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Etrian Odyssey Wiki

This is a list of monsters in Etrian Odyssey Nexus By Labyrinth (Work in Progress)

Full Monster List

For more information, view the monster's page.

Main Labyrinths[]

1st Lab : Eastern Shrine[]

Name Type Drop 1 Drop 2 Conditional Drop
Rabid Koala Common Koala Claw Arm Pink Fur -None-
Muscle Fly Common Steel Proboscis -None- -None-
Spraying Skunk Common Spotted Fur -None- Burst Stink Gland
Air Wolf Common Purple Beast Fang -None- -None-
Blossombeast Labyrinth Boss Malevolent Thorn -None- -None-

2nd Lab : Lush Woodlands[]

Name Type Drop 1 Drop 2 Conditional Drop
Tree Rat Common Small Tooth -None- -None-
Grasseater Common Grasseater Jaw Grasseater Leg -None-
Woodfly Common Thin Wing -None- Shocked Bug Eye
Angry Baboon Common Ape Bone -None- -None-
Mandrake Common Mandrake Root -None- -None-
Roller Common Elastic Skin -None- -None-
Fanged Vine Common Thorny Vine -None- -None-
Ghost Owl Common Huge Tail Feather -None- Bound Beak
Big Roller Common Big Shell Armor Tail -None-
Cutter FOE Bear Claw -None- Sliced Bear Fang
Berserker King Labyrinth Boss Berserker Claw -None- -None-
Cernunnos Labyrinth Boss Sharp Horn -None- Usurper's Arm

Full Monstrous Codex[]

This is a list of all monsters in the order in which they appear in the in-game Monstrous Codex.

Name HP Drop 1 Drop 2 Conditional Drop
Rabid Koala 113 Koala Claw Arm Pink Fur -None-
Muscle Fly 107 Steel Proboscis -None-​ -None-​
Spraying Skunk 92 Spotted Fur -None- Burst Stink Gland
Air Wolf 225 Purple Beast Fang -None- -None-
Tree Rat 129 Small Tooth -None- -None-
Grasseater 135 Grasseater Jaw Grasseater Leg -None-
Woodfly 124 Thin Wing -None- Shocked Bug Eye
Angry Baboon 317 Ape Bone -None- -None-
Mandrake 187 Mandrake Root -None- -None-
Roller 96 Elastic Skin -None- -None-
Fanged Vine 228 Thorny Vine -None- -None-
Ghost Owl 163 Huge Tail Feather -None- Bound Beak
Big Roller 250 Big Shell Armor Tail -None-
Sleeper Ooze 132 Sticky Goo -None- -None-
Venom Ooze 118 Violet Ore -None- -None-
Army Wasp 176 Sharp Stinger -None- -None-
Firebird 273 Broken Wing -None- -None-
Slavering Vine 254 Constricting Vine -None- -None-
Cannon Palm 434 Palm Bark -None- Immobile Root
Barbed Tiger 289 Tiger Fang -None- -None-
Longisquama 297 Sharp Scale Tail -None- Frozen Back Wing
Towering Ooze 329 Rainbow Gel -None- -None-
Giant Sloth 508 Bent Claw -None- -None-
Blue Patroller 226 Pink Wing -None- -None-
Fanged Fish 224 Sharp Tooth -None- -None-
Deadly Durian 211 Green Thorn -None- -None-
Forest Frog 328 Gum Throat -None- -None-
Great Lynx 508 Mountain Claw -None- -None-
Scylla Crab 251 Carapace -None- -None-
Starry Slug 234 Starry Case -None- Starry Night Toxin
Devilfish 442 Violet Comb -None- -None-
Great Platypus 361 Hard Venom Tail -None- -None-
Largebill 560 Green Feather -None- Preserved Wing
Forest Wolf 591 Wolf Fang -None- -None-
Stun Ananas 256 Beast's Hull -None- -None-
Roper 263 Thorned Ivy -None- -None-
Air Squirrel 260 Fluffy Muffler -None- -None-
Gryphon 609 Steel Beak -None- -None-
Gobbler 271 Turkey Feather -None- -None-
Dire Wolf 625 Crimson Fang -None- Cold Blood
Petaloid 278 Flex Vine -None- -None-
Roly-Poly Tanuki 529 Plump Tail -None- Tanuki Fur
War Bison 677 Metal Horn -None- -None-
Flame Lizard 293 Crimson Hide Flaming Tail -None-
Finned Slug 562 Sticky Feeler -None- Pierced Whirl
Wrath Bloom 948 Indigo Vine -None- -None-
Swordfish 484 Fish Scale -None- -None-
Purple Anoir 474 Purple Hyoid -None- -None-
Ptarmigan 338 Gold Crest -None- Flat Belly Feather
Diatryma 371 Glinting Beak -None- -None-
Raven 322 Blue Bird's Leg -None- -None-
Cockatrice 742 Cockatrice Tail -None- -None-
Rainbug 330 Prism Shell -None- -None-
Wind Cutter 465 Sharp Wing Blade -None- -None-
Luminous Bird 584 Gold Claw -None- -None-
Mad Crawler 517 Caterpillar Fang -None- Dull Claw
Lightning Drake 776 Voltking Horn -None- -None-
Forest Snail 323 Carapace Piece -None- -None-
Clawed Mole 362 Soft Hide -None- Sealed Mole Claw
Hedgehog 348 Rat Needle -None- -None-
Wild Wing 834 Wyvern Skull -None- -None-
Venomfly 371 Poison Wing -None- -None-
Cube Gel 241 Gel Core -None- Tranquilized Gel
Sunflower 571 Ray Flower -None- -None-
King Snail 585 Metal Hull -None- Electric Shell
Crawler 877 Small Nail -None- -None-
Big Moth 960 Violet Wing -None- -None-
Whorled Puffer 916 Spherical Bone -None- Stunned Pellicle
Rock Coral 409 Pungent Coral -None- -None-
Giant Hermit 359 Crabshell -None- -None-
High Walrus 640 Muscled Arm -None- -None-
Hungry Coral 427 Coral Arm -None- Scarlet Sugar
Koolasuchus 1203 Salamander Lip -None- -None-
High Onnep 669 Sea Beast Fur -None- Frozen Tusk
Iron Turtle 1003 Century Shell -None- -None-
Bloodthirsty Fly 455 Metallic Wing -None- -None-
Giant Shroom 432 Open Cap -None- -None-
Dragonfly 696 Red Foreleg -None- -None-
Chiroptilla 1044 Primate Patagium -None- -None-
Haggis 1196 Yellow Plume -None- -None-
Sleipnir 738 Red Mane -None- Singed Hoof
Ghastly Ananas 491 Shattered Pit -None- -None-
Cliff Goat 753 Shattered Horn -None- -None-
Rattle Nozuchi 502 Red Iron Chip Pointy Tail -None-
Volt Cat 766 Sharp Claw -None- Panicked Fang
Spotted Slug 780 Spotted Skin -None- -None-
Blue Wallaby 1191 Anchor Tail -None- Pierced Metal Fist
Raptor Lord 1262 Glittering Tail -None- -None-
Forest Hare 550 Rabbit Tooth -None- -None-
Demon Hopper 539 Hopper Wing Tough Leg -None-
Venomshroom 452 Poison Ferrule -None- -None-
Magma Spawn 1237 Scorch Stone -None- Igneous Rock
Glacier Spawn 1328 Frigid Stone -None- Melted Ice Core
Frog Lord 858 Glassy Eye Frog Belly Skin -None-
Claw Beetle 876 Hard Shell -None- Stagnant Scythe
Maya Owl 572 Glow Quill -None- -None-
Cold Claw 584 Frigid Mole Nail -None- -None-
Baboon 1338 Thick Bone -None- Baboon Skull
Zapper Frog 909 Zapper Skin Zapper Tongue -None-
Hexroot 817 Sap Vine -None- -None-
Flame Rat 628 Flame Rat Skull -None- Paralyzed Tail
Sandfish 925 Sandfish Eye -None- -None-
Black Boar 1213 Savage Tusk -None- -None-
Huge Moa 1437 Bird Tendon -None- -None-
Forest Mystic 976 Sand Cloth -None- -None-
Forest Soldier 993 Hard Rock -None- Electric Grin
Pixie 651 Faerie Wings Faerie Hair -None-
Forest Warrior 1009 Damascus Ingot Demonic Sickle -None-
Forest Druid 1209 Verdant Cloth Magatama -None-
Killer Ant 708 Steel Chitin -None- -None-
Panda Ant 720 Monochrome Leg -None- -None-
Fire Ant 1077 Sharp Mandibles -None- -None-
Huge Ant 1178 Gold Carapace -None- -None-
Aerodiver 695 Metallic Proboscis -None- -None-
Frilled Lizard 706 Collar Fur -None- -None-
Jumping Caracal 701 Feline Ear -None- -None-
Actaeon 1588 Steel Horn -None- -None-
Giant Ladybug 718 Spotted Carapace -None- Panicked Needle
Bladed Phasmid 1077 Stickbug Switch -None- -None-
Leopard Skunk 729 Leopard-Spot Fur -None- -None-
Sleeping Lion 1865 Lion Claw -None- -None-
Ice Squirrel 740 Fluffy Tail Snow Beast Horn -None-
Tortiron 1689 Black Carapace -None- Shelled Leg
Spotted Hound 1142 Canine Jawbone Black Dewclaw -None-
Sauroposeidon 2441 Beast Femur -None- Crushed Horn
Golden Deer 1221 Golden Pelt -None- -None-
Camo Dog 1201 Camouflage Fang -None- -None-
Curse Locust 801 Locust Leg -None- -None-
Thunder Hare 788 Fluffy Black Ear -None- -None-
Giraffa Beetle 1182 Beetle Jaw -None- -None-
Undead Soldier 1211 Silver Shard -None- Holed Blade
Ice Bat 814 Cold Patagium Icicle Fang -None-
Jackalope 827 Strange Horn -None- -None-
Muskoid 941 Death Stem -None- -None-
Flame Lynx 1240 Flame Claw -None- Suspended Flame
Leaf Hat Tanuki 2525 Bouncy Furball -None- Charred Leaf
Illbear 1281 Ugly Horn Rugged Club -None-
Battering Boar 1650 Jagged Tusk -None- -None-
Pandora Ananas 1950 Red Fruit Husk -None- Closed Eyelids
Evil Mammoth 2243 Giant Tusk -None- -None-
Forbidden Fruit 893 Small Fruit Core -None- Pineapple Syrup
Emperor Falcon 1178 Imperious Tail -None- -None-
Mauler Mole 919 Sky Iron Claw -None- -None-
Black Claw 2726 Slaughtering Claw -None- -None-
Suicide Hare 1313 Tiny Tooth Fiendish Mane Screaming Snout
Iron Crab 1560 Gray Pincer -None- -None-
Stoneray 1671 Craggy Fish Skin Flying Tailfin -None-
Moth Lord 2540 Carmine Wing -None- Mauling Claw
Archpixie 1218 Flower Cloth -None- -None-
Lord Saguaro 2774 Withered Spine -None- -None-
Mimic Aye-Aye 1602 Torn Monkey Tail Yellow Furball -None-
Hazefly 1827 Wing Scale -None- Frozen Wing
Hypno Ananas 3749 Suspicious Leaf -None- -None-
Red Lion 4088 Red Lion Fang -None- Tranquil Mane
Fire Eater 842 -None- -None- -None-
Giant Gobbler 853 -None- -None- -None-
Suicide Ooze 677 -None- -None- -None-
Spawned Ooze 241 -None- -None- -None-
Icy Wind Cutter 1064 -None- -None- -None-
Toxic Caterpillar 629 -None- -None- -None-
Rafflesia 1277 -None- -None- -None-
Ravenous Walrus 1609 -None- -None- -None-
Atrocious Walrus 1869 -None- -None- -None-
Nasty Packhound 1143 -None- -None- -None-
Magma Beast 6362 -None- -None- -None-
Cutter 1585 Bear Claw -None- Sliced Bear Fang
Giant Moa 2928 Bird Limb -None- Stunned Quill
Jungle Killer 2805 Toxic Barb -None- -None-
Raging Tyrant 3687 Hippo Tusk -None- -None-
Greedy Lizard 3858 Reptile Dorsal Fin -None- Burnt Snout
Rebel Wolf 5103 Beast Thorn -None- Confusing Crest
Roaming Ananas 6765 Pineapple Leaf -None- -None-
Crimson Gale 5289 Redbird Plume -None- -None-
Furious Hawk 6316 Black Feather -None- Roky Drumstick
Charging Rhino 6546 Red Horn Shard -None- -None-
Bloodhound Bat 1200 Bat Membrane -None- -None-
Rushing Raptor 10281 Brass Fang -None- Torn Nail
Sea Wanderer 28510 Depth Scale -None- -None-
Scaled Dragon 9705 Water Spine -None- Bound Tail
Platinum Pillbug 12860 Beetle Claw -None- Partial Skull
Dream Eater 12105 Fluffy Wool -None- -None-
Glaring Stinger 12491 Sharp Pincer -None- -None-
Plated Chaser 15092 Armor Shard -None- -None-
Evil Eye 15557 Crystal Lens -None- Bound Evil Wing
Medusa Tree 18566 Evil Tree Bark -None- Poison Pith
Cruella 15276 Red String -None- Vine Strand
Diabolix 15706 Purple Thread -None- Rose Whip
Forest Demon 19095 Evil Plume -None- -None-
Forest Ogre 21855 Evil Scale -None- -None-
Toxipede 23088 Metal Pincer -None- -None-
Craven Mantrap 23754 Bizarre Leaf -None- Slumbering Bud
Toad Marshal 24432 Spotted Tongue -None- -None-
Indignant Mantis 28027 Soft Sickle -None- -None-
Rhinodozer 29536 Pure White Horn -None- -None-
Croaker Slug 30307 Slimy Fin -None- Bound Cylinder
Silent Assassin 67796 Battered Armor -None- Shining Core
Hellbent Beast 64809 Coiled Horn -None- -None-
Dazing Pumpkin 50441 Pumpkin Head -None- -None-
Gourmet Pelican 121468 Pelican Tail -None- Abyssal Pouch
Wandering Eye 67741 Evil Wing Bone -None- Writhing Arm
Furyfawn 859 Fawn Hoof -None- -None-
Galatea 711 Fractured Arm -None- -None-
Skoll 1153 Wolf Pelt -None- -None-
Stalking Shadow 5555 Vibrant Tongue -None- -None-
Cocky Capacitor (Liquefied) 1801 Broken Core -None- -None-
Cocky Capacitor (Solid) 14159 Electric Ore -None- -None-
Servitor Ant 4634 Red Carapace -None- -None-
Honey Ant 529 -None- -None- -None-
Dune Prowler 25821 Tremor Needles -None- -None-
Hexgourd 3883 Bony Thorn -None- Kaleido-Pumpkin
Bounding Beast 6396 Kangaroo Fist -None- -None-
Frigid Mantis 14655 Frigid Sickle -None- -None-
Dinotyrant 34888 Bone Plate -None- -None-
Dinogator 62523 Dinogator Skin -None- Dislodged Fang
Furyhorn 2506 Deer Hide -None- -None-
Duteous Fawn 152 -None- -None- -None-
Golem 4608 Statue Finger -None- 3-Lights Gem
Fenrir 8318 Wolf King Mane -None- Wolf Tail
Chameleon King 9273 Colorful Skin -None- Forked Tongue
Lizard Retainer 338 -None- -None- -None-
Alraune 16978 Royal Vine -None- King's Velvet
Hippogryph 31986 Hippogryph Wing -None- Bound Talon
Queen Ant 56355 Death Claw -None- Ant's Jaws
Lamia 64067 Sinister Serpent -None- Snakebraid Snarl
Bind Snake 1261 -None- -None- -None-
Scylla 74969 Ice Queen's Vine -None- Ice Queen's Fur
Ruin Creeper 1084 -None- -None- -None-
Juggernaut 136728 Guardian Skin -None- Sky Metal Tail
Great Dragon 115961 Dragon Scale Dragon Fang Scorching Horn
Blizzard King 94592 Blizzard Scale Snow Pterygoid Frozen Wing
Storm Emperor 64298 Emperor Scale Emperor Barbel Thunderous Eye
Blossombeast 2863 Malevolent Thorn -None- -None-
Berserker King 4067 Berserker Claw -None- -None-
Cernunnos 5074 Sharp Horn -None- Usurper's Arm
Healing Roller 123 -None- -None- -None-
Wyvern 6859 Tough Wing -None- Wyvern Tail
Wicked Silurus 7993 Volt Whisker -None- Immobilized Fin
Shellbeast 12958 Shell Pillar -None- Stunned Hide
Dark Skull 462 -None- -None- -None-
Harpuia 14131 Harpy Wing -None- Queen's Leg
Chimaera 18568 Brute Tail -None- Poison Wing
Ketos 20546 Whale Fumarole -None- Whirlpool Hide
Bugbeast 26791 Beetle Leg -None- Gangly Arm
Salamander 29659 Flame Marrow -None- Burning Tail
Baby Salamander 343 -None- -None- -None-
Boiling Lizard 54034 Fiery Horn -None- Comforting Scale
Scale 617 -None- -None- -None-
Basilisk 34710 Stiff Skin -None- Clouded Eye
Iwaoropenelep 44046 Damascus Claw -None- Golden Plume
Blót 52680 Hero's Cloth -None- -None-
Jormungandr (Weakened) 76487 Gaia Wing -None- -None-
Jormungandr (True) 162844 Gaia Wing -None- -None-
Abyssal Princess 164496 Abyssal Shard -None- -None-