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As with all of the Etrian Odyssey games, Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl has an extensive list of unique monsters. Some of these do not appear in other games, but a majority of them do. A list of monsters that have been encountered will be found in the Monstrous Codex.

Special Conditions have been added for item drops under Description and items are marked in bold.

Yggdrasil Labyrinth[]

Emerald Grove[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Tree Rat Small, omnivorous rodents that will attack any threat to their territory. B1F, B3F 69 7 6 Fire -- -- Small Fang, Soft Hide
Woodfly Butterflies often seen at the forest entrance. Their beautiful compound eyes fetch a high price.

Kill with Non-Physical attack.

B1F-B3F, B5F 66 6 6 Pierce, Volt -- Harsh Buzz Bug Scale, Steel Snout, Insect Eye
Clawed Mole A mole that waits for its prey underground, then strikes with its sharp claws. B1F-B3F 93 8 7 Ice -- -- Soft Hide, Beast Bone
Claw Beetle A bug whose shell is impervious to physical attack. Other forms of attack are recommended. B1F, B4F 135 11 9 Fire, Ice, Volt Slash, Pierce -- Beetle Whisker
Venomfly This more advanced breed of butterfly secretes a dangerous poison from its wings.

Kill with Non-Physical attack.

B1F, B2F, B4F, B5F 81 8 7 Pierce, Volt -- Poison Dust Poison Wing, Enamel Leg, Insect Eye
Forest Hare A fat hare. It has the power to manipulate ice, but is unlikely to be a threat, even for novices. B1F-B3F 92 9 9 -- Ice Snow Cover Rabbit Tooth
Zebratherium The striped sloths that dwell in the upper reaches of the forest are docile, but go berserk when angered. B2F-B5F 240 13 8 -- -- Arm Hammer Monkey Bone
Roller A creature which rolls by curling up its body. The tactic is also used to defend itself. B3F 100 10 11 -- -- Defense Shell Gum Hide
Mandrake An odd, human-shaped plant. It's said the sight of one will bring adventurers bad luck. B3F, B4F 102 11 10 Slash, Fire Ice, Volt Corrosive Aura Mandrake Root, Vine
Giraffa Beetle A large beetle that dwells in the forest. It has a durable shell and attacks with its giant pincers. B4F, B5F 327 14 12 Ice Slash, Pierce, Bash Strike Up Beetle Jaw
War Bison A bull that attacks anything in sight. Using a spear to attack from afar is a good way to best it.

Kill with Stab attack.

B5F 330 15 11 -- -- Stomp Metal Horn, Penetrated Hide*
Flying Beetle This very formidable insect of the deep strata evolved to be resistant to swords and spears. B1F, B3F, B4F, B5F 206 14 14 Fire, Ice, Vole Slash, Pierce Cover Hard Shell, Thorn
Sabretooth A large beast that shreds adventurers with its sword-like teeth. B1F, B3F 288 20 15 Fire Ice Piercing Fang White Fang

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Ragelope FOE An extremely aggressive horned monster whose uncontrollable fury gives it lethal strength. B2F, B5F 1055 17 13 Volt -- Baffling Step, Knockdown Deer Antler N/A
Boulder Boar FOE A boar with a skin that resembles stone. It lies in wait, resembling a boulder, to attack. B2F, B3F 1503 18 13 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Charge, Onrush Broken Tusk Poison seems to be quite effective
Reaping Shade FOE A carnivorous mantis that dwells in the Labyrinth. Novices should consider binding its scythes.

Kill while arms are bound.

B3F-B5F 1378 18 13 -- -- Scythe Slash Scythe, Tied Scythe Binding arms works great
Forest Wolf FOE White-furred wolves who wander the upper floors of the grove. Dangerous when fought in packs. B4F 660 18 13 Fire Ice Evil Cry Wolf Fang Bind the head and its helpless
Skoll FOE A blue-pelted wolf that hunts in the Labyrinth's upper reaches, under Fenrir's command. B5F 859 16 14 Fire Ice Silver Fang, Binding Howl Wolf Pelt Use Sonic Bomb when preparing to summon
Giant Woodfly Quest Boss Much like your common-variety of Woodfly, but a great deal larger. B2F 448 14 12 Pierce, Volt -- Harsh Buzz, Sleep Powder -- Fought during quest, "Subduing the Woodflies".
Nightmare Beast Quest Boss A giant-clawed bear. This cruel monster will shred its prey while they sleep! B1F 6650 57 42 Ice Fire Bloody Claws, Charge, Knockout -- Can only be fought once, during the Ivory Princess II quest.
Bloody One-Arm Boss N/A B1F 1255 17 ?? -- -- Scythe Slash Blood Plate Boss of the mission "Defeat the scythed fiend" in Classic Mode. Can only be fought once. Does not appear in the Codex.
Golem Optional Boss Mysterious man-made construct that comes alive to attack whatever draws near. B3F 6000 52 33 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Rock Hammer, Triple Hammer, Flash Statue Plate, Statue Arm An optional boss unlocked via the "The Bandit's Treasure" quest.
Fenrir Stratum Boss Leader of the wolf pack on the upper floors. Its fanged jaws have claimed many lives.

Kill it within the first turn

B5F 3372 19 15 Fire Ice Horrific Roar, Cold Fangs Wolf King Mane, Wolf Tail Bind the head and its nearly helpless


Primitive Jungle[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Sleeper Ooze A formless, transluscent jelly that engulfs passing animals for its meals B6F-B10F 193 15 16 Ice Slash, Pierce, Bash Sleep Breath Sticky Goo, Scarlet Ore
Army Wasp A wasp with a very painful sting. Wherever you can see one, there will always be others nearby.

Rare drop

B6F-B8F, B10F 135 16 10 Pierce, Volt -- Poison Sting Sharp Stinger, Amber Lump
Venom Ooze A translucent jelly that resides in the depths of the forest. One can craft a powerful toxin from it.

Kill with Bash attack.

B6F, B8F 205 15 17 Ice Slash, Pierce, Bash Venom Breath Sticky Goo, Violet Ore, Condensed Mucus
Longisquama A lizard with winglike fins along its back. The tail has a poisonous tip, so take care if you see one.

Kill with Cut attack.

B6F 236 17 14 -- Fire, Ice, Volt Tail Whip Stretchy Feather, Cut Feathers
Giant Sloth Though naturally docile, these muscular creatures deliver strong blows if forced to battle. B6F, B7F, B9F 424 18 13 Ice Fire Ripping Arm Bent Claw
Fanged Vine Woe to the traveler who confuses this for ordinary flora. You can stop it by tying its vines together.

Kill while arms are bound.

B7F-B10F 224 17 13 Slash, Fire -- Cuff Vines, Gouging Thorn Leafy Branch, Vivid Petal, Binded (sic) Vine
Death Scorpion These scorpions rely on their poisonous tails for offense and their hard shells for defense. B7F, B10F 258 18 18 Bash, Volt -- Numbing Sting Iron Shell, Venom Barb
Firebird A bird so resistant to flame, it is said that it consumes flame itself and turns it into stone.

Kill with Fire attack.

B7F-B10F 282 16 15 Ice Fire, Volt Corrosive Aura, Flame Shot Fire Feather, Broken Wing, Carminite
Petaloid The sweet scent of these blossoms can cause an adventurer to fall asleep, making them easy prey. B7F-B10F 191 17 15 Slash, Fire -- Sleep Powder Flex Vine
Glowbird A very quick avian with a sharp beak. Strike hard and fast to counter its tremendous speed. B9F 358 18 17 Pierce Fire, Ice, Volt Charge, Evil Cry Glow Beak, Glow Talon
Towering Ooze A giant, prismatic jelly monster. It can swallow its prey, so take counter-measures to not get eaten.

Kill while head is bound.

B9F 467 17 21 Ice Slash, Pierce, Bash Drain, Paralysis Rainbow Gel, Clear Core
Barbed Tiger Beast with needle-sharp teeth. If you can avoid those in battle, you should emerge unharmed. B7F, B8F, B10F 300 21 16 Ice Volt Rising Fang Tiger Fur, Tiger Fang
Cannon Palm A plant monster that drags itself about by its roots. It attacks by launching the coconuts growing on it. B10F 472 22 21 Fire Volt Coconut Strike Palm Bark, Starseed
Slavering Vine Aggressive plants accustomed to the taste of human flesh. Keep well clear of these. B7F-B10F 415 30 26 Slash, Fire -- Binding Vine, Ear Shredder Squeezing Ivy
World Sprout One of Yggdrasil's buds. Its size prevents it from posing a real threat to explorers. B10F 100 10 10 -- -- -- Sprout Leaf

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Cutter FOE Bears with bulging muscles and long claws. They rely on their powerful arms to attack.

Kill while arms are bound.

B6F 2320 26 19 -- -- Rending Claws, Fearsome Roar Bear Fur, Bound Arm N/A
Giant Moa FOE This large, plump, flightless bird compensates with its quick foot speed. B7F, B8F, B10F 2041 26 18 -- -- Rush Bird Limb N/A
Jungle Killer FOE A type of scorpion that carries one of the deadliest poisons known to mankind. B8F-B10F 2017 29 25 Volt Slash, Pierce Numbing Sting Toxic Barb N/A
Tusked Ruin FOE A giant elephant that has adapted to forest life. Its tusks glimmer prettily when cooled.

Kill with Ice attack.

B7F, B9F, B10F 3390 29 20 -- -- Charge, Bullrush Great Tusk, Iced Ivory N/A
Pond Horror Boss These crab monsters reside in the forest's ponds, and mercilessly attack anything that nears their homes. B7F 1950 22 23 Volt Slash, Pierce Charge, Reaper Claws -- Must be defeated to activate healing spring on B8F
Fire-Eater Quest Boss A Firebird gone mad. It has many wide-ranged attacks, and could easily wipe out the unprepared. B8F 1564 21 17 Ice Fire, Volt Corrosive Aura, Fire Breath -- Fought during quest, "The lucky coin."
Toxinfly Quest Boss A butterfly with a powerful toxin, much like a Venomfly. It is resistant to attacks, so novices should avoid it. B10F 211 24 17 Volt -- Poison Dust -- Fought during quest, "Pest Control".
Pollen Bee Quest Boss These insects form the backbone of their hive. Its poisonous stinger keeps threat away. B7F 164 17 12 Pierce, Volt -- Poison Sting -- Fought during quest, "Horticulture".
Murder Vine Quest Boss A plant that has evolved a taste for human flesh. Beware its fang-rimmed mouth. B10F 1880 30 26 Slash, Fire -- Vicious Bite -- Fought during quest, "Official business I."
Wyvern Optional Boss A beast that makes its nest in the Primitive Jungle. Be prepared before challenging it.

Kill while its legs are bound.

B8F 22500 80 55 Ice Fire, Volt Wing Talon, Tail Strike, Burning Ray Tough Wing, Restrained Legs Optional boss available from early in the game, but only required during the quest "Call of the wyvern."
Alraune Optional Boss A fusion of the forest folk and a flower, its attacks are as varied as they are deadly.

Kill while asleep.

B7F 22000 70 52 Fire Ice, Volt Frost Smile, Lightning, Tendril Thrash Royal Vine, Velvet An optional boss unlocked via the "Phantom of the Forest" quest.
Cernunnos Stratum Boss Ruler of the Primitive Jungle. Named for an ancient horned god who watched over nature.

It must defeat itself with Curse damage.

B10F 6880 30 20 Volt Fire Silent Stare, Combo Smash, Hurricane Punch Sharp Horn, Cursed Arm N/A
Healing Roller Boss Cernunnos' partners. By themselves, they pose rather less of a threat. B10F 340 18 22 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Cure, Holy Veil -- Summoned by Cernunnos at low HP
Great Dragon Superboss A legendary wyrm that has lived thousands of years. Facing it usually brings one's own death.

Kill with a Fire attack.

B8F 45000 95 64 Ice Fire Fire Torrent, Draconic Fury, Dragon Claw Fire Fang, Fire Scale, Heat Horn Takes over the Wyvern's nest upon accepting the quest "The dread wyrm."


Azure Rainforest[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Madworm A long, thin earthworm of the forest undergrowth. It has never been seen to sleep, mystifying biologists.

Kill while Asleep.

B11F-B13F 386 27 22 Slash, Fire Volt Cling Elastic Skin, Sleepy Eyeball
Killer Ant A large ant with lethal mandibles. It lives in a colony, led by a queen, and has no concept of fear. B11F, B12F, B14F, B15F 225 26 23 Ice Pierce, Fire Attack Unit Steel Chitin
Treefrog A large frog native to the forest. You can prevent it from breathing by freezing the water on its skin.

Kill with Ice attack.

B11F, B13F 396 27 21 Bash, Volt -- Jump Gum Throat, Ice Sweat
Honey Ant It stores honey within its body to carry back to its colony. It can use this nectar to heal companions.

Rare drop

B11F-B13F 220 25 22 Ice Pierce, Fire Nectar Salve Iron Exoskeleton, Honey Crystal, Amber Lump
Guardian Ant A giant ant that lives within the forest. It tries to protect its own kind, and forms defensive ranks. B12F-B14F 335 26 27 Ice Pierce, Fire Defense Unit Bone Shard
Forest Bat A large bat that lives in the forest. It is difficult to skin, but freezing it beforehand makes it easy.

Kill with an Ice attack

B11F, B12F 235 27 20 Pierce, Volt -- Echolocation Bat Wing, Bat Ear, Iced Skin
Redclaw Man-eating bears whose fur has been stained red with the blood of their victims. B12F, B13F 832 33 28 Ice Fire Bloody Claws, Charge Bloodbear Claw, Red Hide
Dragonhorse A monster that dwells near water. It can spit a torrent of water a great distance when agitated. B13F-B15F 283 26 20 Fire Ice Water Gun Scale Plate, Ryuguu Pearl
Dragonfly A giant dragonfly of the forest. While it can devour adventurers whole, it can easily be paralyzed.

Kill while Paralyzed.

B11F, B13F 558 33 28 Pierce, Volt -- Assault Rigid Thorax, Bug Nest, Paralyzed Leg
Swordfish A flying fish of the Labyrinth. Lunges at its prey with its sharp, sword-like wings. B14F, B15F 400 30 22 Fire Slash, Ice Wind Slash Fish Scale
Scissor Crab A crab that grew large off the forest's bounty. Its favorite meal is an unprepared adventurer. B14F, B15F 542 35 31 Volt Slash, Pierce, Bash Charge Carapace, Crab Leg
Hell Angler A fish that lures its prey into its gaping maw. It sometimes wanders into the upper reaches for food. B14F, B15F 920 35 30 Fire Ice Water Splash Developed Jaw, Glimmer Stone
Meltworm Giant worm that makes its home near water. It attacks by flailing its large body against foes. B11F 616 40 29 Slash, Fire Volt Strikedown Stretchy Skin
Iron Turtle A giant turtle that can provide several good meals, but brute force will never break its defenses.

Kill with Physical attack.

Attacks that are both Physical and Elemental work as well.

B15F 2885 71 54 Volt Slash, Pierce, Bash Ice Breath Century Shell, Scratched Shell

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Blood Ant FOE The evolved Killer Ant. It has similar abilities, but its strength is vastly enhanced. B11F, B12F 1586 33 28 Ice Pierce, Fire Attack Unit Black Carapace N/A
Servitor Ant FOE This evolved Guardian Ant finds materials to build the next, so it may be carrying rare varieties of rocks.

Kill while petrified.

B11F, B12F 2186 31 31 Ice Pierce, Fire Defense Unit Red Carapace, Fossil Nest N/A
Aquatic Butcher FOE This ruthless crab shreds adventurers to ribbons, but is weak against electrical attacks.

Kill with Volt attack.

B13F, B14F 3385 37 36 Volt Slash, Pierce, Bash Charge, Reaper Claws Red Blade, Volt Shell N/A
Essence Drainer FOE A giant, blood-red bat. Adventurers that have difficulty keeping pace with them must be patient.

Kill with poison damage

B15F 9580 72 49 Pierce, Volt -- Echolocation, Blood Drain, Claw Dance Bat Skin, Venom Fang N/A
Creeping Death FOE This huge forest alligator can fit an entire human in its mouth. B14F 4500 38 34 Ice Pierce Vicious Bite Gator Skin N/A
Toxic Worm Quest Boss A worm monster of the forest. It can expel a poisonous gas, so be careful when facing one. B12F 468 30 26 Slash, Fire -- Venom Breath -- Fought during quest, "Find the Detective".
Lure Tortoise Quest Boss A turtle monster with a very sturdy shell, which it uses both for defense and to attack. B13F 2560 37 33 Fire, Volt Slash, Pierce, Bash, Ice Grinder, Breaker Spin -- This is a monster found only during The Foreign Seeker quest.
Queen Ant Boss Tremendous ant queen of the Azure Rainforest. Attended by giant guardian ants.

Kill her while her head is bound.

B12F 6965 38 27 Ice Fire Queen's Verdict, Duster, Ruler's Eye Death Claw, Ant's Jaws N/A
Corotrangul Stratum Boss A guardian beast of the forest folk. Master of wind and water, it swims through the air.

Kill with poison damage.

B15F 9260 43 33 Fire Ice, Volt Flood, Coiling Tail, Aqua Veil Huge Fin, Venom Spine N/A
Blizzard King Superboss No explorer can withstand the attacks from this ice dragon's three maws.

Kill with an Ice attack.

B15F 35000 90 65 Volt Ice Ice Torrent, Cold Regen, Triple Strike Drake Wing, Ice Scale, Frozen Wing It can be fought during The Azure Colossus quest.


Sandy Barrens[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Flamerat A dangerous rat that can set itself aflame. Some researchers use them for testing poison, however.

Kill while Paralyzed.

B16F 312 29 21 Ice Fire Fire Fang Flamerat Skull, Paralyzed Tail
Hexroot This plant's loud scream causes weak adventurers to become disoriented and confused. B16F, B17F 303 27 22 Slash, Fire -- Panic Scream Sap Vine, Pure Root
Golden Deer This golden-furred buck lives deep in the forest, and is rarely sighted by humans. B16F, B17F 505 31 27 -- -- Corrosive Aura, Knockdown Gold Pelt, Gold Antler
Black Boar A black boar of the depths of the forest. One must be well-prepared before facing this formidable beast.

Kill with Bash attack.

B17F 598 35 30 -- -- Clash Savage Tusk, Pressed Fur
Sandfish A fishlike beast that makes its home in the sands far below the surface. Its fins are sharp and deadly. B17F 552 32 30 Bash, Ice Fire, Volt Fin Slash Sandfish Crystal, Sandfish Eye
Huge Moa Like the Moa, but intelligent enough to use its feet to kick as well as to sprint.

Kill while legs are bound.

B17F 885 38 30 Pierce, Volt -- Stunning Kick Bird Tendon, Bound Feet
Forest Soldier The forest folk's rank-and-file soldiers. Their duty is to eliminate any and all intruders. B18F, B19F 581 34 31 Bash, Fire Pierce, Ice, Volt Powerful Rage Hard Rock
Forest Warrior An elite warrior class of the forest folk. They snap intruders in two easily as a twig. B18F, B19F 614 36 32 Bash, Fire Pierce, Ice, Volt Fearsome Glare, Death Scythe Hard Rock, Damascus Ingot
Forest Mystic Member of the forest folk who defend their homeland with mysterious spiritual powers. B18F, B19F 505 29 26 Slash Ice, Volt Volt Shot, Forest Breach Sand Cloth
Forest Druid Forest druids blessed by the tribe's guardian to wield powerful magic against their enemies. B18F, B19F 526 30 27 Slash Ice, Volt Firestorm, Forest Barrier Sand Cloth, Magatama
Pixie Similar to the forest folk, these humanlike fae enjoy making trouble for adventurers.

Rare drop.

B18F, B19F 359 30 25 Pierce Fire, Ice, Volt Seal Arms, Hypnosis Faerie Wings, Faerie Hair, Amber Lump
Faerie These pixie rulers use malicious spells against adventurers. They are best avoided by petrifying them.

Kill while petrified.

B18F, B19F 370 32 26 Pierce Fire, Ice, Volt Seal Head, Stone Gleam Faerie Wings, Faerie Pitch, Stone Dress
Death Mantis One swing of this mantis' scythed arms can decapitate an adventurer effortlessly. B19F 920 40 33 -- -- Scythe Slash, Beheader, Charge Nyx Scythe, Pearl Carapace

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Medusa Tree FOE This arboreal terror wraps its pliable branches around its prey. While a plant, it is susceptible to poison.

Kill with Poison Damage.



3857 41 32 Fire -- Stone Gleam, Silent Claw Hard Bark, Tree Eye, Poison Pith N/A
Cruella FOE A tree spirit in human form. It appears as a beautiful woman, but bind it before it can move.

Kill while head, arms, and legs are bound.

B19F, B20F 4300 42 32 -- -- Bind Arms, Siren Song Red String, Vine Strand N/A
Diabolix FOE Among the oldest of the Labyrinth's tree spirits, its alluring appearance belies its strength.

Kill while head, arms, and legs are bound.

B19F, B20F 4300 42 32 -- -- Bind Head, Curse Purple Thread, Rose Whip N/A
Forest Ogre FOE The forest folk's deadliest warriors. It also seeks a formidable opponent to do honorable battle.

Kill with Instant Death.

B18F, B20F 5500 48 37 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Evil Cry, Clash, Heavy Shoulder Evil Scale, Ogre Belt N/A
Forest Demon FOE Evolving ever more in harmony with nature, these forest folk took on a more demonic look.

Kill while Feared

B18F, B20F 5000 45 36 -- Fire, Ice, Volt Volt Shot, Firestorm, Death Stare Evil Plume, Evil Leaf, Dread Crest N/A
World Bud Rare FOE The rare evolved form of Yggdrasil bud that grows deep within the Labyrinth. B18F 200 10 10 All -- -- Magic Leaf N/A
Manticore Optional Boss A wise but evil beast whose tail's strong poison will instantly kill an opponent. B17F 13000 52 40 -- Fire, Ice, Volt Demon's Croon, Dark Claw, Poison Tail Toxic Paw, Beast Eye Can be fought after accepting the quest "Sealed monster."
Iwaoropenelep Stratum Boss The forest folk's guardian bird, called "Beak-Cracks-Boulders" in an ancient tongue.

Kill while it is Paralyzed.

B20F 14440 48 40 Ice Fire, Volt Thunderwing, Pinion Spear, Wind Breath Steel Claw, Golden Plume N/A


Lost Shinjuku[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Pylon Crab A hermit crab that lives in striped shells. Oddly, no researcher has found the shell's original owner. B21F,
368 42 33 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Roll Artificial Hermit, Navy Fluid
Chopper Hare A rabbit that has gained a taste for blood. Be wary of its sharp incisors, which can take a man's head. B21F,
425 39 32 -- Fire, Ice, Volt Guillotine Tiny Tooth, Demon Fur
Hexfrog A dangerous nuisance of a black frog, whose croak affects the human nervous system.

Kill with Ice attack.

645 41 33 Bash, Ice -- Hex Crimson Eye, Hex Throat, Ice Sweat
Silkbinder One of the most dangerous spider breeds in the forest. It is said they spin a new type of web while asleep.

Kill while Asleep.

384 41 30 -- -- Binding String Strong Web, Slumber Web
Beetle Lord Lord of the forest beetles. The average adventurer can't so much as dent its tough shell. B22F,
660 49 38 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Cleansing Ray Gold Shell
Muskoid Inhaling this flower's pollen can induce drowsiness in weak-willed adventurers.

Kill with Instant Death.

402 43 40 Slash, Fire -- Sleep Pollen, Dancing Petals Thorn Stem, Doom Petal
Gullinbursti A gold-bristled boar that uses its ferocious attacks from its tusks to overpower its foes. B22F,
730 48 35 -- -- Raging Tusk Gold Tusk, Gold Fur
Plated Roller A creature with armor-like hide. They may be difficult to kill, but you can lead one to cause its own death.

Must kill itself with Curse Damage while Cursed.

480 49 44 Fire, Ice, Volt Slash, Pierce, Bash Iron Guard Space Husk, Curse Leg
Burst Ooze A flammable jelly able to set itself on fire. This ability allows it to hunt larger game. B21F,
655 47 38 Ice Slash, Pierce, Bash, Fire, Volt Nitro Gem Core
Dire Wolf A large, ferocious wolf. Its ability to manipulate fire has claimed many an adventurers' lives. B23F,
706 48 33 Ice Fire Flame Howl Red Fur, Red Blood
Divine Bee Dangerous red bees whose stingers are filled with paralytic poison. Highly dangerous to the fatigued.

Rare drop.

476 51 39 Pierce, Volt -- Numbing Sting Angel Wing, Venomous Gel, Amber Lump
King Dragonfly The emperor of the forest dragonflies. The become unstoppable once they go berserk in battle.

Kill while Confused.

925 54 46 Pierce, Volt -- Rending Fang Space Claw, Giant Wing, Chaos Eye
Babirusa A boar with four black tusks. Its powerful attacks will pose a challenge for even the hardiest hunters. B25F 1990 59 48 -- Fire, Ice, Volt Fang Flurry Obsidian Fang, Scarlet Mane

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Ice Claws FOE A mantis with frozen arms. They are extremely aggressive, and have a variety of attacks. B22F, B25F 6220 58 50 Fire Slash, Pierce, Bash, Ice Frozen Scythe, Frozen Fury, Blind Blade Frost Scythe N/A
Desouler FOE A blue-furred ursine. Those who fall to its claws are engulfed in flames, which purify their souls.

Kill with Fire attack.



7190 59 46 -- -- Charge, Rending Claws, Furious Slash Judge Claw, Burnt Blood N/A
Bone Lizard FOE This ferocious carnivore has incredibly durable scales, but it is very sensitive to pain when hurt.

Kill while Poisoned (with poison damage?).



16280 61 35 Slash, Pierce, Bash, Fire, Ice Volt Devour, Evil Eye Sternum, Dragon Tail, Torn Heart N/A
Arboreal Hulk FOE An elephant so immense that its steps shake the earth. Fleeing it is no shame for novices.

Kill while Cursed (with curse damage?).



9400 63 48 -- -- Rush, Strike Up, Fearsome Roar Curse Tusk, Hex Tusk N/A
Binding Stinger Quest Boss A spider monster that makes the forest its lair. It is very territorial and will attack anything nearby. B21F 1635 63 44 -- -- Double Strike -- Fought during quest, "Official business II."
Steel Web Quest Boss A monstrous arachnid that makes the forest its home. Its webs can completely immobilize its enemies. B21F 2200 60 40 -- -- Binding String -- Fought during quest, "Official business II."
Ren Boss A warrior from the far east. Her skill with a blade astonishes even veteran adventurers. B21F 8500 56 36 Fire Slash, Pierce, Bash, Ice Slantwise Cut, Breath, Drawing Stance Ronin Armor Fought once, with Tlachtga
Tlachtga Boss A flame-haired sorceress in abyssal black robes. Can control living beings with her voice. B21F 7000 49 35 Slash, Pierce, Bash Fire, Ice, Volt Sapping Curse, Cranial Curse, Abdomen Curse Hex Chain Fought once, with Ren
Etreant Final Boss The form the Chieftain took as the Lord of Yggdrasil, when he fused with the Labyrinth. B25F 22000 65 48 Fire -- Thousand Nails, Tempest, Infernal Drain Shroud Final Boss
Storm Emperor Superboss A deadly beast that has no difficulty destroying anything it wishes with lightning.

Kill with a Volt attack.

B25F 22000 85 58 Fire Volt Volt Torrent, Judgement, Binding Dance Barbel, Volt Scale, Thunder Eye Can be fought during and after quest, "Awakening the serpent."


Claret Hollows[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Sawfish The fins on these fish have evolved into a sawblade-like shape. They do grievous damage. B26F, B27F 815 62 42 Volt Slash, Ice Saw Slash Sawfish Scale, Saw Fin
Hellfly A demonic butterfly, said to be a messenger from hell. Ruler of all the butterflies. B26F,
735 58 41 Pierce Ice Freeze Wing Scale, Ice Wing
Gasser Tree These trees are capable of independent motion, and their branches are tipped with poison. B26F,
1155 64 49 Fire -- Toxic Breath, Branch Flurry Throbbing Vine
Leukocyte A human-sized cell that will attack any invading body, even adventurers.

Kill while Feared.

665 61 44 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash White Plasma White Crystal, Shrunken Cell
Flame Ooze This jelly creature's body can reach such temperatures that it explodes, searing enemies all around it. ??? 722 64 44 Ice Slash, Pierce, Bash, Fire Explosion Blaze Mineral
Steel Barb The cold metal tail of this lurking scorpion can pierce just about anything. Cutting it off is a good idea.

Kill with Cut attack.


B28F, B30F

858 68 48 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash, Fire, Ice Terror Sting Shiver Stinger, Severed Stinger
Bladefish A vexing fish that can perform many dangerous aerial tricks as it flies with surprising speed. B27F,
971 70 48 Volt Slash, Ice Mach Slash Blue Crystal, Blade Spiral
Hazefly This deadly species of butterfly is easily underestimated due to its beauty. B27F,
835 65 46 Pierce Volt Spark Wing Scale, Haze Wing
Red Corpuscle A creature created to protect the depths of the forest. It seems capable of understanding fear.

Kill while Feared.

663 70 51 -- Fire, Ice, Volt Red Plasma Red Crystal, Shrunken Cell
Evilroot An infamous and powerful root monster. They say some tribes curse these monsters to use them in spells.

Kill while Cursed (with curse damage?).



635 71 47 Slash, Fire Ice, Volt Last Cry Black Root, Cursed Root
Spiked Roller A deceptively small animal with spikes along its back. It is extremely powerful, so take great care. B28F,

B29F, B30F

655 76 58 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Quick Strike Roller Tail, Roller Spikes
Huge Ant The largest ant in the Labyrinth, this breed's huge mandible are handy targets for binding.

Kill while head is bound.



2826 83 53 Ice Slash, Pierce, Bash, Fire Earthquake Ant Claw, Gold Carapace, Binded Jaw
Iron Crab Its metal pincers will shear through even the most hardened armor, so beware its claws. B30F 1580 83 58 -- Slash, Pierce, Fire, Ice Scissor Wrath Gray Shell, Gray Pincer
World Clover Very rare four-leafed Yggdrasil bud. The chances of encountering one are extremely low. B30F 400 10 10 All -- -- Lucky Leaf

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description Found On HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Nether Tortoise FOE Even older than its cousin, this intelligent turtle is a formidable enemy in the Labyrinth.

Kill with Physical attack.

B26F 16400 87 63 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash, Fire, Volt Fire Breath Millenial Shell, Tempered Shell N/A
Songbird FOE A large bird whose entrancing singing voice doubles as an alarm to call for help.

Kill while Confused.

B27F 14400 86 57 -- Volt Thunder Dash Crystal Plume, Ruffled Feather N/A
Depth Dancer FOE A bird that hunts deep in the Labyrinth. Only true hunters can avoid its swift strikes to defeat it.

Kill while head, arms, and legs are bound.

B28F, B30F 14200 88 55 Pierce Fire, Ice, Volt Demon Beak Sinister Beak, Stiff Wing N/A
Bane Lizard FOE One of the Labyrinth's most powerful monsters, it is said to be an ancient fossil returned to life.

Kill while Petrified.

B29F, B30F 18504 90 62 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Dragon Fang, Lethal Glare Blue Sternum, Blue Blood, Stone Heart N/A
Dragon Clone Optional Boss The Great Dragon's clone, created to protect the Labyrinth's deepest floor.

Kill with Cut attack.

B30F 20000 90 62 Ice Fire Fire Torrent, Dragon Claw, Dragon Strike Dragon Core, Wyrm Head N/A
Blizzard Clone Optional Boss The Blizzard King's clone, created to protect the Labyrinth's deepest floor.

Kill with Stab attack.

B28F 18000 86 63 Volt Ice Ice Torrent, Triple Strike, Crushing Arm Dragon Core, Drake Eye N/A
Storm Clone Optional Boss The Storm Emperor's Clone, created to protect the Labyrinth's deepst floor.

Kill with Bash attack.

B29F 16000 84 59 Fire Volt Volt Torrent, Judgement, Ancient Curse Dragon Core, Dragon Horn N/A
Yggdrasil Core Final Superboss The Labyrinth's core, which erected the Claret Hollows to protect itself.

Kill at its full strength.

B30F 90000 99 75 Fire, Ice, Volt -- Land Slash, Activate, Armageddon Demon Core, True Demon Core Fought in weakened form as Story Mode Final Boss. Can be fought at full strength after traversing Claret Hollows



Area I[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Venom Spider Spiders that have evolved to hunt prey aggressively rather than trap it passively in webs. 155 15 12 -- -- Cocoon Spinnerette
Vampire Bat A bloodsucking forest bat that looks much more dangerous than it actually is. 165 16 12 Pierce, Volt -- Blood Drain Bat Skin

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Raging Camel FOE A ferocious, carnivorous camel. It attacks by knocking enemies to the ground and biting at them. 1858 20 15 Fire, Ice, Volt -- Powerful Rage, Violent Rush, Hammerhead Split Tail N/A
Carmine Beak FOE This legendary bird can achieve uncanny flight speeds. Always be on your guard against its attacks. 1656 19 16 Pierce, Volt -- Darkness Redbird Plume N/A
Errant Camel Boss A bipedal camel from the shallower parts of the forest. They pose a challenge to novices. 1120 9 8 Fire, Ice, Volt -- Hammerhead Camel Pelt Can only be fought on the first journey through Gladsheim.
Coeurl Boss A panther-like creature with long antennae. It is extremely fast, and prefers to strike from the darkness. 2980 21 16 Ice Volt Avidya Apostle, Dark Cradle, Nightmare Black Stinger Can only be fought once.

Area II[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Doom Bison A bull that attacks anything in sight with wide swipes of its large horns. 558 22 21 -- -- Stampede Vermillion Hair, Vermillion Horn
Mauler Mole Similar to the Mole, but with sharper nails. Be on guard for their powerful swipes. 250 20 16 Fire -- Claw Dance, Aimed Slash Curved Claw

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Blue Patroller FOE A worker bee of the forest. Its poison immobilizes its targets, so take care not to be stung by them. 2188 28 25 Pierce, Volt -- Stun Needle, Gale Pink Wing N/A
Queen Bee Boss An immense queen bee. Despite its sluggish movements, it overwhelms attackers without mercy. 3888 32 25 Fire -- Royal Jelly, Mirage Pollen, Frustrated Rage Furcasternum Can only be fought once.
Noble Bee Boss A worker bee in close proximity to the queen. Its wings can create gusts to fend off enemy attacks. 1288 24 20 Pierce, Volt -- Stun Needle, Gale Pink Wing Summoned by Queen Bee

Area III[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
Eviloid This flower's defensive abilities preemptively stop adventurers from using certain skills. 422 32 27 Slash, Fire -- Sleep Powder, Dancing Petals Evil Flower

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Voracious King FOE Called the king of crocodiles, its natural arsenal makes it an unstoppable juggernaut. 3285 36 32 -- Pierce Shredding Bite Royal Hide N/A
Gudanna Boss A bovine beast with giant horns and claws. The horns are durable and sharp enough to pierce anything. 9494 41 33 Ice -- Grudge, WIld Breath, Knockdown Bull Horn Can only be fought once.

Area IV[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops
King Frog

King of the forest frogs, its tongue is laced with poison. Even experienced explorers should take care.

Kill with Ice attack.

605 37 31 Bash, Ice -- Toxic Tongue Frog Skin, Ice Sweat

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Gimle Boss A weapon stationed in Gladsheim. It has several turrets and will attack any intruder. 14000 50 46 Volt Slash, Pierce, Bash, Fire, Ice Random Shot, Bank Shot, Flamethrower Burnt Barrel Can only be fought once.

Area V[]

Regular Encounters[]

Name Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops

FOEs & Bosses[]

Name Type Description HP AT DF Weak to Resists Skills Item Drops Special Note
Calamity Crab FOE A red-shelled hermit crab. It is quite durable, and can hit many targets at once, despite its size. 3260 48 44 -- Slash, Pierce, Bash Giant Swing Unknown Shell N/A
M.I.K.E. Boss Gladsheim's control center still follows its original programming and attempts to activate Gungnir. 21480 61 54 Volt -- EMP, Heavy Gatling, Particle Beam Machine Plate Can only be fought once.
