- Unskilled in battle, their healing arts allow experienced warriors to survive difficult battles.
- —Medic description, Etrian Odyssey

"Where does it hurt?"

Etrian Odyssey IV Medic
The Medic (メディック) is the best healer you can bring into the labyrinths of every game in which they appear. Medics have a cure for any injury or ailment sustained from the various enemies and monsters encountered there, so long as they remain standing themselves. On that point, Medics lack defensive strength, so they rely on others of the party to shield them from damage. Another weakness of theirs is modest speed, so they may at times be too slow to save a comrade, but later iterations in the series provide temporary boosts to help. When the party is healthy and safe, Medics have a few skills that allow them to continue helping in the fight.
Medic is one of the most iconic classes in the series, tying with Landsknecht for the most appearances. In the games where it doesn't appear, Monk and Botanist take the role of primary healer.
All-purpose healers for the party, a Medic undoes any damage sustained. Their skills range from healing status ailments, to curing wounds, to restoring HP steadily over time, even to resurrect dead party members. Medics have access to one of the best skills in the first game, Immunize, which increases party resistance to both magic and physical attacks. Using Boost on this skill allows the party to easily survive the most powerful, hard hitting monsters in the labyrinth. In addition, despite their low defense, the anomalously high scaling on their ATK Up skill along with Caduceus makes Medics very powerful on the front line, providing the basis of the combat medic style.
- Strengths: Potent and versatile range of healing skills and good attack power if needed.
- Weaknesses: Low defense and HP and modest speed. Their main healing skills don't scale.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Medic/Stats#EO1
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 20 | 16 | 6 | 9 | 6 | 6 | 10 |
30 | 157 | 80 | 27 | 39 | 27 | 27 | 43 |
50 | 276 | 124 | 42 | 60 | 42 | 42 | 65 |
70 | 402 | 168 | 53 | 75 | 53 | 53 | 82 |
Note: Skills are listed in the same order that is used in the game and do not necessarily unlock one after another. See the "Requires" column to see how to unlock a skill. If that column has dashes in it the skill is accessible at level one; no other skill is needed to unlock it. Skills are maxed at level 10.
- Stat Increases and Passive Skills are passive benefits that grant bonuses without being activated.
- Search Skills are out-of-battle skills, mostly for gathering materials or controling monster behaviour.
- Healing Skills are the Medics skills, giving them a wide array of ways to heal themselves and others.
- Extra shows skill detail or any special bonuses that are gained at certain levels.
Skill | Description | Type | Requires | Extra |
HP Up | Increase max HP. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
TP Up | Increase max TP. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
ATK Up | Increase physical damage. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
Caduceus | Attack with chance of stunning an enemy. | Staff Skill | ATK Up Lv10 | |
Healer | Increase healing. Needed to learn healing skills. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
Patch Up | Small healing after battle with no TP cost. | Passive Skill | Healer Lv2 | |
Scavenge | Increase chances of enemy drop items. | Search Skill | TP Up Lv3 | |
TP Regen | Regenerates TP every turn in battle. | Passive Skill | TP Up Lv10 | |
Cure | Small healing for a party member. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv1 | |
Cure II | Medium healing for a party member. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv3 | |
Unbind | Removes bindings from a party member. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv3 | Lv1 - 1 bind removed Lv3 - 2 binds removed Lv5 - 3 binds removed |
Salve | Small healing for entire party. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv3 Cure Lv3 |
Immunize | Increases resistance to all elements for entire party. | Defense Skill | Healer Lv3 Salve Lv3 |
Affects physical resistance on top of elemental. |
Cure III | Full healing for a party member. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv5 | |
Refresh | Removes ailments from entire party. Each level removes another ailment. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv5 | Lv1-8 add another ailment cured. Lv9-10 increase success rate. |
Regen | Buff that causes small healing for a party member each turn. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv5 Cure Lv5 |
Salve II | Medium healing for entire party. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv5 Cure II Lv3 |
CPR | Chance for entire party to survive mortal blows with 1 HP. | Defense Skill | Immunize Lv3 Salve II Lv5 |
Revive | Revives a party member from the dead. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv7 Cure III Lv3 |
H. Touch | Percentage healing for a party member outside battle for small TP. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv10 | Lv1 - Heals 25% |
Chop | Chop wood, increase success rate and max per day. | Search Skill | ----- |
Skill Breakdown[]
The Medic (メディック) as the name implies, are your group's primary healers. They have a number of skills that will help you survive the numerous enemy raids you will encounter within the labyrinth, healing your party members, reviving the fallen adventurers, healing negative status effects, and on top of that have access to one of the best skills in the first game, Immunize, which increases party resistance to both magic and physical attacks, helping them survive the most powerful, hard hitting monsters in the labyrinth.
If you like playing in unconventional ways, why not create a combat medic? They can deal heavy damage with the correct equipment combined with the caduceus skill. However, they will need to be placed in the front row to maximize the damage dealt.
Their major problem is that they have very lacking defensive power and speed, meaning that they both die quickly and take a long time to use their skills. This can be countered by having a survivalist using 1st turn on the medic, so he/she can heal the party before the enemy has a chance to finish them off. Also, if using the combat medic build, be careful since it will be very vulnerable to enemy attacks in the front row. Another problem is that using the highest level skills will deplete their TP very quickly, so always carry TP recovering items as insurance.
Following after Legends of the Titan, Medic's skills in the remake of the first game are significantly revised and modernized while keeping a similar pattern. Scaling with TEC, the Cures and Salves are collapsed into single skills, and Immunize now works as intended - only protecting the party from non-physical elemental damage. While they lose H. Touch, they gain Delayed Heal which can help the party brace for massive damage, and also gain the ability to inflict ailments in the form of Anaesthetic, Curare, and Toxin Injection, improving their party support options from the back line.
- Strengths: Unparalleled healing ability.
- Weaknesses: Low damage output unless supplemented using Grimoire Stones, middling HP and defenses ill-suited for continued front-row presence.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Medic/Stats#EOU
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 26 | 34 | 6 | 9 | 6 | 6 | 8 |
30 | 110 | 100 | 18 | 23 | 17 | 16 | 19 |
70 | 281 | 220 | 38 | 46 | 35 | 36 | 38 |
99 | 445 | 327 | 54 | 65 | 49 | 50 | 52 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisites | Extra |
Heal Mastery | Enables healing skills and increases HP recovered through healing. | Mastery | None | |
Cure | Recovers HP for an ally. | Healing | Heal Mastery Lv1 | Lv5 and 10 raise skill speed. |
Salve | Recovers HP for the party. | Healing | Cure Lv5 | |
Unbind | Removes binds. | Healing | Heal Mastery Lv3 | Leveling increases number of binds removed, area of effect, and lowers TP cost. |
Refresh | Removes status ailments. | Leveling increases area of effect and lowers TP cost. | ||
Immunize | Increases the party's elemental resistance. | Guard | Unbind, Refresh Lv5 | Lv5 and 10 increase duration. |
Regenerate | A buff to an ally that restores HP at the end of the turn. | Healing | Heal Mastery Lv5 | Lv5 and 10 increase duration. |
Delayed Heal | Restores the party's HP at the start of the next turn. Cannot be used continuously, lost if the user dies. | Healing | Regenerate Lv3 | |
Heal | Greatly recovers HP for an ally. | Healing | Heal Mastery Lv7 | |
Revive | Resurrects an ally. | Healing | Heal Mastery Lv10 | |
CPR | Applies a buff to the party that may let them survive a mortal blow with 1HP. | Guard | Revive Lv3 | Lv5 and 10 increase duration. |
HP Up | Raises maximum HP. | Stat Up | None | |
Anaesthetic | May induce sleep for an enemy. | Battle | HP Up Lv1 | |
Toxin Injection | May poison an enemy. | Leveling also increases poison damage. | ||
Curare | May paralyze an enemy. | |||
Diagnosis | Raises critical rate for one line. | Buff | HP Up Lv5 | |
Clear Strike | Melee bash attack to 1 enemy. Damage is based on user's TEC. | Staff | HP Up Lv10 | |
TP Up | Raises maximum TP. | Stat Up | None | |
Safe Passage | Reduces damage from hazard tiles for a certain number of steps. | Field | TP Up Lv1 | |
Scavenge | Raises drop rate of items from monsters. | Passive | TP Up Lv3 | |
Focus | Recovers TP at a turn's end if the user's HP is at maximum. | Battle | TP Up Lv10 | |
ATK Up | Raises physical attack. | Stat Up | None | |
Caduceus | Melee bash attack to 1 enemy. May stun. | Staff | ATK Up Lv10 | Lv5 and 10 raise skill speed. |
Chop | Allows the user to find more resources from chopping points. | Gather | None | Can be augmented with Grimoire Stones. |
Grimoire Stones[]
Skills to generate and pass:
- Heal Mastery: Improve the strength of other classes' healing abilities.
- Salve: One of the few area healing spells, and the strongest at that.
- Revive: Save on resources spent to make Nectars.
- Unbind, Refresh: Cleanse ailments off your party members. Particularly important to un-petrify or unbind your Medic.
- Focus: TP regeneration is always appreciated.
Skills best used on a Medic:
- Recover (Landsknecht): Unbinds the Medic themselves while also boosting their HP to increase their survivability.
- AGI Up (Survivalist): Offsets the slow speed of their skills.
- Formulas (Alchemist): Let the Medic use their own good TEC to do damage.
These healing specialists have a few new tricks up their sleeves, including a skill that heals the entire party's full HP, and the ability to sacrifice their own lives to resurrect and fully heal the rest of the party. They can also remove the entire party's bindings or status ailments at a stroke, and reduce the damage taken from hazard floors through preemptive medicine.
- Strengths: Unparalleled healing ability. Can regenerate their own TP.
- Weaknesses: Low offense, HP and speed.
- Force Skill - H. Touch: This formerly weak ability has received a major upgrade, allowing the medic's healing hands to recover the entire party's HP and status.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Medic/Stats#EO2
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 34 | 31 | 6 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 5 |
30 | 171 | 95 | 17 | 41 | 13 | 18 | 25 |
70 | 416 | 183 | 32 | 79 | 34 | 41 | 48 |
99 | 607 | 411 | 49 | 96 | 52 | 60 | 66 |
Skill | Description | Type | Requires | Extra |
HP Up | Increase maximum HP. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
TP Up | Increase maximum TP. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
STR Up | Increase strength. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
TEC Up | Increase technique. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
VIT Up | Increase vitality. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
AGI Up | Increase agility. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
LUC Up | Increase luck. | Stat Increase | ----- | |
Esc Up | Increase chances of successfully escaping from battle. | Stat Increase | ----- | Max Lv1 |
Healer | Needed to learn healing skills. | Mastery Skill | ----- | Increases heal rate. |
Patch Up | Restores a certain amount of HP after battle. | Passive Skill | Healer Lv1 | |
TP Regen | Restores a small amount of TP after every turn in battle. | Passive Skill | TP Up Lv10
TEC Up Lv10 |
Max Lv5 |
Scavenge | Increase the chance of finding items after battle. | Passive Skill | ----- | Max Lv5 |
Cure | Restores a small amount of HP. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv1 | |
Cure 2 | Restores a medium amount of HP. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv3 | |
Cure 3 | Restores full HP. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv5 | Max Lv5 |
Salve | Restores a small amount of HP to the entire party. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv3
Cure Lv3 |
Max Lv5 |
Salve 2 | Restores a medium amount of HP to the entire party. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv6 Cure 2 Lv4 |
Max Lv5 |
Salve 3 | Restores full HP to the entire party. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv10 Cure 3 Lv5 |
Max Lv5 |
Revive | Bring the dead back to life. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv5 | |
Unbind | Removes bindings from one party member. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv3 | |
Freedom | Removes bindings from the entire party. | Healing Skill | Unbind Lv3 | Max Lv5 |
Refresh | Removes status ailments from one party member. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv3 | |
Purify | Removes status ailments from the entire party. | Healing Skill | Refresh Lv10 | Max Lv5 |
Caduceus | A heavy staff strike with a chance of stunning the enemy. | Staff Skill | STR Up Lv10 VIT Up Lv10 |
CPR | Chance that party members will survive mortal blows with 1 HP. | Special Skill | Revive Lv10 | |
Phoenix | Sacrifice oneself to revive and heal the rest of the party. | Healing Skill | Healer Lv10 | Max Lv5 |
Patrol | Lower damage taken from hazard floors for a limited time. | Search Skill | ----- | Max Lv5 |
Take | Gather plants for materials at item points. | Search Skill | ----- | Max Lv5 |
The remake of the second game brings more substantial innovations to the healing specialist paradigm. Though Medics lose the ability to inflict status effects from The Millennium Girl, they now gain a more powerful Salve 2 that can restore an incredible amount of HP to the party, and their original Salve has been buffed to gain better turn speed to better offset the Medics' low speed. Chase Heal lets them automatically heal a patient each time they take damage, giving great synergy with Beasts and forming the Beast-Cleric lock. Overheal amplifies the power of their next heal spell while also allowing it to heal the party past their max HP, providing a buffer against damage for that turn. They also gain stronger offensive skills - Vital Hit inverts their healing prowess into a devastating blow from the front line, and Staff Mastery boosts both damage and max TP.
- Strengths: Unparalleled healing ability and one of the best staff attackers.
- Weaknesses: Below-average Agility hampers speed of slower heal skills. Low Luck drastically reduces ailment resistance.
- Force Boost - Steady Hands: For 3 turns, raises strength and turn speed of recovery skills while halving their TP costs.
- Force Break - Medical Miracle: Heals HP, revives, and removes the party's ailments/binds/debuffs.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Medic/Stats#EO2U
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 27 | 34 | 6 | 9 | 6 | 6 | 8 |
30 | 109 | 179 | 19 | 24 | 18 | 17 | 15 |
70 | 273 | 402 | 41 | 50 | 40 | 36 | 26 |
99 | 428 | 540 | 58 | 70 | 57 | 50 | 35 |
Grimoire Stones[]
Skills to generate and pass:
- Salve, Salve 2: The strongest full-party healing spells around. Best handed to Protectors, War Magi, and Sovereigns as it calculates off TEC and VIT.
- Revive: Saves on resources spent on Nectars.
- Unbind, Refresh: Equip to faster characters to cleanse ailments before enemies can capitalize on them.
- Staff Mastery: While the physical attack buff is mostly wasted on other staff wielders, the TP increase will not.
- Scavenge: If you're looking to increase dropped items without Formaldehydes or DLC.
Skills best used on a Medic:
- Barrier (War Magus): If the party is healthy, spend the turn preventing problems that would afflict them.
- Formulas and Palms (Alchemist): Offers the Medic the ability to use their TEC to do elemental damage. Palms are for frontline Medics.
- Link Order II (Sovereign): Reasonably powerful elemental area attack that only uses one Stone slot, provided the party has their own sources of elemental damage.
- Speed Up: Faster healing means fewer dead members. Doubly important for Medics investing in Salve 2 which does not get a speed bonus.
- Curb DEF Up: A passive alternative to Barrier that reduces the chances of your Medic getting shut down with an untimely bind or ailment without needing to spend a turn.
Medics make a comeback in this game with a lot of revamped skills, making them even more solid supports. If you dreamed of making a consistent combat Medic, now you can thanks to them now being able to equip Maces as well as Staves, the improved subclassing system and the available subclassing options will let Medic improve it's efficiency with the party in a supportive and (if able) offensive way.
- Strengths: Powerful healing skills and the capability of physical damage if needed.
- Weaknesses: Middling stats, limited reason to level skills past half strength.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Medic/Stats#EO4
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 40 | 39 | 5 | 10 | 6 | 6 | 5 |
35 | 177 | 165 | 23 | 34 | 25 | 25 | 23 |
70 | 317 | 295 | 42 | 58 | 45 | 45 | 41 |
99 | 433 | 374 | 57 | 78 | 57 | 61 | 57 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisites | Extra |
NOVICE | ||||
Proficiency | Increases the amount of HP recovered with the party's healing skills. | Class | ----- | |
Healing | Restores some HP to 1 ally. | Healing | ----- | |
Line Heal | Restores some HP to one line of allies. | Healing Lv3 | ||
Steady Hands | Increases effect of your HP healing skills for 3 turns. | Support | Healing Lv4 | |
Refresh | Heals status ailments. | Healing | ----- | Lv3 onwards cures a row. |
Treat | Removes debuffs. | Refresh Lv2 | ||
Recovery | Heals binds. | |||
Heavy Strike | Melee bash attack to 1 enemy. May stun. | Mace/Staff | ----- | Lv4 and 8 also increase turn speed. |
Herbology | Greater chance of finding extra plants when gathering. | Passive | ----- | |
Patch Up | Restores some HP to the entire party after a battle. | Passive | ----- | Triggers on victory or if enemies flee. |
VETERAN | ||||
Expertise | Further increases HP recovered with the party's healing skills. | Class | Proficiency Lv1 | |
Full Heal | Restores full HP to 1 ally. | Healing | Line Heal Lv3 | |
Party Heal | Restores some HP to the entire party. | Full Heal Lv2 | ||
Revive | Revives a fallen ally. | Healing | ----- | |
Group Therapy | Recovery, Refresh, Treat, and Full Refresh heal more allies for 3 turns. | Support | Treat Lv2, Recovery Lv2 | Single → Row → All |
Full Refresh | Heals all status weakening effects, ailments, and binds for 1 ally. | Healing | Group Therapy Lv2 | |
Knockout Blow | Melee bash attack to 1 enemy. May induce sleep. | Mace/Staff | Heavy Strike Lv2 | Lv4 and 8 also increase turn speed. |
Toxin Study | Eliminates the poison in certain foods while cooking it. | Sky | ----- | |
Stretch | Increases your resistance to binds. | Passive | ----- | |
MASTER | ||||
Enlightenment | Further increases the amount of HP recovered with the party's healing skills. | Class | Expertise Lv1 | |
Auto-Heal | 30% chance of restoring some of an ally's HP if it falls below 30%. | Passive | Party Heal Lv3 | Activation chance is static. |
Heal Mastery | Increases recovery amount for the user's healing skills. | Passive | Auto-Heal Lv3 | |
Auto-Revive | 25% chance of automatically reviving an ally when they fall unconscious. | Passive | Revive Lv2 | Activation chance is static. |
TP Boost | Increases your maximum TP. | Passive | ----- | |
Star Drop | Melee attack to 1 enemy that reduces its physical defense for this turn. | Mace/Staff | Knockout Blow Lv2 | Lv4 and 8 increase debuff strength. |
Skill Breakdown[]
Medics are your healing specialists in this game, and it's exemplified by their Class Skill which augments the healing factor of all skills in your entire party. Naturally, you'll want investment in Healing, Line Heal and Full Heal, with the end goal of reaching Party Heal to get your entire party out of tough situations. Once you reach that point, you can also focus on Auto-Heal to allow for automatic heals if your party takes a lot of damage. Heal Mastery at the very end stacks with the Class Skill, almost ensuring that you never need to push your raw healing skills all the way to maximum investment.
Speaking of healing, look into Patch Up for the early game to keep your party fresh without burning your precious TP, but rest it off when it feels that the after-battle recovery stops being significant. Steady Hands may be a useful early buff to strengthen your healing, but as you get more levels and unlock more augmentation passives it becomes obsolete.
Investment in Healing unlocks a secondary set of recovery skill. Refresh and Unbind are standard ailment and bind cure that start off single-target but expand to line-range at the halfway point. Treat is a niche skill that purges debuffs, but it has few situations to shine in this game. Full Refresh combines the effect of all three skills but is strictly single-target. All these skills can expand their range with the Group Therapy buff, but often a line-range Refresh/Unbind/Treat is sufficient for most of the game.
Revive is a Medic staple that saves on Nectars, but it only becomes available at level 20+. Tied to it is Auto-Revive that gives your Medic a chance to automatically revive someone right after they die, saving you from a moment where the team is missing a crucial combatant.
The last line of skills are their combat skills, where they can wield their Maces and Staves to clobber the opposition. Heavy Strike is the Caduceus of this game, dealing bash damage with a chance to stun. Knockout Blow can induce sleep to shut down problematic targets. Star Drop induces a temporary defense penalty on the target. These skills may be useful for the combat medic, but the speed penalty of maces or staves, on top of the Medic's generally average STR, AGI and LUC, can limit their usefulness.
Medics are great at keeping your team alive, but they tend to be a little too good a their one strength as their maxed-out healing skills can restore more health than your party's maximum HP. You may find that a lot of their skills are perfectly serviceable at the halfway mark and a Medic subclass on a different TEC-based class can be equally if not more competent.
Subclasses for Medic[]
- Landsknecht: Mainly useful for Vanguard, Medics seriously benefit from it as it makes their job much easier and reliable, considering they suffer from mediocre speed otherwise. Combat Medics also see use with Vanguard allowing Stardop and Heavy Strike to hit first for maximum efficiency, and Swordbreaker offers a good passive defense on either line while Power Boost and Iron Wall function as decent buffing passives. Very recommended if you want safety and efficiency with your Medic.
- Fortress: Grants access to several defensive abilities like Strike Guard and Element Guard when the Medic doesn't need to heal. Shields and HP Boost further increase the Medic's durability. Knight's Boon combined with Stretch also helps the Medic become very resistant to crippling ailments and binds, and Holy Blessing blocks an ailment in advance so the Medic doesn't need to waste time with Refresh. Bolt Strike and Holy Smite offer alternative attack options.
- Runemaster: The main reasons for subclassing as a Runemaster is to access Free Energy and a stacking TP Boost which allows a Medic to spam their healing skills over longer periods of time. The elemental Runes let them support other party members by shifting elemental vulnerabilities, and their reasonable Technique growth lets them hit hard with Rune attacks. Recommended for support and backrow Medics.
- Dancer: Excellent option, most Dance skills are very usable and will fill those empty turns that the Medic would have without this option. Their passives are pretty good too, particularly Fan Dance and the Tango skills. Regen Waltz also keeps one row in good shape, allowing the Medic to focus on Line Heal and save TP, while Refresh Waltz and Freedom Waltz helps to protect the Medic and their allies from ailments and binds without input. The ability to equip bows allows the Medic to pull their weight on the back row. Very recommended.
- Arcanist: Medics may have middling Luck which lowers the chance of Circle ailments/binds landing, but the main reason for subclassing as an Arcanist is to make use of Circle Boon and Dismiss Heal as powerful cost-efficient party-wide healing. The Medic's decent Technique growth also lets Dismiss Blow hit reasonably hard, and picking up Ailment Boost lets the Medic land stuns and sleep with their own Heavy Strike and Knockout Blow skills.
Medic as Subclass[]
Due to healing strength scaling according to TEC, Medics are best subclassed to classes with good TEC growth and/or TP due to how expensive some spells can get. Since Full Heal and (Auto-)Revive do not follow these rules, low-TEC classes can also take up the subclass - though they have to keep watch of their TP if they do. Stretch is also a handy passive that raises bind resistance to keep the party member active.
- Landsknechts with Vanguard can easily utilize Revive and Full Heal to come to certain party members' aid, although their low TP pool might hinder the effectiveness of this strategy.
- Fortresses are incredibly durable so they are very capable of staying alive long enough to get their healing or revive skill to fire off. Their Knight's Boon skill also lets them shake off ailments quickly so they do not stay disabled for too long.
- Dancers get Healing Mastery to raise the strength of their Healing Step and Regen Waltz. Party Heal is also good for sustaining the party when Healing Step is unavailable.
- Arcanists and Runemasters can make use of their high TP and good Tec to continuously heal with Party Heal. Heal Mastery also increases the potency of the Arcanist's Circle Boon and Dismiss Heal skills.
- Bushi mainly take up Medic subclass to gain access to Knockout Blow and Stunning Strike for alternate ailment-causing mace damage. Full Heal and Revive let them quickly get out of pinches but is restricted by their tiny TP pool.
External Links[]
Looking back to the first game, even though Medic fills the same role, iteration after iteration has left its skill tree almost unrecognizable. These Medics inherit amazing skills from previous games, Delayed Heal, Deja Vu, Chase Heal, Group Therapy, Auto-Revive, Staff Mastery, Medical Rod, and a similar Force Boost and Break as from EOU2, to form a lineup boasting the best versatility and raw output among the healing classes also present in this game, perfectly leveraged by their passive Overheal, rebranded from Botanist's Herb Boost.
- Strengths: Unparalleled healing ability and great elemental defense.
- Weaknesses: Below-average Agility hampers speed of slower heal skills. Poor Strength impairs offense.
- Force Boost - Intensive Care: For 3 turns, raises strength and turn speed of recovery skills while halving their TP costs.
- Force Break - Healing Touch: Heals HP, revives, and removes the party's ailments/binds/debuffs.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Medic/Stats#EON
Level | HP | TP | STR | INT | VIT | WIS | AGI | LUC |
1 | 50 | 55 | 12 | 16 | 14 | 20 | 11 | 15 |
30 | 96 | 108 | 26 | 35 | 31 | 44 | 24 | 32 |
70 | 191 | 219 | 55 | 75 | 65 | 95 | 52 | 69 |
99 | 284 | 326 | 83 | 114 | 99 | 145 | 79 | 105 |
130 | 410 | 472 | 122 | 167 | 145 | 212 | 116 | 153 |
Skill Breakdown[]
The primary healing class combines techniques of healers from across the series for their run in Nexus. With the INT/WIS split from the 5th game's engine, Medic healing scales off WIS and their stat spread reflects that. Their Force Boost and Break are the same as in The Fafnir Knight, but renamed: Intensive Care raises the potency and speed of their healing while halving its costs, and the famed Healing Touch right out of Trauma Center fully revives and restores the entire party.
The healing skills follow a similar progression pattern from the 4th game, starting with Healing, progressing to Line Heal, Delayed Heal, and finishing at Heal-All. Delayed Heal is lifted from the Untold games and is argued to be better than Heal-All for proactive healing. Chase Heal comes from Untold 2's Medic and prepares to immediately heal after the party takes damage, though it's less potent than Botanist's version, Reflex Herb. Overheal also began in Untold 2, but became a passive with Botanists, turning all excess healing into a handy buffer to give your team extra staying power.
Refresh and Unbind are healer staples, though be aware that the line-range upgrade is now locked in the upper half of the skills, giving a niche for a Medic main that cannot be replicated by a Medic sub. Group Therapy can amend or enhance them, but the fact that it's a self-buff may be a deal breaker. Revive now is immediately available from the get-go without any prerequisites, and Auto-Revive can bail you out of tough situations like before, albeit with reduced activation rates.
The staff skills make a return, and while their massive damage multipliers are offset by a Medic's middling STR, they still offer utility through secondary effects. Head Bash gives a chance to inflict head bind, while Star Drop and Medical Rod each inflict very potent defense debuffs. Heavy Strike just hits one enemy very hard (though it's a very expensive skill), and Staff Mastery at the very end improves your Staff damage and TP. Even if you're not looking into speccing your Medic for damage, the Star Drop and Medical Rod debuffs are at least handy against strong foes.
Subclass for Medic[]
As the Medic finds themselves very free when the party's in good condition, a subclass to give them a secondary attack or buff option always helps.
- Protectors turn the Medic into a potent defensive class, allowing them to reduce oncoming damage when they don't need to heal, on top of allowing them more leeway with healing skills. Heal Guard and Recovery Guard allow a Medic to continue functioning even if their head is bound, on top of Recovery Guard also unbinding the Medic's own head if needs be. Be aware that equipping shields will impose even more of a speed penalty to the Medic's own healing skills.
- Survivalists allow the Medic access to bows, giving them a plethora of offensive options from the back row and action speed bonuses to deliver healing quickly. Quick Step also lets a Medic play support in getting an ally to go first when they don't need to heal, and Speed Up lets a Medic get their healing in faster. Stray points can be invested in the Field skills to help the party make ends meet.
- War Magus skills offer the Medic several ways to support the party with their superior Wisdom and Luck stats. War Heal skills heal less but go faster, ignoring the Medic's low Agility, and is usually reserved for emergencies. War Edge skills may not hit as hard but the Medic's better Luck offers better odds of landing binds. War Edge Master stacks with Staff Mastery to amplify staff damage for the combat Medic's performance.
- Sovereigns offer plenty of buff skills to use when the Medic doesn't need to heal. Their high Wisdom stat allows Reinforce to recover even more HP when applying buffs. Prevent Order and Dauntless Order remain good safety nets to fall back on in case the Medic can't heal party members at the brink of death in time.
- Zodiacs being the only pure elemental damage attack class lets the Medics make use of their high Intelligence to contribute to ending a battle on free turns. The Prophecy skills are also good investments to protect the party against dangerous elemental attacks. TP Up and Free Energy extends how long a Medic can keep fighting before needing to down an Amrita.
- Harbingers add to the Medic's support options. Miasma Armor gives a pretty big turn speed boost, and the debuff skills (especially from Star Drop or Medical Rod) are always great to open a battle with, especially if it extends Miasma Armor through Endless Shroud. Atonement also serves as a good fallback in a pinch as it both heals the entire party and cures their ailments at the same time. Death Tolerance is also far superior to Antibodies as you can keep the Medic from being shut down, and Miasma Wall/Spirit Barrier is incredibly handy for keeping the rest of the party from shutdown.
Medic as Subclass[]
Simplicity and reliability is the name of the game when choosing a Medic subclass over others that provide healing. Even for characters with moderate WIS, the multipliers on the First Aid skills are so high they are still effective, with no gimmicks attached. Anyone can Revive and Auto-Revive with no concern for stats. However, as a Medic subclass Refresh and Unbind can only ever affect more than a single target through Group Therapy, which pales in comparison to wider-range ailment curing and prevention of other classes.
External Links[]
Equipment when registered: Wand, Tweed.
Availability: Complete the tutorial by exploring the Mysterious Labyrinth.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Medic/Stats#EMD
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC | EXP to next level | Total EXP |
1 | 35 | 55 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 70 | 0 |
30 | 179 | 244 | 49 | 124 | 26 | 73 | 94 | 15,000 | 160,500 |
50 | 202 | 264 | 69 | 165 | 39 | 94 | 115 | 30,000 | 735,500 |
70 | 222 | 284 | 89 | 205 | 52 | 115 | 135 | 30,000 | 1,335,500 |
99 | 251 | 313 | 118 | 263 | 72 | 143 | 164 | - | 2,205,500 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisites | Lv Max | Extra |
Medical Miracle | Restores full HP to all allies in the room and dispels any negative effects. | Blast Skill | Report the quest Develop the Market District! | 1 | Cost 3 Blast Gauge |
NOVICE (LV1) | |||||
Proficiency | Increases the amount of HP healed when allies use HP recovery skills. | Passive | None | 1 | |
Healing | Restores HP to a selected ally. | Active / Head Skill | None | 5 | TP Cost 5 - 10 |
Refresh | Cure all ailments for a selected ally. | Active / Head Skill | None | 3 | TP Cost 8 - 4 |
Steady Hands | Increase the potency of HP recovery skills for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill / Can Act After Using | None | 3 | TP Cost 5 - 7. Last 6 turns at Lv3. |
Heavy Strike | A melee bash attack that Paralyzes the target on hit. | Active / Arms Skill / Mace/Staff Skill | None | 5 | TP Cost 8 - 12 |
Treat | Undo all debuffs for a selected ally. | Active / Head Skill | Refresh Lv3 | 3 | TP Cost 6 - 3 |
Herbology | May find extra materials when gathering at a taking point. | Passive | None | 10 | |
VETERAN (LV10) | |||||
Expertise | Increases the amount of HP healed when allies use HP recovery skills. | Passive | Proficiency Lv1 | 1 | |
Full Heal | Restores full HP to a selected ally. | Active / Head Skill | Healing Lv3 | 3 | TP Cost 20 - 15 |
Revive | Bring an incapacitated ally back to life with 1 HP. | Active / Head Skill | None | 5 | TP Cost 15 - 19. Increase the level will increases the Amount of HP recovered. |
Group Therapy | Expand the area of effect of Refresh, Treat, and Full Refresh to the entire room for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | Treat Lv3 | 3 | TP Cost 15 - 9. Last 6 turns at Lv3. |
TP Boost | Increases your maximum TP. | Passive | None | 5 | Add +20/+5/+5/+5/+10/+5/+5/+5/+5/+5 TP |
Knockout Blow | A melee bash attack that may put the target to Sleep on hit. | Active / Arms Skill / Mace/Staff Skill | Heavy Strike Lv3 | 8 | TP Cost 10 - 17 |
Party Heal | Restores some HP to all allies within the room. | Active / Head Skill | Full Heal Lv3 | 8 | TP Cost 14 - 20 |
Full Refresh | Cure all ailments and debuffs for a selected ally. | Active / Head Skill | Group Therapy Lv3 | 3 | TP Cost 16 - 9 |
MASTER (LV20) | |||||
Enlightenment | Increases the amount of HP healed when allies use HP recovery skills. | Passive | Expertise Lv1 | 1 | |
Auto-Heal | May restore an ally's HP if it drops below a certain threshold. | Passive / Head Skill | Party Heal Lv3 | 8 | |
Auto-Revive | May bring an ally back into battle if they become incapacitated. | Passive / Head Skill | Revive Lv3 | 8 | |
Heal Mastery | Increases the amount of HP healed by HP recovery skills. | Passive | TP Boost Lv3 | 5 | |
Star Drop | A melee bash attack that decreases the target's physical defense for 5 turns on hit. | Active / Arms Skill / Mace/Staff Skill | Knockout Blow Lv3 | 8 | TP Cost 12 - 19. Debuff last 6 turns at Lv4. Debuff last 7 turns at Lv7. |
External Links[]
- One of Medic's skills (Caduceus) references the staff of Hermes in Greek Mythology. It is often confused for the Rod of Asclepius, which serves as the symbol of Asclepius, the god of medicine.
- Caduceus may be a reference to the series Trauma Center, another series published by Atlus. Within it, the characters work for a medical organization known as Caduceus and use a special skill known as the "Healing Touch", which is another Medic skill.
- This is one of the four classes from the first two games which have the same name in both English and Japanese versions, the other three being Dark Hunter, Alchemist and Gunner. In Etrian Odyssey IV their name remains unchanged as well.
- The younger female medic from the first two games is carrying mostly sweets inside her bag .
- In Japanese comic strips and webcomics, both official and doujins, the younger female medic from the first two games is referred to as Medi-Ko (MediGirl), most of the time by the blonde Protector (nicknamed Sensei).
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey |
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v · t · eEtrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard |
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Ancient Forest • Auburn Thicket • Frozen Grounds • Petal Bridge • Heavenly Keep • Forbidden Wood
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v · t · eEtrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan |
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v · t · eEtrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl |
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Emerald Grove • Primitive Jungle • Azure Rainforest • Sandy Barrens • Lost Shinjuku • Claret Hollows • Gladsheim
Story Characters Highlander • Frederica Irving • Simon Yorke • Raquna Sheldon • Arthur Charles • Rosa • Austin • Kupala • M.I.K.E.
Landsknecht • Survivalist • Protector • Dark Hunter • Medic • Alchemist • Troubadour • Ronin • Hexer • Highlander • Gunner
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight |
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Ancient Forest • Auburn Thicket • Frozen Grounds • Petal Bridge • Heavenly Keep • Forbidden Wood • Ginnungagap • Dark Paradise
Characters Fafnir Knight • Flavio • Arianna Caledonia • Bertrand de Gervaise • Chloe • Regina Dubois • Artelinde • Der Freischutz
Landsknecht • Survivalist • Protector • Dark Hunter • Medic • Alchemist • Troubadour • Ronin • Hexer • Gunner • War Magus • Beast • Sovereign • Fafnir • Highlander
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey Nexus |
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v · t · eEtrian Mystery Dungeon |
Monsters | Classes | Quests | Missions | Food | Blast Skill | Dungeons | Redevelopment | Characters | Locations | DLC Items
Weapons | Armor | Materials | Accessories | Usable Items | Key Items Landsknecht | Protector | Gunner | Runemaster | Medic | Dancer | Hexer | Ninja | Sovereign | Wanderer |