This is a list of monsters in Etrian Odyssey Nexus By Labyrinth (Work in Progress)
For more information, view the monster's page.
Main Labyrinths[]
1st Lab : Eastern Shrine[]
Name | Type | Drop 1 | Drop 2 | Conditional Drop |
Rabid Koala | Common | Koala Claw Arm | Pink Fur | -None- |
Muscle Fly | Common | Steel Proboscis | -None- | -None- |
Spraying Skunk | Common | Spotted Fur | -None- | Burst Stink Gland |
Air Wolf | Common | Purple Beast Fang | -None- | -None- |
Blossombeast | Labyrinth Boss | Malevolent Thorn | -None- | -None- |
2nd Lab : Lush Woodlands[]
Name | Type | Drop 1 | Drop 2 | Conditional Drop |
Tree Rat | Common | Small Tooth | -None- | -None- |
Grasseater | Common | Grasseater Jaw | Grasseater Leg | -None- |
Woodfly | Common | Thin Wing | -None- | Shocked Bug Eye |
Angry Baboon | Common | Ape Bone | -None- | -None- |
Mandrake | Common | Mandrake Root | -None- | -None- |
Roller | Common | Elastic Skin | -None- | -None- |
Fanged Vine | Common | Thorny Vine | -None- | -None- |
Ghost Owl | Common | Huge Tail Feather | -None- | Bound Beak |
Big Roller | Common | Big Shell | Armor Tail | -None- |
Cutter | FOE | Bear Claw | -None- | Sliced Bear Fang |
Berserker King | Labyrinth Boss | Berserker Claw | -None- | -None- |
Cernunnos | Labyrinth Boss | Sharp Horn | -None- | Usurper's Arm |
Full Monstrous Codex[]
This is a list of all monsters in the order in which they appear in the in-game Monstrous Codex.
Name | HP | Drop 1 | Drop 2 | Conditional Drop |
Rabid Koala | 113 | Koala Claw Arm | Pink Fur | -None- |
Muscle Fly | 107 | Steel Proboscis | -None- | -None- |
Spraying Skunk | 92 | Spotted Fur | -None- | Burst Stink Gland |
Air Wolf | 225 | Purple Beast Fang | -None- | -None- |
Tree Rat | 129 | Small Tooth | -None- | -None- |
Grasseater | 135 | Grasseater Jaw | Grasseater Leg | -None- |
Woodfly | 124 | Thin Wing | -None- | Shocked Bug Eye |
Angry Baboon | 317 | Ape Bone | -None- | -None- |
Mandrake | 187 | Mandrake Root | -None- | -None- |
Roller | 96 | Elastic Skin | -None- | -None- |
Fanged Vine | 228 | Thorny Vine | -None- | -None- |
Ghost Owl | 163 | Huge Tail Feather | -None- | Bound Beak |
Big Roller | 250 | Big Shell | Armor Tail | -None- |
Sleeper Ooze | 132 | Sticky Goo | -None- | -None- |
Venom Ooze | 118 | Violet Ore | -None- | -None- |
Army Wasp | 176 | Sharp Stinger | -None- | -None- |
Firebird | 273 | Broken Wing | -None- | -None- |
Slavering Vine | 254 | Constricting Vine | -None- | -None- |
Cannon Palm | 434 | Palm Bark | -None- | Immobile Root |
Barbed Tiger | 289 | Tiger Fang | -None- | -None- |
Longisquama | 297 | Sharp Scale Tail | -None- | Frozen Back Wing |
Towering Ooze | 329 | Rainbow Gel | -None- | -None- |
Giant Sloth | 508 | Bent Claw | -None- | -None- |
Blue Patroller | 226 | Pink Wing | -None- | -None- |
Fanged Fish | 224 | Sharp Tooth | -None- | -None- |
Deadly Durian | 211 | Green Thorn | -None- | -None- |
Forest Frog | 328 | Gum Throat | -None- | -None- |
Great Lynx | 508 | Mountain Claw | -None- | -None- |
Scylla Crab | 251 | Carapace | -None- | -None- |
Starry Slug | 234 | Starry Case | -None- | Starry Night Toxin |
Devilfish | 442 | Violet Comb | -None- | -None- |
Great Platypus | 361 | Hard Venom Tail | -None- | -None- |
Largebill | 560 | Green Feather | -None- | Preserved Wing |
Forest Wolf | 591 | Wolf Fang | -None- | -None- |
Stun Ananas | 256 | Beast's Hull | -None- | -None- |
Roper | 263 | Thorned Ivy | -None- | -None- |
Air Squirrel | 260 | Fluffy Muffler | -None- | -None- |
Gryphon | 609 | Steel Beak | -None- | -None- |
Gobbler | 271 | Turkey Feather | -None- | -None- |
Dire Wolf | 625 | Crimson Fang | -None- | Cold Blood |
Petaloid | 278 | Flex Vine | -None- | -None- |
Roly-Poly Tanuki | 529 | Plump Tail | -None- | Tanuki Fur |
War Bison | 677 | Metal Horn | -None- | -None- |
Flame Lizard | 293 | Crimson Hide | Flaming Tail | -None- |
Finned Slug | 562 | Sticky Feeler | -None- | Pierced Whirl |
Wrath Bloom | 948 | Indigo Vine | -None- | -None- |
Swordfish | 484 | Fish Scale | -None- | -None- |
Purple Anoir | 474 | Purple Hyoid | -None- | -None- |
Ptarmigan | 338 | Gold Crest | -None- | Flat Belly Feather |
Diatryma | 371 | Glinting Beak | -None- | -None- |
Raven | 322 | Blue Bird's Leg | -None- | -None- |
Cockatrice | 742 | Cockatrice Tail | -None- | -None- |
Rainbug | 330 | Prism Shell | -None- | -None- |
Wind Cutter | 465 | Sharp Wing Blade | -None- | -None- |
Luminous Bird | 584 | Gold Claw | -None- | -None- |
Mad Crawler | 517 | Caterpillar Fang | -None- | Dull Claw |
Lightning Drake | 776 | Voltking Horn | -None- | -None- |
Forest Snail | 323 | Carapace Piece | -None- | -None- |
Clawed Mole | 362 | Soft Hide | -None- | Sealed Mole Claw |
Hedgehog | 348 | Rat Needle | -None- | -None- |
Wild Wing | 834 | Wyvern Skull | -None- | -None- |
Venomfly | 371 | Poison Wing | -None- | -None- |
Cube Gel | 241 | Gel Core | -None- | Tranquilized Gel |
Sunflower | 571 | Ray Flower | -None- | -None- |
King Snail | 585 | Metal Hull | -None- | Electric Shell |
Crawler | 877 | Small Nail | -None- | -None- |
Big Moth | 960 | Violet Wing | -None- | -None- |
Whorled Puffer | 916 | Spherical Bone | -None- | Stunned Pellicle |
Rock Coral | 409 | Pungent Coral | -None- | -None- |
Giant Hermit | 359 | Crabshell | -None- | -None- |
High Walrus | 640 | Muscled Arm | -None- | -None- |
Hungry Coral | 427 | Coral Arm | -None- | Scarlet Sugar |
Koolasuchus | 1203 | Salamander Lip | -None- | -None- |
High Onnep | 669 | Sea Beast Fur | -None- | Frozen Tusk |
Iron Turtle | 1003 | Century Shell | -None- | -None- |
Bloodthirsty Fly | 455 | Metallic Wing | -None- | -None- |
Giant Shroom | 432 | Open Cap | -None- | -None- |
Dragonfly | 696 | Red Foreleg | -None- | -None- |
Chiroptilla | 1044 | Primate Patagium | -None- | -None- |
Haggis | 1196 | Yellow Plume | -None- | -None- |
Sleipnir | 738 | Red Mane | -None- | Singed Hoof |
Ghastly Ananas | 491 | Shattered Pit | -None- | -None- |
Cliff Goat | 753 | Shattered Horn | -None- | -None- |
Rattle Nozuchi | 502 | Red Iron Chip | Pointy Tail | -None- |
Volt Cat | 766 | Sharp Claw | -None- | Panicked Fang |
Spotted Slug | 780 | Spotted Skin | -None- | -None- |
Blue Wallaby | 1191 | Anchor Tail | -None- | Pierced Metal Fist |
Raptor Lord | 1262 | Glittering Tail | -None- | -None- |
Forest Hare | 550 | Rabbit Tooth | -None- | -None- |
Demon Hopper | 539 | Hopper Wing | Tough Leg | -None- |
Venomshroom | 452 | Poison Ferrule | -None- | -None- |
Magma Spawn | 1237 | Scorch Stone | -None- | Igneous Rock |
Glacier Spawn | 1328 | Frigid Stone | -None- | Melted Ice Core |
Frog Lord | 858 | Glassy Eye | Frog Belly Skin | -None- |
Claw Beetle | 876 | Hard Shell | -None- | Stagnant Scythe |
Maya Owl | 572 | Glow Quill | -None- | -None- |
Cold Claw | 584 | Frigid Mole Nail | -None- | -None- |
Baboon | 1338 | Thick Bone | -None- | Baboon Skull |
Zapper Frog | 909 | Zapper Skin | Zapper Tongue | -None- |
Hexroot | 817 | Sap Vine | -None- | -None- |
Flame Rat | 628 | Flame Rat Skull | -None- | Paralyzed Tail |
Sandfish | 925 | Sandfish Eye | -None- | -None- |
Black Boar | 1213 | Savage Tusk | -None- | -None- |
Huge Moa | 1437 | Bird Tendon | -None- | -None- |
Forest Mystic | 976 | Sand Cloth | -None- | -None- |
Forest Soldier | 993 | Hard Rock | -None- | Electric Grin |
Pixie | 651 | Faerie Wings | Faerie Hair | -None- |
Forest Warrior | 1009 | Damascus Ingot | Demonic Sickle | -None- |
Forest Druid | 1209 | Verdant Cloth | Magatama | -None- |
Killer Ant | 708 | Steel Chitin | -None- | -None- |
Panda Ant | 720 | Monochrome Leg | -None- | -None- |
Fire Ant | 1077 | Sharp Mandibles | -None- | -None- |
Huge Ant | 1178 | Gold Carapace | -None- | -None- |
Aerodiver | 695 | Metallic Proboscis | -None- | -None- |
Frilled Lizard | 706 | Collar Fur | -None- | -None- |
Jumping Caracal | 701 | Feline Ear | -None- | -None- |
Actaeon | 1588 | Steel Horn | -None- | -None- |
Giant Ladybug | 718 | Spotted Carapace | -None- | Panicked Needle |
Bladed Phasmid | 1077 | Stickbug Switch | -None- | -None- |
Leopard Skunk | 729 | Leopard-Spot Fur | -None- | -None- |
Sleeping Lion | 1865 | Lion Claw | -None- | -None- |
Ice Squirrel | 740 | Fluffy Tail | Snow Beast Horn | -None- |
Tortiron | 1689 | Black Carapace | -None- | Shelled Leg |
Spotted Hound | 1142 | Canine Jawbone | Black Dewclaw | -None- |
Sauroposeidon | 2441 | Beast Femur | -None- | Crushed Horn |
Golden Deer | 1221 | Golden Pelt | -None- | -None- |
Camo Dog | 1201 | Camouflage Fang | -None- | -None- |
Curse Locust | 801 | Locust Leg | -None- | -None- |
Thunder Hare | 788 | Fluffy Black Ear | -None- | -None- |
Giraffa Beetle | 1182 | Beetle Jaw | -None- | -None- |
Undead Soldier | 1211 | Silver Shard | -None- | Holed Blade |
Ice Bat | 814 | Cold Patagium | Icicle Fang | -None- |
Jackalope | 827 | Strange Horn | -None- | -None- |
Muskoid | 941 | Death Stem | -None- | -None- |
Flame Lynx | 1240 | Flame Claw | -None- | Suspended Flame |
Leaf Hat Tanuki | 2525 | Bouncy Furball | -None- | Charred Leaf |
Illbear | 1281 | Ugly Horn | Rugged Club | -None- |
Battering Boar | 1650 | Jagged Tusk | -None- | -None- |
Pandora Ananas | 1950 | Red Fruit Husk | -None- | Closed Eyelids |
Evil Mammoth | 2243 | Giant Tusk | -None- | -None- |
Forbidden Fruit | 893 | Small Fruit Core | -None- | Pineapple Syrup |
Emperor Falcon | 1178 | Imperious Tail | -None- | -None- |
Mauler Mole | 919 | Sky Iron Claw | -None- | -None- |
Black Claw | 2726 | Slaughtering Claw | -None- | -None- |
Suicide Hare | 1313 | Tiny Tooth | Fiendish Mane | Screaming Snout |
Iron Crab | 1560 | Gray Pincer | -None- | -None- |
Stoneray | 1671 | Craggy Fish Skin | Flying Tailfin | -None- |
Moth Lord | 2540 | Carmine Wing | -None- | Mauling Claw |
Archpixie | 1218 | Flower Cloth | -None- | -None- |
Lord Saguaro | 2774 | Withered Spine | -None- | -None- |
Mimic Aye-Aye | 1602 | Torn Monkey Tail | Yellow Furball | -None- |
Hazefly | 1827 | Wing Scale | -None- | Frozen Wing |
Hypno Ananas | 3749 | Suspicious Leaf | -None- | -None- |
Red Lion | 4088 | Red Lion Fang | -None- | Tranquil Mane |
Fire Eater | 842 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Giant Gobbler | 853 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Suicide Ooze | 677 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Spawned Ooze | 241 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Icy Wind Cutter | 1064 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Toxic Caterpillar | 629 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Rafflesia | 1277 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Ravenous Walrus | 1609 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Atrocious Walrus | 1869 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Nasty Packhound | 1143 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Magma Beast | 6362 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Cutter | 1585 | Bear Claw | -None- | Sliced Bear Fang |
Giant Moa | 2928 | Bird Limb | -None- | Stunned Quill |
Jungle Killer | 2805 | Toxic Barb | -None- | -None- |
Raging Tyrant | 3687 | Hippo Tusk | -None- | -None- |
Greedy Lizard | 3858 | Reptile Dorsal Fin | -None- | Burnt Snout |
Rebel Wolf | 5103 | Beast Thorn | -None- | Confusing Crest |
Roaming Ananas | 6765 | Pineapple Leaf | -None- | -None- |
Crimson Gale | 5289 | Redbird Plume | -None- | -None- |
Furious Hawk | 6316 | Black Feather | -None- | Roky Drumstick |
Charging Rhino | 6546 | Red Horn Shard | -None- | -None- |
Bloodhound Bat | 1200 | Bat Membrane | -None- | -None- |
Rushing Raptor | 10281 | Brass Fang | -None- | Torn Nail |
Sea Wanderer | 28510 | Depth Scale | -None- | -None- |
Scaled Dragon | 9705 | Water Spine | -None- | Bound Tail |
Platinum Pillbug | 12860 | Beetle Claw | -None- | Partial Skull |
Dream Eater | 12105 | Fluffy Wool | -None- | -None- |
Glaring Stinger | 12491 | Sharp Pincer | -None- | -None- |
Plated Chaser | 15092 | Armor Shard | -None- | -None- |
Evil Eye | 15557 | Crystal Lens | -None- | Bound Evil Wing |
Medusa Tree | 18566 | Evil Tree Bark | -None- | Poison Pith |
Cruella | 15276 | Red String | -None- | Vine Strand |
Diabolix | 15706 | Purple Thread | -None- | Rose Whip |
Forest Demon | 19095 | Evil Plume | -None- | -None- |
Forest Ogre | 21855 | Evil Scale | -None- | -None- |
Toxipede | 23088 | Metal Pincer | -None- | -None- |
Craven Mantrap | 23754 | Bizarre Leaf | -None- | Slumbering Bud |
Toad Marshal | 24432 | Spotted Tongue | -None- | -None- |
Indignant Mantis | 28027 | Soft Sickle | -None- | -None- |
Rhinodozer | 29536 | Pure White Horn | -None- | -None- |
Croaker Slug | 30307 | Slimy Fin | -None- | Bound Cylinder |
Silent Assassin | 67796 | Battered Armor | -None- | Shining Core |
Hellbent Beast | 64809 | Coiled Horn | -None- | -None- |
Dazing Pumpkin | 50441 | Pumpkin Head | -None- | -None- |
Gourmet Pelican | 121468 | Pelican Tail | -None- | Abyssal Pouch |
Wandering Eye | 67741 | Evil Wing Bone | -None- | Writhing Arm |
Furyfawn | 859 | Fawn Hoof | -None- | -None- |
Galatea | 711 | Fractured Arm | -None- | -None- |
Skoll | 1153 | Wolf Pelt | -None- | -None- |
Stalking Shadow | 5555 | Vibrant Tongue | -None- | -None- |
Cocky Capacitor (Liquefied) | 1801 | Broken Core | -None- | -None- |
Cocky Capacitor (Solid) | 14159 | Electric Ore | -None- | -None- |
Servitor Ant | 4634 | Red Carapace | -None- | -None- |
Honey Ant | 529 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Dune Prowler | 25821 | Tremor Needles | -None- | -None- |
Hexgourd | 3883 | Bony Thorn | -None- | Kaleido-Pumpkin |
Bounding Beast | 6396 | Kangaroo Fist | -None- | -None- |
Frigid Mantis | 14655 | Frigid Sickle | -None- | -None- |
Dinotyrant | 34888 | Bone Plate | -None- | -None- |
Dinogator | 62523 | Dinogator Skin | -None- | Dislodged Fang |
Furyhorn | 2506 | Deer Hide | -None- | -None- |
Duteous Fawn | 152 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Golem | 4608 | Statue Finger | -None- | 3-Lights Gem |
Fenrir | 8318 | Wolf King Mane | -None- | Wolf Tail |
Chameleon King | 9273 | Colorful Skin | -None- | Forked Tongue |
Lizard Retainer | 338 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Alraune | 16978 | Royal Vine | -None- | King's Velvet |
Hippogryph | 31986 | Hippogryph Wing | -None- | Bound Talon |
Queen Ant | 56355 | Death Claw | -None- | Ant's Jaws |
Lamia | 64067 | Sinister Serpent | -None- | Snakebraid Snarl |
Bind Snake | 1261 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Scylla | 74969 | Ice Queen's Vine | -None- | Ice Queen's Fur |
Ruin Creeper | 1084 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Juggernaut | 136728 | Guardian Skin | -None- | Sky Metal Tail |
Great Dragon | 115961 | Dragon Scale | Dragon Fang | Scorching Horn |
Blizzard King | 94592 | Blizzard Scale | Snow Pterygoid | Frozen Wing |
Storm Emperor | 64298 | Emperor Scale | Emperor Barbel | Thunderous Eye |
Blossombeast | 2863 | Malevolent Thorn | -None- | -None- |
Berserker King | 4067 | Berserker Claw | -None- | -None- |
Cernunnos | 5074 | Sharp Horn | -None- | Usurper's Arm |
Healing Roller | 123 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Wyvern | 6859 | Tough Wing | -None- | Wyvern Tail |
Wicked Silurus | 7993 | Volt Whisker | -None- | Immobilized Fin |
Shellbeast | 12958 | Shell Pillar | -None- | Stunned Hide |
Dark Skull | 462 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Harpuia | 14131 | Harpy Wing | -None- | Queen's Leg |
Chimaera | 18568 | Brute Tail | -None- | Poison Wing |
Ketos | 20546 | Whale Fumarole | -None- | Whirlpool Hide |
Bugbeast | 26791 | Beetle Leg | -None- | Gangly Arm |
Salamander | 29659 | Flame Marrow | -None- | Burning Tail |
Baby Salamander | 343 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Boiling Lizard | 54034 | Fiery Horn | -None- | Comforting Scale |
Scale | 617 | -None- | -None- | -None- |
Basilisk | 34710 | Stiff Skin | -None- | Clouded Eye |
Iwaoropenelep | 44046 | Damascus Claw | -None- | Golden Plume |
Blót | 52680 | Hero's Cloth | -None- | -None- |
Jormungandr (Weakened) | 76487 | Gaia Wing | -None- | -None- |
Jormungandr (True) | 162844 | Gaia Wing | -None- | -None- |
Abyssal Princess | 164496 | Abyssal Shard | -None- | -None- |