Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Name Reward
The leathersmith's request 200en
A local leathersmith has requested a group of explorers to retrieve 3 Long Pins for him.
Fight Hedgehog in the 1st Floor. They drop the Long Pins with a 50% chance, if you kill them in one turn.
Pure mineral water Freeze Oil
A local restaurateur needs his supply of clear mineral water replenished. Retrieve some from the Labyrinth.
In the 1st Floor, make your way to the upper right corner of D3. Examine the Wet Rock.
The item trade I Wood Bow
Sitoth Trading is developing a new weapon, and they need explorers to collect the materials for it.
Requires: 1 Bug Wing and 1 Bent Twig. The Bug Wing can be collected from the Venomfly. The Bent Twig can either be chopped in the 3rd Floor or is dropped from the Fangleaf. Note that Fangleafes are in the 2nd stratum.
A cranky monster Nectar
A monster resting in the 1st floor woke up and began to attack the passersby! It must be defeated.
Go to B2 in the 1st Floor. Defeat the FOE named Gashtor.
In the Duke's service I Power Ring
The Grand Duchy seeks a guild that can spare a landsknecht who has reached at least level 3.
Level up a landsknecht in your party to level 3+. 
Supply lines Fire Jar
We require an able guild to deliver supplies to a group of guards in the Labyrinth. Apply immediately.
Your team must get to the 4th Floor (and back) without dying. FOEs on 2nd and 3rd Floor can be avoided, if you are careful. Stay away from C1 in the 3rd Floor at this point.
Sounding the call Poison Gas
The Grand Duchy's guards are looking for 3 Red Shards to fashion their traditional hunting horn.
Fight Redhorn to get Red Shards. Can be found at E3 in the 3rd Floor (and beyond).
The nameless flower 400en
Bring an old lady her proposal flower in memoriam of her late husband.
Just go to the 5th floor D6 is where the navy flower is located
The item trade II Pure Vest
Sitoth Trading has another request for materials used in a new armor. Go and find the items they require.
Required: 1 Metal Hull and 5 Bug Shells. Kill Kingmai for the Metal Hull and Ladybug for the Bug Shells, afterwards sell those materials at Sitoth Trading to complete the quest. 
In the Duke's service II Charm Gas
The Grand Duchy seeks a guild that can spare a protector who has reached at least level 3.
Level up a protector in your party to level 3+.

Special projects team

Life Belt
The 4th floor monsters are becoming more aggressive. Stay there for three days, slaying as many as possible.
Your quest is to survive for three days on the 4th floor; it's harder than it sounds for most groups. Just find yourself a safe spot to run up and down and fight the encounters until its over. Every day, a message will pop up and tell you how many days you still have to fight.

Your best bet may be to go down there before hand, kill the Raptor in the hidden area (entrance is at C6) and then use it to wander in as it has a lower encounter rate and, if I recall, you cannot encounter a single Evil Eye there (which blindsides 100% of the time).

The choice of how to do this is yours: A medic is helpful, but you can also bring a bunch of Medica to fight your way through as I did. You can always use the XP! Another choice is to use Ward Chimes to lower the encounter rate to pass more time.

Doing the quest at a later point is fine aswell: You still get a nice chunk of XP and items and the quest itself is much easier.

Paint the town blue Blind Gas
The Amazonite used to decorate the town's roads is old and worn. Bring 5 new rocks to replace it.
You just need to get 5 pieces of Amazonite. Either mine the Amazonite at mining points on the 1st Stratum or kill Mystue in the 2nd Stratum until you have 5 pieces.
Braggart Chap's tall tale Fungus Jet
Another of Braggart Chap's stories talks of a pond that holds the moon's tears. Right...
Go to Floor 5, B4 at night. You will find a small pond and get Moon Tears to finish the quest.
Medicinal research Medica II
New medical experiments are underway at the hospital. We ask that you assist them in gathering ingredients.
This quest is easy: Get yourself a Mint Leaf from gathering points in the 2nd Stratum or kill Moriyana until they drop one.
Connoisseur of leather Warp Stone
Lord Gascoyne collects animal hides, and greatly desires the skin from a rare Labyrinth denizen.
Go to the 6th floor. Just move down on the map to trigger the event that spwans the Fleehog. It starts running away from you, moving towards the gathering point on the map. Just can just catch it normally or use a Sleep Bell if you want to, but once the battle starts, this quest is basically over, since you get a preemtive strike. Slay the monster and finish the quest.
Volunteer service I Amrita
The hospital lacks trained medics to deal with those wounded in the recent shipwreck. Please send help.
Level up a medic in your party to level 12+.
Uncharted territory 1,000en
We would like to increase security on the 7th and 8th floors, but we need more details on their layout.
To finish this quest, you obviously have to map the 7th and 8th floor, but the trigger for the quest is kinda weird, so there's no real way to know if you finished a floor or not. I actually started the quest after killing the Hellion, so I already had a finished map. I just went from floor 6 to floor 8 on the normal way and afterwards entered floor 7 and 8 again to unlock it.
Labyrinth stew Metopon
The Labyrinth Lunch is a popular meal, but we're out of ingredients! Can you be a dear and get us some?
Required: 1 Moving Eye, 3 Mugwort. Fangleaf drops the Moving Eye and Mugwort can be farmed at gathering points (take) in the 2nd Stratum, for example in the 6th floor.
That ephemeral flavor Stonard
I need a fruit from the forest, but it starts to go bad right away. Bring it back immediately!
Go to the Flaus Inn. The innkeeper will tell you, that you need to acquire some fruit for a VIP. So go to the 8th floor and pick up a Strawberry at the gathering point. Afterwards, go to Floor 4, D5 and a scene with a guard will trigger.
Smithy Thompson's request I Fungus Jet
Thompson at Sitoth Trading needs certain materials to complete his latest project.
Required: 1 Fluorite and 1 Open Cap. Flourite can be mined in the 2nd Stratum. Also Nastue drop it. Open Caps can be obtained from Bigcap.
Man down Flame Jar (+ 300en - 600 en)
A guild has lost one of its number. To claim revenge, they need an alchemist to help defeat the monster.
You need an alchemist to finsh this quest; Level 2 should be enough to finish it and get a bonus of 300en. It seems like the 600en bonus is unlocked, if your alchemist knows flame. You always get a Flame Jar, regardless of Level and Skills of your alchemist.
A long way down Beast Bell
Lord Gascoyne discovered a threat to Lagaard while in the Labyrinth. Someone must put a stop to this!
The quest states that the monsters can be encountered in the 10th floor, but you can actually find them in the 8th floor; the quest immediately triggers, when you enter the floor. You have to fight 3 Spectre, FOEs that are unique to this quest.
Toward a cozier inn Sleep Gas
Another request from the Flaus Inn, this time to collect materials for their upcoming renovation.
Required: 3 Red Root and 2 Hardwood. Both items are obtainable in the 7th Floor at the chopping point.
Many happy returns 300en - 1,500en
We'd like to give the Duke's daughter jewelry for her birthday. Can you find us some precious stones?
In this quest, every floor from 1 to 10 has one extraction point where you can find gemstones. Some of the points only have normal stone, which are useless for jewelry, while some have gemstones which will increase the reward for every one you find. Here's the list for all the points:

1st Floor, A2: Stone; 2nd Floor, C1: Stone; 3rd Floor, C4: Gemstone; 4th Floor, A4: Gemstone; 5th Floor, B1: Stone; 6th Floor, C3: Gemstone; 7th Floor, C4: Gemstone; 8th Floor, E7: Gemstone; 9th Floor, A4: Stone; 10th Floor, D1: Gemstone

Volunteer service II Therica AX
The influx of wounded Labyrinth explorers has depleted our supplies. We need ingredients for the medicine.
Requires: 5 Mint Leaves and 3 Beast Hides. The Mint Leaves are obtainable from gathering points (take) in the 2nd Stratum and the Beast Hides are dropped by Razeking, Redwood and Gigaboar.
To the bitter end Ice Mist
My love... My only love... I want the monster that killed him dead! I will have my revenge!
Go to the 12th floor, B5. There you will find a FOE named Killfish. Kill it and the quest is finished.
In the Duke's service III Haste Pin
The Grand Duchy seeks a guild that can spare a survivalist who has reached at least level 3.
Level up a survivalist to level 3.
The naturalists 2,500en
We need more details about the monsters in the Labyrinth. Log over 50 entries in the Monstrous Codex.
This quest is easy. If you took your time to explore the floors, you should have 50 entries already. just go to the palace, use the talk option and return to the bar to finish.
Playing Cupid I Fate Beads
No matter what I give this girl, she won't warm up to me. Please find something she can't say no to!
Mine an Ice Sheet on the 12th floor and bring it to the bar.
Under maintenance Soma
We need rocks from the Labyrinth quarries for town maintenance. Help us carry them back to Lagaard.
Get the rocks from miners at Floor 3, D2, Floor 5, A3 and Floor 14, C7. You have to bring them to the bar everything you pick one up, because you can't carry more than one rock.
Yggdrasil cider Medica III
I ran out of my best liquor... You have to help me get some more ingredients from the Labyrinth!
Requires: 2 Blue Core, 2 Death Stem, 2 White Chip. Blue Cores can be obtained from Blue Gels, Death Stem can be farmed at Chop points in the 3rd stratum and White Chips are dropped from Darksoars.
The company performer Axcela
The naval band is hiring a troubador to support the front lines.
Get yourself a Troubadour that is level 2+.
Just out of reach Medica IV
I found a hole on the 13th floor.  There's something good inside... Wanna check it out?
Go to Floor 13, D1. In the left upper corner of D1 is a guard, that will encourage you to grab to object in the hole. Doing so will trigger a fight against a Clawbug. Kill it to finish the quest.
Playing Cupid II 3,500en
She didn't seem to like the gift you brought me before. I need something she can't resist! Please help me!
Chop in the 3rd stratum to obtain the ice branch needed to completed the quest.
The enigmatic woodman Amrita
The Curse Academy asks that someone retrieve a special type of wood carried by the mysterious Messenger.
You're asked to take a Wind Rock to the Messenger in exchange for a branch. The Messenger can appear on: Floor 2 & Floor 6 west (Floor 6, C1), Floor 10 northeast (A5), or Floor 14 southeast (D7). It's a random chance whether he will accept the rock or run away, so it's a good idea to save before one of his appearance spots. Otherwise, you'll have to chase him to a different floor to trigger the encounter again. If you're having trouble getting him to stay, you can also sell the rock to Abigail in the store for 200en to end the quest - you just won't earn the Amrita.
Art imitating life Gountlet
An armorsmith wants monster body parts to study as research in making a new type of equipment.
Get 3 Pale Arms and sell them to the shop. Pale Arms are drops from Nastue, which can be found on Floor 15.
The sun shines down Evil Mist
There have been increased casualties on the 13th floor. The culprit seems to only appear at a certain hour...
The monster can be found circling the room at F2 between 12pm - 1pm.
Passing down the skills Nectall
The increase of explorers had brought with it an increase in casualties. Help us train the newcomers.
Have a survivalist lvl 2+ in your party.
Missing pet 5,500en
While escaping from Labyrinth monsters, my pet was left behind. I beg for your assistance.
When you enter Floor 16 after taking the quest, you'll get a message that you can hear what may or may not be a dog in the distance. 3 FOEs will spawn in the northeast section of the map. You'll have to navigate through the rooms without fighting the FOEs, or it will scare the dog away. Once you get to the room at A6, you'll get a message that the dog sounds close. Click on the top right corner of the room, and use the shortcut to get to a new room. It'll ask you to remember the dog's name to call it over to you - it's name is King.
Dinner for one Cut Jar
I'm cooking up a surprise for my husband, but i can't afford the ingredients. Can you help me out?
Collect a Bee Needle, Heaven Pin, and a Hazard Eye. These are all 4th Stratum drops: Bee Needles drop from Waspiors, Heavin Pins from Killpions, and Hazard Eyes from Petaloids.
Playing Cupid III Stun Gas
The last present just made her mad. I need something really great... Can't you find something for her!?
To obtain the wood rose there will be an event at C5 on floor 17 and 1 step below the chop tile. Keep digging until you eventually turn up the wood rose.
The item trade III Pattisa
Sitoth Trading is developing a new sword, and we need a guild to collect materials for us.
Sell a Plum Quill. Dropped from Big Moths on Floor 18+.
Forbidden foreign style Bravant
The organizers of the yearly martial arts competition are looking for a skilled ronin to warm up the crowd.
Have a ronin lvl 2+ in your party.
Pride of the gunner Soma
To gunners of all guilds! The leader of the Ducal Bombardiers has fallen in combat. Help us avenge his death.
With a gunner in your party, go to B3 of Floor 19 and defeat the FOE Edgewolf.
Settling a bet Phys Mist
I have a favor to ask of [adventuring guild's name]. Come see me when you're ready...
The bartender asks you to look for his adventurer friend with whom he made a bet regarding the Labyrinth. He gives you an Old Coin to give to the friend to settle their bet. You can stumble across a skeleton on Floor 20, E4 and leave the coin with it to end the quest and still get the Phys Mist. The actual skeleton of the friend is on Floor 21, C4.
Explorers! Heroes! Caterers! 9,500en
A dinner party at the Duke's Palace will feature Labyrinth meat. Please retrieve the ingredients for us.
Defeat the Awebull on Floor 20, B2.
The sorcecy-reflecting lens Safeguard
An alchemist has a new experiment in mind, and wants you to collect the necessary components.
Sell one Hazard Bud and one Malachite to the shop. Malachite can be mined on the 4th Stratum. Hazard Buds are a conditional drop from Pollener on Floor 20 - they only drop if you defeat the Pollener using a ronin insta-kill move.
Law and order Amrita II
We've found the thief! I alerted the guards but this has to be dealt with quickly. It's up to yeh!
The thief has been seen on Floor 17. Going to this floor triggers a cut scene. Defeat all 7 Banepion FOEs.
Ancient lore Hamao
The brotherhood of the war magi is pooling its knowledge, to better train the next generation.
Have a war magus lvl 2+ in your party.
List mania Storm Jar
Help the guards collate information about the Labyrinth by reporting at least 350 distinct items.
Report your item compendium to the duchy.
In the cold, white night Flame Jar
High Lagaard's winters are harsh, and we must be ready. Help us prepare for the coming season.
Gather 3 Crabapples, 3 Arc Branches, and 2 Bloom Woods. Crabapples drop from Nozuchi on Floor 22. Arc Branches and Bloom Wood can be chopped on the 4th Stratum.
Nuptial preparations 15,000en
My father won't come out of the Labyrinth. I want his approval before I marry... Please ask him for me.
The guard can be found on Floor 21, B4, near the top conveyor belt. He'll ask if his son is looking for his approval to marry - choose "No". If you choose "Yes" you have to find him all over again.
Healing innovations Nectar II
A newly discovered item from the Labyrinth has very useful effects. Collect more to assist our research.
Collect 2 Life Honey and 1 True Shard. Life Honey can be gathered from the 5th Stratum. True Shards drop from Stir Eye on Floor 24.
A girl's best friend State Wall
A noblewoman has just given birth to a timid baby girl. Help find a pet for the infant child.
Have a lvl 2+ beast in your party.
Strength of the traveler Hamao II
We found a mysterious sapling on the 23rd floor, but we're not strong enough to return. Can anyone help?
Go to Floor 23, E2.
The Labyrinth's blessing Curse Gas
This drought is starting to damage our crops. We want someone to visit the sky shrine and leave an offering.
Bring the Rain Twig to Floor 25, E1. Interact with the wall to place the Twig.
Task for the tracker Soma II
The guildmaster dropped something precious while in the Labyrinth. Can yer beast pick up its scent?
With a beast in your party, go to Floor 24, F3 and defeat the Tortevil to find the brooch. Talk to the Guildmaster in the Explorer's Guild after you find it.
Leaves filtering the light Curse Ring
Yggdrasil's branches need trimming again so we can get some sunlight. Can you go and cut a few?
You're asked to cut some branches on 4 different floors: Floor 5, A5; Floor 10, B1; Floor 13, D7; Floor 19, F3.
An inquisitive child Medica IV
My husband had some items from the Labyrinth in Etria. Please get rid of them without my son noticing.
Bring the Grey Relic to the hallway at Floor 25, D6 and interact with the wall to place. You can also sell the Relic to the shop to end the quest.
Test of strength 5,000en-20,000en
On Founding Day, we hold a tournament for the bravest explorers. Sign up and prove your bravery!
Go to Floor 23 at dawn to start the mission. Defeat as many FOEs as you can before dusk.
The golden shadow Bash Jar
Our guards have been in the Labyrinth for far too long. Please look into what could have happened to them.
Defeat the Illgaze FOEs in floor 18 F6.
Dazed and disoriented Stab Jar
Please help rescue the guards who went into the Labyrinth on the Grand Duchy's orders.
You're sent to rescue a guard on Floor 3. When you get to the floor, you have to walk a specific path to get to the guard, or you get teleported back to the stairs. Starting from the Floor 2 stairs, go up through the Magnetic Pole room, then follow the path north. Don't go straight around the corners at the roundabouts at E3 & F4 - cut through them, and get to the door to the big room at the south of the map. In the big room, hug the wall and follow it east to the corner, then north, then west. The guard will be in the top left-hand corner at E4.
An ethical dilemma Cut Jar
There's something I would like to ask, but... I don't know if I should...
Talk to Abigail at the store, and she'll tell you to forget about her quest. You can, and you can turn it in for the reward. If you want to complete the entire quest, talk to the barkeeper, and he'll tell you to talk to Abigail again in the evening, when there are fewer customers. She'll tell you again to forget her quest. Talk to the barkeeper AGAIN and he'll recommend catching her at 9pm, as she's heading home through town after dinner. Entering the town at 9pm will trigger a cut scene with Abigail and the healer, and she'll finally ask you to feed an orphaned monster on Floor 19. Take the birdseed she gives you to Floor 19, A1, and inspect the top corner.
The item trade IV Medica IV
Sitoth Trading requests that you retrieve some materials in order for them to create new equipment.
Complete the quest "Imminent Destruction" and then talk to Canaan at Floor 20, C4.
Imminent destruction Soma II
The treasure vault of the winged ones has been damaged, and their ancient treasures are in danger.
Go to Floor 20, C4 to speak with Canaan. He'll ask you to help save some treasure from the winged ones' vault. He says the vault is to the west. It is actually on Floor 21, D1, near the treasure chest. You'll have to go from Canaan to the vault three times, without dying.
The volt king's rampage 100,000en
Ancient documents have revealed the location of the "throne of thunder"! Please defeat the golden dragon!
The dying forest Volt Jar
The Labyrinth's trees are dying of an unknown disease. Please help us investugate the phenomenon.
Go to the hospital at night to start this quest. Afterwards go to three locations in the labyrinth, where trees turned to stone. The locations are: Floor 4, A5; Floor 5, A1; Floor 6, B7.
Specimen collection Laudanum
The Nothern Academy won't hear my pleas. Go with my assistant to collect irrefutable proof.
Meet the physician's assistant in town at 8pm. She'll ask you to meet her on Floor 9 to take a sample of the diseased trees. She'll be waiting near the stairs to Floor 8 at F5. Once she collects the samples she needs, you'll have to leave the labyrinth without using your Ariadne Thread. You just need to walk her to a Geomagnetic Field.
Rescue operation Therica BX
My assistant entered the forest alone to test the medicine, and she hasn't returned yet! Please help her!
Once you enter floor 15 you will encounter the assistant surrounded by Mawfish FOEs and you must take all 3 out before they reach a certain point on the floor. If you want to be able to take your time fighting the FOEs you can use sleep/lure bells. Another strategy is to rush to block the passage to D3.
Outpatient treatment Bravant
At last, we have backing from the Nothern Academy. We need your help to spray the dying trees.
Escort the healer's assistant to apply salve to the trees. There are 4 spots that you need to treat: Floor 2, A2 (the room with the chest), Floor 6, B7 (in the small room), Floor 9, E5 (room with stairs to Floor 8 where you previously found the assistant), and Floor 15, D4. Nobody in the party can die, or she'll put the quest on hold and you'll have to start over. At the final salve spot, the assistant will be attacked by an Invader. Defeat it, and then escort the assistant out of the Labyrinth. You cannot use your Thread to teleport, so you either have to walk all the way out, or take her to a Magnetic Field. Easiest way is to escort her to the Field on Floor 16.
Yggdrasil's exterminators Some III
We found the beast that was causing the disease! Please defeat it before the whole Labyrinth dies!
Defeat 5 Invaders on Floor 18, C3.
The perfect gift Therica AX
Could you find something for my daughter's birthday? I'll leave it completely up to you.
Talk to the innkeeper, who will ask you to get a present for her daughter. When you leave the inn, the physician's assistant will greet you, and recommend flowers as a gift for a young girl, but suggests you ask around to see what other people suggest. Your options are: flowers from the south of Floor 2 (found E3 by the chest), berries from the northwest region of Floor 7, treasure from the south side of Floor 9, or a shiny stone from a bird nest on the southeast side of Floor 10. You can choose any of them as a present, but you only get the first one you pick.
The sleeping Duke Stonard
We have new information on the grave of one of the Duke's ancestors. Please investigate it for us.
The barkeeper will tell you that you should start investigating on Floor 14. If you go south from the stairs to Floor 13 (E6) you'll trigger an event where your group sees a shadow. If you inspect the trees where you go the message, a shortcut will open up. Go through the new area to A2, to a new set of stairs that will go back to Floor 13. While you're exploring this new area on Floor 13, don't forget to open the shortcut to the main map section at B4! Pick the Auratum at A7 to prove that you found the tomb.
An outing in the forest Medica III
The innkeeper's daughter is sick and needs fresh air. We would like you to escort her into the Labyrinth.
Bring the innkeeper's daughter to the door at A4 on Floor 14, without any casualties. It helps if you still have your Geomagnetic Pole set to Floor 15.
Easing the pain Antivenin
The hospital would like you to gather medical ingredients to cure the innkeeper's daughter.
Gather 2 Black Cores, 2 Shine Rocks, and 4 Life Honeys, and bring them to the hospital. Black Cores drop from King Gels on Floor 24, Shine Rocks can be mined on the 5th Stratum, and Life Honeys can be gathered on the 5th Stratum.
A life in the balance 100,000en
The innkeeper's daughter is lost! Find her, quickly!
Talk to the innkeeper, then go to Floor 14, A4. Chase the monster southeast, towards the stairs to Floor 13. When you get in that area, you should get a cut scene with the shadow that pointed you to the Duke's Tomb. Follow the path to the Tomb, down to Floor 13, A7, and prepare to fight the Drake.
Beast gone berserk Therica BX
This monster on the 11th floor has become very aggressive. Please investigate the underlying cause.
To complete this quest you must enter the room in B1 with the chopping area that the monster is blocking. Be sure not to kill the monster as killing the monster will result in failing the quest. The monster can be sidestepped by taking it in a circle through the floor as it will follow directly behind you. After this you must talk to the duchy before you can turn in the quest.
The forefront of research Frost Jar
We need you to ply the favor of an animal expert who dwells in the Labyrinth with gifts.
Talk to the Duchy to learn that the animal expert might be swayed by an interesting gun, and he recommends that you bring a Volt Gun. It requires 3 Malachite, which can be mined on the 4th Stratum, and 2 Windblades which can be obtained by killing Windsnips with volt attacks. After that, deliver the Volt Gun to the expert at D4 on Floor 18, near the Gather point. Finally, talk to the duchy to complete the quest.
The value of knowledge All Mist
There's something I want you to retrieve for me...
Meet the animal expert on Floor 18, D4 by the gather point. He asks you to retrieve an item for him, blocked by a passage that's too small for him to go through. With only a beast in your party, go to A6, north of the stairs, and follow the corridor.
Beyond the depths Hamao II
There's a piece of equipment I want. I would like you to bring it to me.
Talk to the animal expert on Floor 18, D4 by the gather point. He'll ask for a Tormentor (whip). You can get the Tormentor by selling 10 Pure Shells and 3 Gum Strings. Pure Shells are dropped by Defenders on Floor 24. Gum Strings can be gathered on the 5th Stratum.
Charity to monsters Hamao III
We've found the monster's child! Hurry and return it to its nest!
There is a hidden room on Floor 24, E5. Inspect the wall to find the short cut into the room. Defeat the Huelord.
The beautiful Queen Beast Bell
A noble of Lagaard is looking for the last of the Master Craftsman's chess pieces.
Complete the rest of the quest chain.
Quid pro quo Fire Mist
If yeh want this Pawn Piece, fetch me what I want!
Requires: 1 Blood Rock, 1 Red Pine, and 3 Tri-Fruits. Blood Rocks can be obtained from 2nd stratum mining, Red Pines can be obtained from 2nd stratum chopping, and Tri-Fruits can be obtained from 2nd stratum taking.
The iron-walled Rook Cut Jar
I'll trade my Rook for your Pawn and Bishop!
The pawn is the reward for the quest Quid pro quo. The Bishop can be bought for 2,000 en by talking to the shopkeeper.
The wise King Frost Jar
Please bring me a Gold Quill and a Rook.
The rook is the reward for the iron-walled rook. Talk to the doctor at the hospital, and he'll ask for a Gold Quill. You can get them from Glowbirds on Floor 19.
The courageous Knight Curse Gas
I have an extra Rook and a Bishop! I'll trade them for a Knight.
Talk to the Duchy, and he'll tell you that there were rumors of someone with a Knight piece, but the person was killed in the Labyrinth, and he assumes someone else would have picked up the piece. Go to Floor 20 where you fought Harupia, and speak with Canaan with a lvl 20 Landsknecht in your party. If you eat with him, you'll notice that he the piece you need. Trade him your King and your Pawn for the Knight.
The opposing one Amrita
Would you like to trade my King for a Rook and Coal Skull?
Get a Coal Skull from an Ebonwing on Floor 22. Coal Skulls are a conditional drop - you have to defeat the Ebonwing using non-physical attacks.
Monarchy's restoration Soma III
If you give me a Knight and a Pawn, I might consider giving you a King.
Talk to Abigail, and she lets you know that she just sold another golden piece to a guard, and she thinks they went to Floor 25. With a Dark Hunter that has at least 8 skill points in Whips, go to D4 on Floor 25 to find the guard and trade pieces.
Bonds of promotion Nectar III
There are some things I need... If you bring them to me, I'll give you a Pawn in return.
Bring the miner 3 Cat's Eyes, 2 Star Rocks, and 2 Shine Rocks. Cat's Eyes and Star Rocks can be found from 6th Stratum mining points. Shine Rocks can be found from 5th Stratum mining points.
Ancient politics Hamao III
I have the Queen. If you're willing to trade the rest of the set, I may be interested.
There is a 3 in-game hour time limit on this quest. Talk to the Duchy. The minister will give you a letter asking you to meet in the Labyrinth. Go see Canaan on Floor 20, C4, and he will give you the Knight piece that you need to complete your set. With this, the quest chain is finally done!
The white blade's gleam Hamao II
A landsknecht wants you to bring his axe to a sharpener who dwells in the Labyrinth.
Prerequisite: You must pick up the Ruin Sword that fell when you unsealed the 6th Stratum in order to get this quest! The Ruin Sword can be found on Floor 1, C3. The quest requires you to bring a whetstone and 1,000en to the Sharpener, who can be found on Floor 21, D5. The "whetstone" is a True Soul, which is a conditional drop from Armormen on Floor 25 - you have to kill them with a bash skill. Once you bring everything to the Sharpener, he requires you to stay on Floor 21 for a complete 24 hours from when you gave him the landsknecht's axe.
Old scars, flaring anew Soma II
There's a problem with rising geotherms on the second Stratum. Can someone investigate?
Investigate the southern part of Floor 6. You'll have to go there from the locked door on Floor 9, E3 - or, if you've unlocked the shortcut on Floor 6, your goal is the room on Floor 6, E7. You'll pick up a Red Tablet.
Chasing the dream Amrita III
The guild I hired hasn't returned. Hurry and bring me the Ruin Sword.
Bring the Sharpener 6 Black Cores, and the Red Tablet that you picked up from "Old Scars, Flaring Anew". Black Cores drop from King Gels on Floor 22+.
An ambassador's plea Nectall II
This one's from the Grand Duchy. They want yeh to give this letter to the chief of the winged ones.
Talk to the Duchy, and bring the letter to Canaan on Floor 20, C4. The winged ones will be under attack - defeat the Call Ape and talk to Canaan.
The ancient blade Axcela II
I must speak with [adventuring guild's name]. Have them contact me when they see this.
Take the Red Sword to the rooms where you fought the Dragon and the Drake, without leaving the Labyrinth in-between. The Dragon's room is Floor 17, A7 - to get there, you have to go through the secret passage on Floor 18, A4. The Drake's room is where the Duke's Tomb was, on Floor 13, A7.
Crimson vengeance 100,000en
We have a situation! Come talk to me as soon as yeh see this!
Prerequisite: You must have gotten to Floor 29 for this quest to appear. Talk to the Duchy, then talk to the barkeeper, then go to the Guild. Abigail will tell you that the Guildmaster ran off with a cool sword, talking about settling a score. Go to Floor 6, E7 to find the Guildmaster, and defeat the Wyrm.
Rendering assistance Antivenin
There are unexplored areas in the floating castle. We would like you to investigate them.
The quests asks you to fully map out Floor 22. In order to get to the areas on either side of the map, you have to start from the stairs on the NW side of Floor 24. Don't forget to draw in your walls!
The second grail Soma II
We got a letter addressed to [adventuring guild's name]. Talk to me as soon as yeh see this.
Go to Floor 25, D4, in the center of the room. Inspect to find the Foul Grail.
Premonition of battle Axcela II
Some guards have gotten themselves in trouble up in the castle! Go see what's going on.
Head to the door to the boss room on Floor 25 to get a cut scene with a message that says, "28, Warp 33, Weft 17". These are coordinates, using the full grid system of the map. The message is sending you to Floor 28, D7.
The best-laid plans Nectall II
We're planning a mission to explore the newly discovered east end of the 28th floor, and need a survivalist.
Have a level 50+ survivalist in your party.
Shadow of the castle 100,000en
It seems a monster is waiting beyond the hidden path on the 28th floor. Someone must investigate this.
Talk to the Duchy, then go to Floor 28, D7 to access a secret passage. You'll be asked a series of questions - getting the answer wrong will greatly damage one of your party. Make sure you watch the phrasing on the questions, most of them are posed with a, "No?" at the end. So saying "Yes" confirms the no, and saying "No" would mean you agree with the question. Defeat Briareus.
Blood for the grail Nectar III
It's another request for yeh lot. I know the place, but I dunno the details.
Talk to Canaan on Floor 21 by the Floor 20 stairs at B4, after you have acquired the Foul Grail. He'll tell you that the Foul Grail needs the blood of enemies to charge, though not just any enemy will do - it needs the blood of FOEs. Defeat 6 FOEs to charge the Grail, then return to talk to Canaan.
Call of the gunner 10,000en
Der Freischütz has a secret request for yeh lot. If yeh're insterested, yeh should talk to him.
Artelinde is at D2 on floor 7. In order to reach this area you must obtain the tree key on floor 17 C1 by purchasing it from a guard for 10,000 en. After obtaining the tree key go through the locked door on floor 9 E3 and go down to floor 7 through that path. When talking to Artelinde answer we're worried for you although you can simply answer again if you give the wrong answer.
A diviner's tools Nectall II
Der Freischütz has information that can lead to the ultimate gun. If yeh believe him, yeh can talk to him.
The small bone is a common drop from flygourd . The spinel fin is a common drop from voltking . The 100 shell is a common drop from shelltor
The waiting Wyvern 100,000en
We have located the ultimate gun, but a dangerous dragon lives there. If you want the gun, take the quest!
Go through the locked door on Floor 2, B4. The wyvern is at D6.
