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This is a list of monsters found in Etrian Mystery Dungeon in the order in which they appear in the in-game Monstrous Codex.

Normal Monsters[]

The power of the monsters is different depending on the dungeon, and depending on the floor of the dungeon (the game warns when the power of the monsters increases). This increase of power makes it difficult to know the value of the HP, ATK and DEF for regular monsters. However, this does not impact the EXP given by the monsters.

Some monsters have a shining aura. Those are Rare Breeds. They gives more experience than normal monsters. However they are stronger than normal monsters. There are three types of auras: Yellow, Blue and Red. Monsters with a Red aura give 20% more experience, monsters with a Blue aura give 60% more experience, and monsters with a Yellow aura give 100% more experience.

Concerning locations, if a normal monster is present in a dungeon that has an extended version, it is necessarily found in the extended version. This is not the case in the other direction, that's why it is sometimes noted "Dungeon Extended", to show that the monster is present only in the extended version of the dungeon.

Icon Name EXP Location Drops
Woodfly Icon (EMD) Woodfly 20 Mysterious Labyrinth, Emerald Copse, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Scales, Thin Wing
Grasseater Icon (EMD) Grasseater 40 Mysterious Labyrinth, Emerald Copse, Pristine Stream, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Grasseater Leg, Grasseater Jaw
Tree Rat Icon (EMD) Tree Rat 60 Mysterious Labyrinth, Emerald Copse, Pristine Stream, Haunted Woods, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Rat Fang, Rat Hide
Shining Bird Icon (EMD) Shining Bird 140 Emerald Copse, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Gold Quill, Gold Claw
Fire Bulb Icon (EMD) Fire Bulb 160 Emerald Copse, Burning Cave, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Fiery Rind, Fiery Seed
Dragonfly Icon (EMD) Dragonfly 80 Emerald Copse, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Dragonfly Nest, Shocked Eye (Kill with Volt damage)
Roller Icon (EMD) Roller 120 Emerald Copse, Haunted Woods Extended Hard Skin, Roller Shell
Venom Spider Icon (EMD) Venom Spider 100 Emerald Copse, Pristine Stream, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Sticky Web
Demon Hopper Icon (EMD) Demon Hopper 220 Pristine Stream, Ravine Fork, Phantom Depths Tough Leg, Hopper Wing
Clawed Mole Icon (EMD) Clawed Mole 240 Pristine Stream, Ravine Fork, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Mole Claw, Mole Skin
Fanged Vine Icon (EMD) Fanged Vine 260 Pristine Stream, Haunted Woods, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Light Hardwood, Writhing Bulb
Forest Frog Icon (EMD) Forest Frog 280 Pristine Stream, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Frog Cheek, Frog Fluid (Kill with Bash damage)
Grand Binder Icon (EMD) Grand Binder 200 Pristine Stream, Ravine Fork, Torrential Ravine Extended None
King Dragonfly Icon (EMD) King Dragonfly 180 Pristine Stream, Phantom Depths Sky Iron Nail, Blue Blood
Claw Beetle Icon (EMD) Claw Beetle 300 Ravine Fork, Haunted Woods, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Hard Shell, Beetle Sickle, Broken Horn (Kill with a Bash damage)
Venomshroom Icon (EMD) Venomshroom 320 Ravine Fork, Haunted Woods, Animal Trail, Forest of Gates, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Poison Hypha, Poison Ferrule
Soldier Bee Icon (EMD) Soldier Bee 340 Haunted Woods, Animal Trail, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Needle Tail
Forest Hare Icon (EMD) Forest Hare 360 Haunted Woods, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Rabbit Tail, Rabbit Ear
Forest Bat Icon (EMD) Forest Bat 380 Haunted Woods, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Bat Fang, Soft Patagium
Glutton Vine Icon (EMD) Glutton Vine 400 Haunted Woods, Phantom Depths Bud Tusk, Pliant Vine
Trip Mushroom Icon (EMD) Trip Mushroom 420 Haunted Woods, Animal Trail, Forest of Gates, Phantom Depths Muddle Hypha, Umbrella Lump
Spotted Frog Icon (EMD) Spotted Frog 440 Haunted Woods, Animal Trail Spotted Tongue
Plated Roller Icon (EMD) Plated Roller 460 Animal Trail, Crystalline Peak, Phantom Depths Sky Iron Shell
Great Lynx Icon (EMD) Great Lynx 480 Animal Trail, Crystalline Peak, Snowy Cavern, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Mountain Claw, Sealed Claw (Kill while it is Arm bound)
Maya Owl Icon (EMD) Maya Owl 500 Animal Trail, Crystalline Peak, Snowy Cavern, Equinox Garden, Phantom Depths Shining Rectrix, Sealed Skull (Kill while it is Head bound)
Mauler Mole Icon (EMD) Mauler Mole 520 Crystalline Peak, Snowy Cavern, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Sky Iron Claw
Raging Boar Icon (EMD) Raging Boar 540 Crystalline Peak, Snowy Cavern Boar Tusk, Boar Skin
Bounding Beast Icon (EMD) Bounding Beast 560 Crystalline Peak, Phantom Depths Beast Fist
Calamity God Icon (EMD) Calamity God 580 Crystalline Peak Great Tusk, Warm Ivory
Ice Bulb Icon (EMD) Ice Bulb 600 Crystalline Peak, Glacial Cave, Phantom Depths Icy Rind
Plated Chaser Icon (EMD) Plated Chaser 620 Crystalline Peak, Snowy Cavern Armor Shard
Zapper Frog Icon (EMD) Zapper Frog 640 Snowy Cavern, Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Phantom Depths Zapper Skin, Zapper Tongue
Flying Beetle Icon (EMD) Flying Beetle 660 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Phantom Depths Beetle Shell
Thunder Hare Icon (EMD) Thunder Hare 680 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Thunderous Cave, Phantom Depths, Champion's Hall Thunder Tooth
Volt Cat Icon (EMD) Volt Cat 700 Torrential Ravine, Phantom Depths Sharp Claw
Blue Wallaby Icon (EMD) Blue Wallaby 720 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Wallaby Fist
Ghost Owl Icon (EMD) Ghost Owl 740 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Phantom Depths Soft Plume, Shocked Talon (Kill with Volt damage)
Stun Eryngii Icon (EMD) Stun Eryngii 760 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Forest of Gates, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Eryngii Cap, Eryngii Hypha
Metal Claw Icon (EMD) Metal Claw 780 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Phantom Depths, Champion's Hall, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Black Crab Shell, Black Scissors
Sleeping Lion Icon (EMD) Sleeping Lion 800 Mountain Cleft, Muspelheim, Equinox Garden, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Lion Claw
Executioner Icon (EMD) Executioner 820 Mountain Cleft Bloody Blade
Divine Bee Icon (EMD) Divine Bee 840 Muspelheim, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Angel Wing, Strong Poison
Flame Rat Icon (EMD) Flame Rat 860 Muspelheim, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Flame Fang, Flame Tail
Vampire Bat Icon (EMD) Vampire Bat 880 Muspelheim, Equinox Garden, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Crimson Fang, Red Patagium
Bloody Knuckle Icon (EMD) Bloody Knuckle 900 Muspelheim, Equinox Garden, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Bloody Fist
Nomad Baboon Icon (EMD) Nomad Baboon 920 Muspelheim, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Baboon Skin
War Bison Icon (EMD) War Bison 940 Muspelheim, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Metallic Horn, Bison Hide
Firebird Icon (EMD) Firebird 960 Muspelheim, Equinox Garden, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Feather, Tailbone, Carminite (Kill with Fire damage)
Calm King Icon (EMD) Calm King 1000 Muspelheim, Equinox Garden, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Thorny Shell
Sloth Icon (EMD) Sloth 1020 Forest of Gates, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Bent Claw
Mandrake Icon (EMD) Mandrake 1040 Forest of Gates, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Mandrake Root, Sealed Neck (Kill while it is Head bound)
Medusa Tree Icon (EMD) Medusa Tree 1060 Forest of Gates, Phantom Depths Hard Bark, Scorched Sap (Kill with Fire damage)
Cursed Shroom Icon (EMD) Cursed Shroom 1080 Forest of Gates, Utopia, Phantom Depths Cursed Hypha, Sealed Cap (Kill while it is Head bound)
Curse Locust Icon (EMD) Curse Locust 1140 Equinox Garden, Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Locust Leg, Locust Wing
Suicide Hare Icon (EMD) Suicide Hare 1160 Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Equinox Garden, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Tiny Tooth, Blue Ear
Gasser Tree Icon (EMD) Gasser Tree 980 Equinox Garden, Mysterious Forest, Phantom Depths Writhing Wood, Poison Branch
Venomfly Icon (EMD) Venomfly 1100 Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Phantom Depths, Mysterious Labyrinth Extended Butterfly Wing
Beetle Lord Icon (EMD) Beetle Lord 1120 Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Phantom Depths Golden Shell
Angry Baboon Icon (EMD) Angry Baboon 1180 Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Phantom Depths Baboon Bone
Carmine Beak Icon (EMD) Carmine Beak 1220 Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Phantom Depths Red Plume, Red Beak
Calamity Root Icon (EMD) Calamity Root 1240 Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Utopia, Phantom Depths Withered Vine
Jig Lizard Icon (EMD) Jig Lizard 1320 Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Utopia Rainbow Skin, Rickrack Tongue
Doom Bison Icon (EMD) Doom Bison 1200 Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave Bison Fur, Bison Horn
Stalking Shadow Icon (EMD) Stalking Shadow 1340 Utopia Earthy Skin
Monarch Tree Icon (EMD) Monarch Tree 1400 Champion's Hall Curse Tusk, Hex Marrow
Lucifer Hawk Icon (EMD) Lucifer Hawk 1420 Phantom Depths, Champion's Hall None
Demon Drake Icon (EMD) Demon Drake 1440 Phantom Depths, Champion's Hall Black Root
Purple Anoir Icon (EMD) Purple Anoir 1360 Champion's Hall Purple Hyoid, Stunned Tongue
Proto-Bot Icon (EMD) Proto-Bot 1380 Champion's Hall Heavy Iron Ball, Mystery Shard
Red Lion Icon (EMD) Red Lion 2000 Steal from the Red Lion Shoppe Red Lion Hide, Red Lion Fang
Magma Beast Icon (EMD) Magma Beast 1460 Champion's Hall Magma Shard, Magma Core
Glacier Beast Icon (EMD) Glacier Beast 1480 Champion's Hall Melted Core, Glacier Core
Thunder Spawn Icon (EMD) Thunder Spawn 1500 Champion's Hall Petal Stone
Red Pooka Icon (EMD) Red Pooka (DLC) 10 All (Accept the quest "Know the Red Pookas?") White Potion, Golden Potion
Gold Guardian Icon (EMD) Gold Guardian (DLC) 0 All (Accept the quest "Slay the Gold Guardians") en, Gold Fragment, Nugget

DOE List[]

Icon Name HP EXP Location Drops
Furyhorn Icon (EMD) Furyhorn 793 1200 Haunted Woods, Crystalline Peak, Torrential Ravine, Haunted Woods Extended Deer Skin, Wandering Box
Cold Watchman Icon (EMD) Cold Watchman 823 1800 Haunted Woods, Crystalline Peak, Snowy Cavern, Torrential Ravine, Haunted Woods Extended Spiked Ball, Wandering Box
Icy Pincer Icon (EMD) Icy Pincer 990 2000 Crystalline Peak, Snowy Cavern, Equinox Garden, Crystalline Peak Extended Frigid Sickle, Wandering Box
Golden Deer Icon (EMD) Golden Deer 873 1500 Crystalline Peak, Snowy Cavern, Crystalline Peak Extended, Torrential Ravine Extended Golden Horn, Wandering Box
Rafflesia Icon (EMD) Rafflesia 1080 2000 Crystalline Peak, Torrential Ravine, Equinox Garden, Crystalline Peak Extended Giant Petal, Wandering Box
Giant Moa Icon (EMD) Giant Moa 1200 1600 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Muspelheim, Torrential Ravine Extended Ostrich Feet, Wandering Box
Huge Moa Icon (EMD) Huge Moa 1230 1600 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Muspelheim, Torrential Ravine Extended Moa Tendon, Wandering Box
Wrath Bloom Icon (EMD) Wrath Bloom 1245 2000 Torrential Ravine, Mountain Cleft, Muspelheim, Equinox Garden, Torrential Ravine Extended Indigo Vine, Wandering Box, Scorched Petal (Kill with Fire damage)
Berserker King Icon (EMD) Berserker King 1050 2000 Muspelheim, Equinox Garden Berserker Claw, Berserker Skin, Wandering Box
Hexgourd Icon (EMD) Hexgourd 1350 2000 Muspelheim Thorny Bone, Pale Bone, Wandering Box
Flygourd Icon (EMD) Flygourd 1350 2000 Muspelheim Cursed Bone, Cursed Vine, Wandering Box
Trigourd Icon (EMD) Trigourd 1350 2000 Muspelheim Cursed Femur, Pumpkin Head, Wandering Box
Pooka Icon (EMD) Pooka 40 10 Muspelheim, Forest of Gates, Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave, Equinox Garden, Utopia, Emerald Copse Extended, Pristine Stream Extended, Haunted Woods Extended, Crystalline Peak Extended, Torrential Ravine Extended Wandering Box, White Potion
Cutter Icon (EMD) Cutter 1425 2000 Forest of Gates, Thunderous Cave Bear Claw
Bloodbear Icon (EMD) Bloodbear 1500 2000 Forest of Gates, Thunderous Cave Rending Claw
Greedy Lizard Icon (EMD) Greedy Lizard 1888 2000 Equinox Garden Lizard Back Fin
Dinogator Icon (EMD) Dinogator 1666 2000 Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave Dinogator Skin, Wandering Box
Tusked Crusher Icon (EMD) Tusked Crusher 1833 2000 Thunderous Cave, Glacial Cave, Burning Cave Crusher's Hide, Wandering Box
Omnihunter Icon (EMD) Omnihunter 2222 2000 Glacial Cave, Utopia, Champion's Hall Soft Sickle, Wandering Box
Iron Golem Icon (EMD) Iron Golem 2114 3333 Emerald Copse Extended Steel Arm, Steel Frame, Wandering Box
Ice Salamander Icon (EMD) Ice Salamander 2114 3333 Pristine Stream Extended Pierced Layer, Verrucous Skin, Wandering Box
Toxic Lizard Icon (EMD) Toxic Lizard 2114 3333 Pristine Stream Extended Poison Tail, Salamander Skin, Wandering Box
Dinolich Icon (EMD) Dinolich 2166 2000 Utopia Sternum, Sword Rib
Teralich Icon (EMD) Teralich 2166 2000 Utopia Ruby Skull, Ruby Bone
Eternal King Icon (EMD) Eternal King 2166 2000 Champion's Hall Century Shell, Wandering Box
Warrior King Icon (EMD) Warrior King 2166 2000 Champion's Hall Mille Shell, Old Shell, Wandering Box
Sylvan Beetle Icon (EMD) Sylvan Beetle 2114 3333 Haunted Woods Extended Beetle Horn, Parasite Leaf, Wandering Box
Ent Beetle Icon (EMD) Ent Beetle 2114 3333 Haunted Woods Extended Mottled Elytron, Ancient Trunk, Wandering Box
Blood Tiger Icon (EMD) Blood Tiger 2114 3333 Crystalline Peak Extended Tiger's Pelt, Tiger's Fangs, Wandering Box
Thunder Cat Icon (EMD) Thunder Cat 2114 3333 Crystalline Peak Extended Thunder Tail, Thunder Claws, Wandering Box
Famed Snowbird Icon (EMD) Famed Snowbird 2114 3333 Torrential Ravine Extended Dragon Feathers, Dragon Femur, Wandering Box
Cruel Nightwing Icon (EMD) Cruel Nightwing 2114 3333 Torrential Ravine Extended Ebon Feathers, Spiked Beak, Wandering Box

Boss List[]

Icon Name HP EXP Location Drops
Stone Hulk Icon (EMD) Stone Hulk 888 1280 Emerald Copse (once) None
Ichthyosaur Icon (EMD) Ichthyosaur 1440 2560 Pristine Stream (once) None
Arbor Beetle Icon (EMD) Arbor Beetle 1640 4000 Haunted Woods (once) None
Blue Byakko Icon (EMD) Blue Byakko 1800 2000 Crystalline Peak (once) None
Yellow Volptera Icon (EMD) Yellow Volptera 2000 2400 Torrential Ravine (once) None
Dread Muspell Icon (EMD) Dread Muspell 2500 3000 Muspelheim (once)
Equinox Garden
Spiteful Hand Icon (EMD) Spiteful Hand 850 1000 Muspelheim (once)
Equinox Garden
Vengeful Minion Icon (EMD) Vengeful Minion 850 1000 Muspelheim (once)
Equinox Garden
Great Dragon Icon (EMD) Great Dragon 3150 1260 Burning Cave Fire Fang, Fire Scale, Burning Horn (Kill with Fire damage)
Blizzard King Icon (EMD) Blizzard King 3200 1280 Glacial Cave Wing Bone, Reverse Scale, Frozen Wings (Kill with Ice damage)
Storm Emperor Icon (EMD) Storm Emperor 3300 1300 Thunderous Cave Barbel, Thunder Scale, Thunder Eye (Kill with Volt damage)
Sky Kaiser Icon (EMD) Sky Kaiser 4444 2000 Utopia Beast Horns, Beast Spikes, Amber Flakes
Demented King Icon (EMD) Demented King 2000 2000 Phantom Depths Orange Shard, Purple Shard, Green Shard
Utopian Lord Icon (EMD) Utopian Lord 6666 2000 Champion's Hall Armor Shard, Gauntlet Shard
Hellish Despot Icon (EMD) Hellish Despot 666 2000 Champion's Hall None
Frozen Despot Icon (EMD) Frozen Despot 666 2000 Champion's Hall None
Thunder Despot Icon (EMD) Thunder Despot 666 2000 Champion's Hall None