged in every possible luxury and the ennui is likely to destroy me. I seek stimulation!
- Unlock: B13F, complete "The Fish Festival"
- Defeat as many third stratum monsters in 24 hours. Aside from bosses, each monster is worth different points. Monsters first found in B9F are worth 1 point apiece, B10F 2 points, B11F 3 points, B12F 4 points. Mud Lurkers are each worth 15 points, Mother Dragons 20 points, Poison Dragons 25 points.
- You need 30 points at minimum to qualify, but you can earn more rewards by accumulating more points.
- Rewards:
- 30-99 points: Metopon x1, 3500 EXP per member
- 100-149 points: Metopon x2, 4000 EXP per member
- 150-249 points: Metopon x3, 4500 EXP per member
- 250+ points: Metopon x5, 5000 EXP per member
Statues of Limitation[]
- When I entered the hall on B14F, a statue suddenly blocked my way, and I can't get any further. Get rid of it!
- Unlock: B14F
- When you enter the large room in A4 of B14F, you'll be barred in by eight Pincer Statues. They don't give any reward for fighting them, so don't bother. Push each button (other than the X button; that resets the puzzle) on each side of the central pillar once to get all of them to disappear.
- Reward: Stun Hammer, 5200 EXP per member
Treasures of the Depths[]
- There is a rumour that an ancient city sank to the bottom of the sea. Ancient means antiques! Get me some rare items!
- Unlock: B14F, complete "Letter in a Bottle II"
- First, you can go to Napier's Firm and purchase an antique from her for 3000en. This can be turned in to complete the quest instantly.
- Refuse Napier's offer, and she'll direct you to the bar. Speak with a patron and you'll learn they found the antique from rummaging through the junk piles in the northwest corner of B14F.
- You can find different items in that area, and your reward is different depending on what you got.
- Reward: Energy Bracelet (accessory) regardless of which antique you give.
- Stylish Pot: Death Magatama, 4000 EXP per member
- Old Coin/Large Plate/Statue: 3800 EXP per member
- Candlestick: Strength Ring, 4500 EXP per member
An Artisan's Curiosity[]
- I want to research new metals that have been appearing in Armoroad lately. I'll make you a weapon from what you bring!
- Unlock: B15F
- Obtain five Spearhead Chips from Deep Marines and a Damascus Edge by killing a Deep Raider with a bash attack.
- Reward: 4500 EXP per member and a weapon of your choice:
- Sword: Schiavona (123 ATK, 1x HP Forge, 1x Empty)
- Rapier: Colichemarde (115 ATK, 2x Empty)
- Dagger: Ballock Knife (96 ATK, 3x Empty)
- Spear: Partizan (124 ATK, 3x Empty)
- Katana: Warabite (120 ATK, 1x Empty)
- Hammer: Bolt Warhammer (133 ATK, 3x Volt Forges)
- Crossbow: Dardanelles Gun (129 ATK, 2x Empty)
- Tome: Firm Book (88 ATK, 2x VIT Forges, 1x TEC Forges, 1x Empty)
- Gun: Ice Cannon (106 ATK, 3x Ice Forges)
Secrets on a Pedestal[]
- I found some strange stone tables in my attic. Can somebody find out what they're for?
- Unlock: B16F, complete Mission "Decipher the Shrine's Mysteries" or "Search for Amarantos"
- You gain three tablets that must be inserted in the pedestal that is in the central room of B15F, right in front of the stairs leading down to B16F proper. Sky goes on top, Earth goes on left, Man on right. Bring the armor back to the bar.
- Reward: Plague Hammer, Plate Coat (heavy armor), 5500 EXP per member
A Comrade Sleeping Below[]
- The second I set foot in B15F, this crazy armored thing ran up and attacked me! Something's gotta be done!
- Unlock: B16F, complete Mission "Decipher the Shrine's Mysteries" or "Search for Amarantos"
- Once you reach B15F you'll be alerted to the quest-unique FOE. It will actively run from you, first falling into the pitfall you can chase it to. If you pursue it head-on it will outrun you, taking stairs and doors where appropriate.
- Do not jump down the pitfall - instead, circumvent to the stairs leading to the narrow corridor where the pitfall would lead. Go down, and then corner the FOE at the end of this corridor.
- Reward: 6000en, 6000 EXP per member
Filling the Item Compendium[]
- Helping fill Armoroad's Item Compendium is one of the tasks set to all who would explore. Report in about 130 items!
- Unlock: B17F, complete "Filling the Monstrous Codex"
- As the description states, you must have 130 entries in your Item Compendium to complete this quest. Speak to Flowdia at Via Senatus to complete the quest.
- Reward: Curse Hammer, 6000 EXP per member
Praying with Pampas Grass[]
- We offer Pampas Grass to our gods each year to pray for a good harvest in Ayutthaya, but there isn't any locally.
- Unlock: B17F and reach Trade City of Ugarit
- The Latin Sail you get upon reaching the Porcelain Forest can let you reach Ugarit in the northwest corner of the South Sea, either by .
- You can find Pampas Grass in B17F, at the lower-left corner of sector C6.
- Alternatively, you can sail to the island east of Ugarit, at the western edge of sector A3 of the South Sea, to harvest the Pampas Grass. However, you must then deliver it to Ayutthaya from there without returning to Armoroad.
- Equip a 20-turn ration, the Carronade, the Latin Sail, and the Iron Naval Ram.
- Sail directly north from Armoroad and let the current take you west. Take the current west again. You should line up with a black pirate ship.
- Shoot down the pirate ship. Sail north once, then west once. You should line up with the source of the pampas. Harvest it.
- Sail south and drift with the current.
- Sail east 4 times. You should be right in front of a patch of seaweed - do not travel onto it. Instead, sail south once and sail east three times until you've crossed over the seaweed. Sail north once and west once to dock at Ayutthaya.
- Reward: 5500 EXP per member
- Hamao II x2 if you obtained Pampas Grass in the labyrinth.
- Hamao II x4 if you made the delivery from Ugarit straight to Ayutthaya.
Elval's Hobby II[]
- I very much enjoyed your previous performance. I would like to see you exercising a different set of skills!
- Unlock: B17F, complete "Elval's Hobby I"
- Gather as many items as you can from the Stratum 4 Take/Chop/Mine points. You need a minimum of 5 to qualify. Get at least 45 for maximum rewards.
- Reward:
- 5-14 items: Cut Mist x1, 3000 EXP per member
- 15-29 items: Cut Mist x1, Bash Mist x1, 4500 EXP per member
- 30-44 items: Cut Mist x1, Bash Mist x1, Stab Mist x1, 6000 EXP per member
- 45+ items: Cut Mist x2, Bash Mist x2, Stab Mist x2, 7000 EXP per member
A Salty Exploration[]
- Our guild has run out of salt. The salt from within the labyrinth is the most nutritious cut of salt. Please get some.
- Unlock: B18F
- Find a pool of extremely salty water in a dead end in sector C5 of B18F. This pool is within a no-automap area. You can drink the water yourself, causing your party to initially lose 120 HP before gaining 200 HP and 100 TP shortly after.
- Alternatively, you can acquire salt from a salt pillar in B8F, sector E5. You can also partake in that salt yourself; lick it once for a 30 HP recovery. Any more and you lose 40 HP.
- Reward: Curse Poems (tome), 6000 EXP per member
A Secret Request[]
- I have need of your skills and require that a certain monster be terminated. Please meet me in the white forest.
- Unlock: B18F
- Meet the guard who issued the quest at B18F. He'll issue a unique Mushroom Knife that you must equip. Travel to the dead end in sector F7 and kill the Splitstool using only a basic attack from someone equipping the Mushroom Knife, otherwise the Splitstool will instantly respawn at the end of battle.
- Reward: Arm Hammer, 8000 EXP per member
- I think my sister is slacking off at work. I need somebody to go to the bottom of the sea and check on her shop.
- Unlock: B19F, complete "Treasures of the Depths"
- Edie Napier will ask that you spy on her sister by entering her shop in the day and the night to make sure she's working. Travel to the Deep City and visit the Napier Branch twice, talking to the shopkeeper each time. On the second time, she'll force you to spill the truth. You then have the option to cooperate with her and see what Edie's up to. You can refuse to cooperate and end the quest early.
- If you do cooperate, speak with everyone in Armoroad (including Nerona and Aura at the bar) to learn of what Edie is doing. Go back to her sister in the Deep City and deduce that she's making winter clothing. You'll then be directed to collect 1 Violet Tail by hunting Silver Foxes in B19F.
- Return to Edie in Armoroad and speak to her. Hand over the Violet Tail and you can then turn in the quest for increased rewards.
- Rewards: 8000 EXP per member
- Do not cooperate: Formaldehyde x1
- Cooperate: Formaldehyde x3
Rock of Wages[]
- I heard that there's a strange boulder in the Labyrinth that heals wounds. Just what I need to look good for my boss!
- Unlock: B19F
- The rock is found at sector D1. You can turn in the quest without smashing it for reduced rewards.
- If you smash the rock to get a sample to bring back, you will have to fight through a wave of 2 Silver Foxes and 2 White Foxes. After they're beaten, you then have an easier wave consisting of one Claw Monkey and Forest Hare.
- Rewards: 9000 EXP per member
- Do not smash the rock: Intelligence Book x1
- Smash the rock: Intelligence Book x2
Mooning Over Clover[]
- My son gets picked on at school because he keeps talking about 4-Leaf Clovers. Could you possibly find one for him?
- Unlock: B20F
- You can talk to the botanist at the bar and bring her a drop from a Mistletoe from doing the Manticore Sea Quest. This is an optional step.
- The initial clearing at B1F has several places where clovers grow. Eventually you'll find a spot that has a 4-leaf clover, though there's also a boy who's eagerly searching for one. You can keep the clover for yourself or let him have it.
- Rewards: 8500 EXP per member
- Keep the clover: Luck Book x1
- Give up the clover: Luck Book x2
The Bird Pair[]
- The First Stratum is being overrun with bird monsters! They'll pose a threat to Armoroad if we don't do something!
- Unlock: B20F, complete "Sisters"
- B1F will be teeming with souped-up Largebills and Peach Crows. Head to the secret room at sector B3 to find two quest FOEs: Majordomo and Avian King. Defeat them both to complete the quest; the B1F encounters will return to normal.
- Reward: 10,000en, 10,000 EXP per member
Monster from Across the Sea[]
- Thanks to the cure you gave me, Elly is safe. But I want to talk about something else that's bothering me...
- Unlock: B20F, complete "The Bird Pair" and "Letter in a Bottle II"
- Speak to the innkeeper in Armoroad to learn of a plant monster that's stowed away to Armoroad.
- Defeat the Alraune in B17F, sector D6. She's in a secret room accessible from a hidden passage in the south-east mapless room. This is a difficult boss and should be attempted in the postgame.
- Reward: 100,000en, 19,000EXP per member
Elval's Grim Truth[]
- I had a reason for my previous requests. I need the strongest adventurers to destroy a beast I could not...
- Unlock: B21F, complete "Elval's Hobby II"
- Head to B13F, and find a switch behind the FOE in sector A5. You may need to do some legwork with a shortcut or two to catch the FOE with its cell door open.
- The Kraken is found in the central secret room of B13F.
- Reward: 100,000en, 19,000 EXP per member
Shrouded in the Abyss[]
- A monster lurking in the Second Stratum is consuming the local fish, causing our economy to suffer. It must be stopped!
- Unlock: B21F
- Open the Moon Door on B6F, then travel upwards and past the FOEs to get to the room with the Anemone. Defeat it to complete the request.
- Reward: 100,000en, 19,000 EXP per member
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City |
Info Monsters • Weapons • Armor • Accessories • Consumables • Items • Quests • Missions • Subclass • Seafaring • Limit Skill
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