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Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Magan (EMD)
Kanji マガン
Romaji Magan
Alias Lars
Personal Details
Race Human
Gender Male
Relatives Astoria (wife)
Professional Details
Affiliation Provost of Aslarga
Voice Actors
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Magan is the provost of Aslarga. He is the one who gives missions to the player's guild. He also manages the Redevelopment of Aslarga. He can be found at Magan's House.


1st Branch[]

Don't forget to report back at this house once your mission is complete.

2nd Branch[]

After reporting the mission "Fiend in the second dungeon"

Aslarga is seeing more visitors these days. My hope is that interaction between the guilds will flourish from here onward. Have you created a Guild Card yet? You can do so at the Explorers Guild. The Guildmaster can explain more.

3rd Branch[]

After accepting the mission "Rescue Dr. Stein"

Dr. Stein came to Aslarga when we discovered something peculiar about the dungeons. When we started building here two years ago, the monsters were only on the lowest levels. But they'd started to move upward. If the monsters emerged, they could pose a threat to the town. And I didn't know of any way to stop them. Then I learned of Professor Randi, the leading figure in labyrinth archaeology. I wasted no time inviting him here. Unfortunately, he was very busy at the time, and sent his most trusted pupil to Aslarga in his stead. That was Dr. Stein. Through her research, we were able to use barrier stones to prevent the monsters from escaping the dungeons. You've noticed them, I'm sure. They are the crystals you see floating around the fort stairways. We've also placed barrier stones around the dungeon entrance. So long as they're intact, the monsters can never escape. Dr. Stein is integral to Aslarga's safety, which is why we assigned her four escorts, but... we didn't expect that monster. All I can think to do at the moment is to support her rescuers with the town development plans. I hope they help...

After defeating the boss of Pristine Stream

Are you accompanying the doctor on her apology tour? That's very kind of you.

After reporting the mission "Rescue Dr. Stein"

Guild (guild name), thank you for rescuing Sarah. I can always rest easier when this peaceful town has no problems. If only we'd met much sooner... perhaps things might have gone peacefully a year ago as well.

After reporting the mission "Rescue Dr. Stein" and talking to Sarah

Thanks to you, the redevelopment plans are progressing nicely. I'll see to it that these plans come to fruition. It's my way of repaying the townsfolk who helped me back on my feet. Accomplishing this will, I feel, make me truly worthy of the position of provost. And in addition, it will be a good way to return the Guildmaster's favor for his constant and unyielding support.

After reporting the quest "Pick a small flower" and seeing the cutscene at Magan's House

Even if the Day of Reckoning is here, I intend to continue the redevelopment project. Not to indulge myself, mind. I'm doing this so that we can continue supporting the adventurers who have aided us in growing Aslarga. Naturally, the top priority will be to repair any damage to affected regions, since that takes a toll on adventurers.

4th Branch[]

After defeating the boss of Haunted Woods

Ah, hello. Please give me your mission report first, and I'll hear your stories of the lowest level after.

After reporting the mission "Explore the fourth dungeon"

Speaking of which, the rumors about the dungeon shop seem to be true. They say it's run by a whip-wielding young woman. There's certainly a chance that monsters could appear there. The owner's supposedly not an adventurer, so I worry about her.

5th Branch[]

After the mission "Explore the fifth dungeon" is available.

I've decided to make the Crystalline Peak our fifth dungeon. This mission will be to investigate its lowest level. I really must thank Lizley for discovering the fifth dungeon for us...

After defeating the boss of Crystalline Peak

I hear that you've found something on the lowest floor. Please, tell me the details after you've filed your mission report.

After reporting the mission "Explore the fifth dungeon"

It's readily apparent that the ornate board was man-made. But who made it, and why? What do the seven amber pieces embedded in it mean? I'm eager to hear Dr. Stein's findings.

6th Branch[]

After the mission "Reach the Yggdrasil's base" is available.

If there is some sort of civilization at the base of the Yggdrasil, one thing eats at me... How are they linked to the DOEs? Did they create the DOE amber? What are we to read into the fact that it is drifting here? It's all very curious.

After defeating the boss of Torrential Ravine

The Guildmaster and Dr. Stein will be here shortly. File your mission report first, and I'll hear your story later.

7th Branch[]

After reporting the mission "Reach the Yggdrasil Base"

I did consider having you escort the doctor to the Yggdrasil's base as one possible solution. But when I consider the disaster that may result, I think it shouldn't be taken lightly, no matter how skilled you are. You have the fortitude to take on the dungeons, and the resilience to pick yourself up again after a fall. The same is not true for everyone, though. Others who succumb may not be lucky enough to suffer light amnesia, like Lizley. In the worst cases, it could end in death. Besides, this sixth dungeon seems to go down a long way. It's not like the third dungeon, so I'd rather Dr. Stein stay away.

After reporting the mission "Reach the Yggdrasil Base" and seeing the cutscene at Magan's House

The new skyship's existence is a closely guarded secret. Only a small group of royalty and nobility knows of it. And that small group is concealing its existence in order to protect their own interests. Palace walls are meaningless to a skyship. Rebellions, invasions, and revenge plots can be carried out with ease. The royalty and nobility have a mutual agreement not to destroy one another, and use their skyships to enforce it. Whatever nation that ordered the skyship from Chano Industries is probably one such country.

After the mission "Master the seventh dungeon" is available.

Most of the citizens have remained in this town, even after learning of the crisis we face. It's not that they don't fear for their lives. In some cases, they cannot leave, and in some they have nowhere else to go. Yet even so, do you know the real reason they won't evacuate? It may surprise you. They stay to support the adventurers. Everyone believes wholeheartedly that doing so helps to protect the town. Of course, adventurers aren't a military, or heroes tasked to save the world. They are free people--visitors to our town. They know this, yet they insist on giving their support. And I feel they do so after your example. ...Which reminds me of something I'd completely forgotten. I'd meant to tell you this sooner. Thank you for the small flower.


Just after finishing the game

What's the matter? Why are you staring at me... Is there something on my face?

After reporting the mission "Master the seventh dungeon"

I'm having Chano Industries examine the magma at the Yggdrasil's base. The Yggdrasil looks no different from here, but I worry all the same...

After reporting the mission "Master the seventh dungeon" and seeing the cutscene at Stein Labs

The eighth and ninth dungeons' seals are lifted. I've set up missions for both, so please accept those before venturing out. From what Professor Randi, who lifted the seal, tells me, red spider lilies bloom in the ninth dungeon. It seems to be the Equinox Garden spoken of in the Keepers' ancient texts. Which reminds me... do you happen to know Dr. Stein's progress with deciphering those texts? I hope she's made headway...

After reporting the missions "Explore the Forest of Gates" and "Explore the Equinox Garden"

I still don't know how many Embermen lairs there are in this area. Let's wait for the results of Dr. Stein's work.

After reporting all the missions but not going to the bottom floor of all the dungeons (which is possible for Ravine Fork, Animal Trail, Snowy Cavern and Mountain Cleft).

We've found twenty dungeons in all. Have you thoroughly explored the ones other from the twelve numbered dungeons? If all twenty are mastered, and no new lairs found... It's safe to say we've brought peace to this town. I am sure that day will come. I know it.

After reporting all the missions and finishing all the dungeons

It's been many weeks since we started searching for their lairs. I feel we may have run out of places to look.

After finishing all the missions and dungeons and seeing the cutscene showing what happens several years later.

The weather has been cooler recently. It seems the temperature is going back to normal. Perhaps next year, we may see the Yggdrasil covered in snow.

