Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Etrian Odyssey Wiki

The Pixie is a monster that appears in both Etrian Odyssey and Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl.

Pixie (Etrian Odyssey)[]

Similar to the forest folk, these humanlike fae enjoy making trouble for adventurers.
Enemy Data
HP 333
ATK 126
DEF 96
EXP 1160
Skills Petrify, Slumber, Shine
Items Fairy Wing, Fairy Sap
Weakness None
Resistance None
Immune HD-Fire HD-Ice HD-Volt
Status Resistance HD-Death HD-Petrify
Status Immune HD-Fear HD-Curse HD-Poison HD-Sleep HD-Panic HD-Paralyze HD-Blind HD-HBind HD-ABind HD-LBind
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Pixies are first encountered on B18F in the Sandy Barrens.


  • Petrify (Uses Head): May Petrify a party member.
  • Slumber (Uses Head): May put a party member to Sleep.
  • Shine (Uses Head): May Blind a party member.


  • Fairy Wing (Worth: 80 en)
  • Fairy Sap (Worth: 82 en)

Conditional Drop[]

  • None

Related Monsters[]

Pixie (Etrian Odyssey Untold)[]

Pixie (EOU)
Similar to the forest folk, these humanlike fae enjoy making trouble for adventurers.
Enemy Data
HP 359
ATK 30
DEF 25
EXP 2450
Skills Seal Arms, Hypnosis
Items Faerie Wings, Faerie Hair, Amber Lump (Rare)
Weakness 3ds-stab
Resistance 3ds-fire 3ds-ice 3ds-volt
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Very similar to Faeries, Pixies are found on the lower floors of the Sandy Barrens. They are not very powerful monsters and instead play more of a support role. Pixies will always appear with other enemies, typically in the back row. While other monsters, other than Faeries and Pixies, are on the field, they will not use their standard attack. Instead, they will use Seal Arm to bind a row's arms and Hypnosis to put your party to Sleep. When all other monsters have been defeated, they will panic and revert to using their standard attack. Because of the nature of their skills, it is advised to take them out first.


  • Seal Arms (Uses Head): May bind a party row's arms.
  • Hypnosis (Uses Head): May put the entire party to sleep.


  • Faerie Wings (Worth: 232 en)
  • Faerie Hair (Worth: 279 en)
  • Amber Lump (Rare) (Worth: 150 en)

Conditional Drop[]

  • None.

Related Monsters[]

Pixie (Etrian Odyssey Nexus)[]

Pixie (EON)
A small, humanoid creature that uses mysterious powers to prank adventurers.
Enemy Data
HP 651
ATK 80
MAT 94
DEF 62
MDF 46
EXP 3030
Skills Seal Arms, Stone Gleam
Items Faerie Wings, Faerie Hair
Weakness V-stab
Resistance None
Immune V-fire V-ice V-volt
Status Weakness V-stun V-panic
Status Resistance V-petrify V-sleep V-poison
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  • Seal Arms (Uses ???): ???
  • Stone Gleam (Uses ???): ???


  • Faerie Wings (Worth: 456 en)
  • Faerie Hair (Worth: 464 en)

Related Monsters[]
