Items are listed in the same order as they show in the Item Compendium in-game.
For the Barter Log, Cargo Manifest and Epic Glossary, see Seafaring (EO3).
Item Compendium[]
Name | Worth | Description | Monster to kill |
Igneous Rock | 1en | Rock that cooled rapidly, making it harder than normal. | Lava Beast (Kill with ice damage) |
Wilted Shroom | 1en | A ruined toadstool that can no longer undergo mitosis. | Splitstool (Kill with mushroom dagger) |
Red Scale | 3en | Hard scale that covers the Fanged Fish's body. | Fanged Fish |
Slimy Leg | 4en | A leg completely covered in frog mucus. | Forest Frog |
Green Thorn | 5en | Thorn on a monster's head that mimicks a fruit. | Deadly Durian |
Small Shell | 6en | Shrimp's shell that's resistant to cracking. | Claw Shrimp |
Frog Cheek | 7en | Can stretch up to 10 times its original size. | Forest Frog |
Sharp Tooth | 8en | Long tooth that always finds its target. | Fanged Fish |
Poisonous Tail | 9en | Tail that injects secreted toxins into its targets. | Great Platypus |
Mountain Claw | 10en | Long, sharp talon for inflicting severe wounds. | Great Lynx |
Poison Hypha | 13en | Toadstool's hypha that's dangerous to the touch. | Venomshroom |
Pungent Ivy | 14en | An ambulatory flower's ivy that gives a pungent stench. | Titan Arum |
Gigapede Leg | 15en | Centipede leg that tightly grasps its prey. | Gigapede |
Elastic Tongue | 16en | Tongue that stretches about 30 times its original length. | Spotted Frog |
Tough Feeler | 17en | Feeler textured with horn-like protrusions. | Starry Slug |
Tough Tooth | 18en | Sturdy tooth that can be used in various ways. | Devilfish |
Steel Shell | 21en | A steel-hard shell that glistens as if polished. | Scylla Crab |
Large Jaw (gold) | 23en | Jaw with the power to fell even the Labyrinth's trees. |
Gigapede (Kill with slash damage) |
Pseudopod (gold) | 25en | Ferrule that feels rugged despite its appearance. | Venomshroom (Kill within 1st turn) |
Topaz | 25en | Light brown crystal that is structurally weak. | Iron Turtle Mine at 1st Stratum |
Small Flower | 25en | Often found growing near the Labyrinth's entrance. | Great Hermit Take at 1st Stratum |
Supple Branch | 25en | A piece of wood that doesn't easily snap. | Hungry Coral Chop at 1st Stratum |
Red Tail (gold) | 25en | Shrimp's tail that shrunk and hardened after being cooled. | Claw Shrimp (Kill with ice damage) |
Green Feather | 28en | Bird's feather that cannot be cut with a dull blade. | Largebill |
Soft Skin | 30en | Typically obtained from the beasts of the Labyrinth. | Clawed Mole |
Red Shell | 30en | Red shell of a shrimp that, oddly, evolved above water. | Sea Lobster |
Phonolite | 30en | Dark green rock with trace amounts of other gems. | Mine at 1st stratum |
Anra Fruit | 30en | Popular fruit with a pleasant texture and sour taste. | Take at 1st stratum |
Soft Bark | 30en | Bark that can be easily shaped for a variety of uses. | Chop at 1st Stratum |
Dark Red Horn | 32en | Cut from the head of a rare, unusually aggressive blowfish. | Red Puffer |
Purple Scale | 34en | Durable scale that covers the large serpent's body. | Great Anaconda |
Starry Case (gold) | 36en | Exoskeleton that glitters when light is shined onto it. | Starry Slug (Kill with volt attack) |
Violet Comb (gold) | 36en | Cockscomb that sends a signal to its comrades. | Devilfish (Kill with fire attack) |
Spherical Bone | 36en | Sphere-shaped bone that covers the blowfish's body. | Whorled Puffer |
Red Core | 37en | Starfish core that gives off warmth, as though still living. | Red Starfish |
Blue Core | 38en | Mysterious starfish core that creates its own moisture. | Blue Starfish |
Coral Arm | 39en | Hardens after death, making it difficult to work with. | Hungry Coral |
Tough Tentacle | 40en | Octopus leg that secretes pinkish fluid when boiled. | Coral Octopus |
Sharp Fang (gold) | 41en | Fang that kills its prey instantly to prevent escape. | Great Anaconda (Kill without slash/strike/pierce attacks) |
Pungent Coral | 41en | Coral that reeks of decade-old bones. | Rock Coral |
Shell Piece | 42en | Piece of shattered outer shell. | Great Hermit |
Bloody Blade | 44en | Large crab's scissor with a bloodstained tip. | Scylla Crab |
Salamander Lip | 44en | Salamander's lips that are slimy, yet durable. | Koolasuchus |
King Core | 45en | King's core that glows green due to its magic powers. | King Starfish |
Sea Beast Fur | 49en | Fur that is useful in creating expensive clothes. | High Onnep |
Coral Jaw | 50en | Hard jaw that severely wounds whatever it bites. | Rock Coral |
Jet | 50en | Black amber that fossilized underwater over centuries. | Lava Beast Mine at 2nd stratum |
Green Algae | 50en | Highly nutritious, green seaweed. |
Take at 2nd stratum, Great Anteater |
Sturdy Timber | 50en | Timber so resistant to heat that it will not burn. |
Chop at 2nd stratum, Guardian Ant |
Blue Arm | 51en | Blue starfish arm that can shoot water from its glands. | Blue Starfish |
Sharp Knob | 55en | Protrusion used to pierce enemies when charging. | Coral Octopus |
Muscled Arm | 56en | A muscular arm to heavy for the average human to carry. | High Walrus |
Red Bones (gold) | 58en | Star-shaped bone that gave form to a Red Starfish. | Red Starfish (kill with fire elemental attack) |
Century Shell | 59en | Shell of a gigantic turtle that has lived for over a century. | Iron Turtle |
Phyllite | 60en | Greyish-brown rock that shines like silken thread. | Mine at 2nd Stratum |
Sea Grapes | 60en | Rare seaweed with a pleasant texture. | Take at 2nd Stratum |
Indigo Pith | 60en | Perennial plant harvested for the blue dye it yields. | Chop at 2nd Stratum |
Eggshell Piece | 61en | Remnants of a shell intended to protect a dragon pup. | Dragon Egg (Kill without using strike/slash/pierce attack) |
Cilial Sucker (gold) | 62en | Sharp, pointed sucker that siphons off nutrients. | King Starfish (Kill with pierce attack) |
Muddle Hypha | 62en | Saps the consciousness of its unwitting victims. | Trip Mushroom |
Flawless Shell (gold) | 63en | Great Hermit's outer shell with no damage whatsoever. | Great Hermit (Kill without using strike/slash/pierce attack) |
Dino Calcaneus | 63en | Heel bone of a carnivorous lizard. Valued by scientists. | Flame Lizard |
Ebony Liver (gold) | 64en | Delicious, if you can remove the toxins secreted within. | Whorled Puffer (Kill with ice attack) |
Red Iron Chip | 64en | Piece of Nozuchi's outer skin which contains red iron. | Rattle Nozuchi |
Red Fragment | 66en | Ant's bones fragment that has hardened and turned red. | Guardian Ant |
Black Fragment | 67en | Piece of an ant's black bone that contains a unique iron. | Killer Ant |
Thick Throat (gold) | 68en | Salamander throat with a multitude of uses. | Koolasuchus (Kill with volt attack) |
Burning Fur | 68en | Red fur that absorbs fire to add to its own. | Flame Lynx |
Blue Shell | 68en | Blue shell of a shrimp that oddly, evolved above water. | Forest Shrimp |
Striped Tail | 70en | A sturdier tail than it seems. No human hands can tear it. | Ringed Lemur |
Octopus' Horn | 71en | Meant for killing prey within its field of vision. | Demon Octopus |
Pup Horn | 76en | Highly pliable horn commonly used in crafting. | Dragon Pup |
Round Eggshell (gold) | 77en | A very well-preserved, and thus valuable, eggshell. | Dragon Egg |
Jutting Tusk | 78en | A fang sharp enough to scrape even large shells. | High Onnep |
Stegosaur Fin | 79en | It plays a role in regulating body temperature. | Stegosaurus |
Red Iron Scale (gold) | 80en | Its high iron quotient makes it turn red when heated. | Rattle Nozuchi (Kill using volt attack) |
Slashing Nail | 80en | Used for a single, desperate strike before escaping. | Meregho Saeno |
Flame Claw (gold) | 87en | Cat's claw that rends enemies with jets of flame. | Flame Lynx (Kill in first turn) |
Torn Tail | 88en | Tail shed by a Flame Lizard to flee a dangerous situation. | Flame Lizard |
Umbrella Lump | 88en | Umbrella that looks light, but cannot be easily lifted. | Trip Mushroom |
Mole Claw | 91en | Hard and thick, but not especially dangerous. | Clawed Mole |
Fiery Stone | 93en | Red Stone that is fiery to the touch. | |
Small Scale | 99en | Yellow scale that is small and thin, but reasonably hard. | Dragon Pup |
Chalcophyllite (gold) | 100en | Light green mineral composed of fine crystals. | Mine at 1st Stratum |
Corundum | 100en | Iron ore that can be used as a whetting agent. | Eerie Statue Mine at 3rd Stratum |
Hibiscus (gold) | 100en | Red flower famed in Armoroad for its tonic effects. | Take at 1st stratum |
Flame Fruit | 100en | Fruit that warms one's body from within when eaten. | Otherspawn Take at 3rd Stratum |
Palm Trunk (gold) | 100en | Sturdy timber commonly seen in the south. | Chop at 1st Stratum |
Trileaf Stalk | 100en | It has sharp thorns normally found in hedges. | Aplysiomorpha Chop at 3rd Stratum |
Atrocious Fang | 103en | Crushes anything it considers to be threatening or edible. | Cruel Roamer |
Icicle Fang (gold) | 104en | Icy fang which causes frostbite in its victims. | High Walrus (Kill with head bound) |
Lizard Crest | 105en | Lizard's fin undaunted by fledgling warriors' attacks. | Greedy Lizard |
Predatory Fang | 105en | Once plunged into its target, it never relents. | Stegosaurus |
Holed Rock (gold) | 105en | Piece of rock with a hole pierced through it. | Eerie Statue (Kill with pierce damage) |
Long Tongue | 109en | Surprisingly coarse tongue used to catch prey. | Great Anteater |
Clastic Rock | 110en | Large rock cluster formed of weathered stones. | Mine at 3rd Stratum |
Moss Strawberry | 110en | Sweet strawberry that grows on rocks. | Take at 3rd Stratum |
Pagoda Branch | 110en | Known for its resilient, egg-shaped leaves. | Chop at 3rd stratum |
Red Tusk | 119en | Ancient elephant's tusk used to gore trespassers. | Cave Elephant |
Proboscis | 123en | Mistletoe tongue that sucks nutrients from its prey. | Mistletoe |
Deer Skin | 142en | Extremely durable fur with a rough texture. | Furyhorn |
Swordfish Skin | 145en | A set of fully bristled scales. | Swordfish |
Prying Needle | 150en | Needle that is stabbed into approaching prey. | Bog Lurker |
Staunch Feeler | 152en | Soft feeler that nonetheless never breaks. | Aplysiomorpha |
Pig Iron Fang (gold) | 156en | Its poor durability makes it difficult to temper. | Abyssal Death (kill without fire/ice/volt attack) |
Spearhead Chip | 164en | Shattered tip of a Deep One's spear. | Deep Marine |
Ebony Nail | 168en | Deep One's nail with the power to draw out spells. | Deep Medium |
Silver Snakeskin | 171en | It shines so brilliantly as to be irresistible. | Silverback |
Hammer Skull | 182en | Hammer-shaped shark's skull that could cripple its prey. | Hammerhead |
Gold Caruncle | 183en | Decorative Ptarmigan feather with an electric charge. | Ptarmigan |
Dryad Liquid | 188en | Odd fluid that changes hue at the water spirit's whim. | Otherspawn |
Cast-iron Hilt | 196en | Hilt that is strong and light, and thus easy to handle. | Deep Raider |
Castor's Eye | 199en | Its intense aqua symbolizes the Deep One's power. | Deep Maiden |
Magnetite (gold) | 200en | Iron ore with magnetic polarity. | Mine at 2nd Stratum |
Red Jasper | 200en | Jewel valued as a good luck charm for warding off evil. | Death Scorpion Mine at 4th stratum |
Narcissus (gold) | 200en | Flower of a succulent plant that stores water. | Take at 2nd Stratum |
Crabapple | 200en | Red fruit with a sweet scent. | Rotten Fruit Take at 4th stratum |
Abyssal Twig (gold) | 200en | Feels like coral and is very light, but unfit for crafting. | Chop at 2nd Stratum |
Deathly Stem | 200en | Thin, gray stalk that gives the impression of death. | Peach Crow Chop at 4th stratum |
Broken Rock | 201en | Fine piece of a shattered, strange stone statue. | Eerie Statue |
Charmed String | 206en | Causes mischief and confusion when plucked. | Ipupiara |
Flat Beak | 208en | Beak that won't melt unless left inside a forge for hours. | Yawnypus |
Ebony Shard | 221en | Broken portion of a black knight's horned helm. | Cursed Knight |
Hippo Tusk | 225en | Tooth that mercilessly crushes any intruders. | Raging Tyrant |
Ghost Keel | 226en | Ship's skeleton unaffected by the wake of its attacks. | Ghost Ship |
Shining Feather | 236en | Tail feather of a Dementia Owl that emits a mysterious light. | Dementia Owl |
Crocodile Hide | 239en | Very high quality leather that's both smooth and tough. | Abyssal Death |
Damascus Edge (gold) | 246en | An axe blade made from an extremely rare steel. | Deep Raider (Kill with strike damage) |
Serpentinite | 250en | The patterns on this rock resemble a snake's trail. | Mine at 4th Stratum |
Hyacinth Petal | 250en | They look most beautiful when floating in water. | Take at 4th Stratum |
Crystal Vine | 250en | Crystallized vine of a plant. | Chop at 4th Stratum |
Swordfish Fin | 270en | Soft fin on a swordfish's belly that feels like silk. | Swordfish |
Hard Skull | 271en | Wouldn't shatter even if a cannonball struck it. | Big Snakehead |
Rat's Fang | 279en | Small, sharp fang of a Treerat. | Tree Rat |
Dawn Thorn | 281en | Thorny head permanently stained the color of dawn. | Rotten Fruit |
Butterfly Wing | 288en | Iridescent wing with a mysterious shine. | Venomfly |
White Fox Fur | 289en | Pure, beautiful fur that has accumulated magic power. | White Fox |
Hazard Bulb | 292en | It extends its Ivy, then lies in wait to snare its prey. | Petaloid |
Witch's Robe | 298en | Protects the wearer from curses. | Ipupiara |
Cursed Talon (gold) | 299en | The poison has been removed from this black nail. | Dementia Owl (Kill with fire damage) |
Pyrargyrite (gold) | 300en | Dense ore with a red surface. | Mine at 3rd Stratum |
Nephrite | 300en | Translucent green gem often used in jewelry. | Mine at 5th Stratum |
Scarlet Sage (gold) | 300en | Perennial plant that, when heated, is useful medicine. | Take at 3rd Stratum |
Mint | 300en | Grass that gives the chewer a cooling sensation. | Take at 5th Stratum |
Poinciana Pod (gold) | 300en | Pod that grows into a sword-shaped shoot with a sharp tip. | Chop at 3rd Stratum |
Mahogany | 300en | Superb timber which dries quickly and is easily refined. | Chop at 5th Stratum |
Depth Scale | 301en | Ancient fish scale engraved with cursed patterns. | Sea Wanderer (FOE B6F) |
Forked Tail | 301en | Versatile tail used for both movement and attack. | Claw Monkey |
Rabbit Tail | 306en | So fluffy... | Forest Hare |
Horned Cap | 314en | Much more resilient than its appearance would suggest. | Stun Eryngii |
Crushing Fang | 319en | Shatters its prey's bones, preventing them from moving. | Silverback |
Needle Tail | 319en | The petrifying poison in its glands has discolored it. | Death Scorpion |
Tempest Bead | 319en | Displays a dry, cracked earth plagued by lightning. | Ruin Caller (Thunder Head) |
Blizzard Bead | 321en | Displays an intensely cold land within it. | Ruin Caller (Frost Head) |
Wheel Blade (gold) | 322en | Piece of a strange weapon that gains power when spun. | Deep Maiden (Kill with arms bound) |
Writhing Wood | 322en | Undulates like a tentacle even after being cut. | Sickwood |
Monster Bone | 325en | A femur strong enough to support the Sauroposeidon. | Sauroposeidon |
Violet Tail | 330en | Fox's tail that seems to be weightless when held. | Silver Fox (Kill at night) |
Sanguine Tail | 331en | Ominous tail that reeks of blood. | White Fox |
Dark Fur | 331en | Used by black cats to conceal themselves in the darkness. | Volt Cat |
Inferno Bead | 333en | Displays the dead's grudges as coruscating fire. | Ruin Caller (Flame Head) |
Stun Hypha | 341en | Toadstool's hypha which can cripple the nervous system. | Stun Eryngii |
Biting Vine | 342en | Very difficult to pull off once it's wrapped tight. | Miasma Bud |
Scales (gold) | 347en | Gained from a Labyrinth butterfly. Highly flammable. | Venomfly (Kill with volt damage) |
Dangerous Bud (gold) | 349en | Bud of a flower that was mowed before it blossomed. | Petaloid (Kill with instant death attack) |
Dolomite | 350en | Absorbent white rock used as construction material. | Mine at 5th Stratum |
Life Honey | 350en | Honey that heals all sorts of infirmities. | Take at 5th stratum |
Aesculus Wood | 350en | Soft timber with a uniquely beautiful grain. | Chop at 5th Stratum |
Rabbit Ear (gold) | 374en | Can detect the faintest noise in its surroundings. | Forest Hare (Kill while head is bound) |
Heavy Piece | 378en | Unusually dense iron from a Deep One's sword. | Deep Sentinel |
Beast Skin | 382en | Hard fur and thick beast skin, perfect for protective gear. | Raging Boar |
Dull Chest Fin (gold) | 384en | Though hard as steel, it yields excellent mobility. | Big Snakehead (Kill with curse damage) |
Magic Shard | 390en | Sword fragment containing the regrets of its prey. | Cursed Knight |
Steel Needle | 398en | Scorpion's stinger that has been rendered safe to touch. | Death Scorpion |
Evil Staff | 398en | Engraved with intricate unfathomable patterns. | Deep Believer |
Dryad Statue (gold) | 401en | Beautifully preserved ice sculpture. | Otherspawn (Kill with ice damage) |
Pink Bird's Leg | 409en | Thick, tendoned leg that can bear extraordinary loads. | Peach Crow |
Poison Branch | 412en | Its purple coloring comes from its lethal, toxic sap. | Sickwood |
Iron Tusk | 421en | Large boar tusk containing high-quality iron. | Raging Boar |
Volt Whisker | 423en | Whalebone used to pinpoint its prey's location and attack. | Narmer |
Elastic Skin | 426en | Skin elastic enough to absorb strong impacts. | Mud Lurker |
Rending Fin | 441en | Watery fin that slices all who touch it. | Corotrangul |
Sharp Claw (gold) | 471en | Delivers fatal wounds to the unsuspecting. | Volt Cat (Kill with fire damage) |
Eastern Nest (gold) | 500en | Made from the branches of a rare, ancient tree. | Meregho Saeno (Kill with arms bound) |
Water Spine | 531en | Dragon bone sturdy enough to be used for construction. | Scaled Dragon |
Sharp Wing | 555en | Wing that can fell trees by merely brushing past them. | Mother Dragon |
Fairy's Core | 582en | Emits a gentle light even after being removed. | Clionean |
Statue Finger | 585en | Stone that resists scratches no matter what it hits. | Golem |
Stink Scutellum | 622en | Foundation that emits an awful stench in self-defense. | Insectortoise |
Memimorphite (gold) | 700en | Changes color when viewed from different angles. | Mine at 4th Stratum |
Waterlily Leaf (gold) | 700en | Plant's leaf that is said to be blessed by a water goddess. | Take at 4th Stratum |
Siamese Senna (gold) | 700en | Dense timber similar enough to iron to be used for swords. | Chop at 4th Stratum |
Cursed Hypha | 721en | Its cursed nature makes it difficult to work with. | Cursed Shroom |
Dragonfly Nest | 756en | Composed of oak branches and other stray materials. | Dragonfly |
Infernal Scale | 763en | Scale with evil flame patterns that calls forth misfortune. | Omnivore |
Tiny Tooth | 766en | Has a blade-like tip for the sole purpose of killing. | Suicide Hare |
Blue Tentacle | 771en | Its coloration is as if the octopus mimicked the ocean. | Silver Octopus |
Rending Jaw | 786en | It rips and tears any food intended for digestion. | Longicorn |
Invader's Eye | 806en | Cursed eyeball that tries to violate onlooker's minds. | Ammonite |
Demon's Fur | 809en | From a rabbit which murders human indiscriminately. | Suicide Hare |
Longhorn Hull | 826en | Red shell hard enough to destroy metal. | Longicorn |
Toxic Leather | 828en | A black beast's hand with unthinkably strong toxins. | Manticore |
Thorny Bone | 860en | Cut from the body of a ghostly pumpkin. | Death Pumpkin |
Shielded Wing | 889en | Used for both flight and self-defense. | Insectortoise |
Raging Talon | 912en | Catches and kills all that approach or flee it. | Ruin Caller |
Whale Fumarole | 913en | Used to spout sea water as an offensive measure. | Ketos |
Curved Horn | 929en | Only needs one strike to stab and kill oncoming foes. | Freed Savage |
Clay Plating | 960en | Automaton soldier's armor that repels physical blows. | Keeper's Body |
Cursed Bone | 980en | Still radiates an ominous presence after it's removed. | Hell Pumpkin |
Clay Horn | 980en | Sharp, heavy hown from the head of an automation soldier. | Keeper's Head |
Dragonfly Wing (gold) | 989en | So thin that one can easily see right through it. | Dragonfly (Kill with volt damage) |
Infinite Tongue (gold) | 999en | Seems capable of stretching endlessly... | Omnivore |
Akaganeite (gold) | 1000en | Metallic ore with a red sheen. Sought by collectors. | Mine at 5th Stratum |
Star Sapphire | 1000en | rare blue gem that shines like the stars when illuminated. | Mine at 6th stratum |
Aloe (gold) | 1000en | Succulent plant that secretes a powerful, nourishing gel. | Take at 5th stratum |
Ambrosia | 1000en | Glowing, white analeptic flower. | Take at 6th stratum |
Paulownia Bark (gold) | 1000en | Its uniquely light weight makes it very useful. | Chop at 5th Stratum |
Polyamide Fiber | 1000en | Sturdy string that rarely snaps or frays. | Chop at 6th Stratum |
Starry Shell | 1020en | Eggshell with a shine like the stars in the night sky. | Pandora Egg |
Tripartite Horn | 1040en | First captures and holds its prey before killing it. | Poison Dragon |
Cursed Femur | 1060en | Mysterious, bony part of a three-headed pumpkin. | Tri-Pumpkin |
Wrenching Jaw | 1160en | Menacing jaw that can wrench off armor like it was paper. | Longicorn Beta |
Perlite | 1200en | Ebony rock revealing sharp protrusions when split open. | Mine at 6th Stratum |
Hogweed Oil | 1200en | Refined oil that promotes the elevation of motor functions. | Take at 6th Stratum |
Star Driftwood | 1200en | Glitters like the night sky when illuminated in the dark. | Chop at 6th Stratum |
Pumpkin Head | 1230en | Highly impact-absorbent head of a three-headed pumpkin. | Tri-Pumpkin |
Pale Bone | 1260en | Touching this piece of a ghost pumpkin's head is chilling. | Death Pumpkin |
Vicious Claw (gold) | 1380en | used for the indiscriminate slaughter of trespassers. | Longicorn Beta (Kill with arms bound) |
Strong Fang | 1380en | Rare, extremely strong fang that's easy to work with. | Calamity God |
Metallic Fur | 1550en | Hardened blue fur that once belonged to a beast. | Sea Berserker |
King's Fur | 1560en | Adorable fur that charms all with its regal aura. | King Penguin |
Execution Claw | 1580en | Queen ant's claw, curved into a sharp, blade-like hook. | Wicked Queen |
Cursed Wool | 1620en | Wool that has been distended through absorbing curses. | Somnovore |
Soft Scythe | 1760en | This mantis' blade is thin enough to rend anything. | Mortal Hunter |
Diamond Arm | 1820en | Impossibly dense arm of a stone statue. | Golden Idol |
Staff Stone | 1860en | Has the power to analyze the Labyrinth's monsters. | Deep Prelate |
Princess's Fang | 1890en | Fang that renders its prey immobile before chewing it. | Scylla |
Mithril Shard | 1950en | Shard of a sword made with a forgotten technique. | Deep Coistrel |
Cursed Vine (gold) | 1980en | Vine-like, invertebrate body of a pumpkin. | Hell Pumpkin (Kill with head bound) |
Crushing Arm | 2318en | Can smash bedrock and guard against bombardment. | Gatekeeper |
Flower Scythe (gold) | 2500en | Scythe blade that reaps all of creation, including itself. | Mortal Hunter (Kill within first turn) |
Dragon Weave | 2560en | Special bone dense enough to withstand vehement attacks. | Leviathan |
Queen's Bulla (gold) | 3000en | Deep One's chest protector that spawned many tall tales. | Deep Prelate (Low drop chance) |
Sea King Ice (gold) | 3000en | Corotrangul's backbone composed of flexible fibers. | Corotrangul (Kill with head bound) |
Gray Shield (gold) | 3000en | Absorbent shark scale that can withstand intense blows. | Hammerhead (Kill per instant death attack) |
Naval Ram (gold) | 3000en | Assault ram that shows its might when ramming ships. | Ghost Ship (10% chance) |
3-Lights Gem (gold) | 3000en | The tricolored source of a golem's power. | Golem (Kill with blind status) |
Mother's Horn (gold) | 3062en | Dragon's horn robust enough to shatter whole boulders. | Mother Dragon (Kill with petrify status) |
Execution Jaw (gold) | 3260en | Queen ant's jaw known for its ability to chew anything. | Wicked Queen (Kill while sleeping) |
Sapping Root | 3330en | Root that stores life energy robbed from its host. | Vampire Tree |
Atrocity Sigh | 3680en | Breath of an evil sheep that sends its prey to the abyss. | Dreamsmasher |
Ghostly Fur | 3820en | Body hair imbued with strong ghostly power over the eons. | Divine Judge |
Coral Shell | 3830en | Tenacious shell quiet capable of protecting its host. | Shin |
Blue Scale | 3860en | Blue scale with the power to shut out all that draw near. | Kirin |
Machine Piece | 4030en | Shatters any sword that does not strike true. | Olympia (boss) |
Cursed Shard | 4120en | Came from a cursed sword that eats away its wielder. | Kujura (boss) |
Zircon (gold) | 4500en | Rare, dense, pale green ore that's very difficult to use. | Mine at 6th Stratum |
Maiden's Wheat (gold) | 4500en | Legendary stalk of wheat left by a fertility god. | Take at 6th Stratum |
Stardust Twig (gold) | 4500en | Branch of unknown origin that may or may not be natural. | Chop at 6th Stratum |
Eye of Insanity (gold) | 4800en | Bit of a dangerous eye that drives the reckless mad. | Dreamsmasher (Kill with poison/plague damage) |
Ruler's Blade | 4810en | Tongue that aims for the neck to constrict its prey. | Vampire Tree |
Magic Circuit (gold) | 5000en | Engraved with letters that receive power from its supply. | Keeper's Head (Kill with head bound) |
Quake Leg (gold) | 5000en | Can crack the very earth with its offensive thrusts. | Keeper's Body (Kill with legs bound) |
Raging Scale (gold) | 5000en | Vicious dragon's power source that emits an ominous aura. | Ruin Caller (Kill with non-physical damage) |
Evil Horn (gold) | 5000en | Can pierce metallic plates with ease. | Manticore (Kill with 5000+ damage attack) |
Ominous Scale | 5680en | Scale from the princess that became an abomination. | Deep Princess |
Machine Wing | 5810en | Abyssal King's wing that wrenches off what it touches. | Automaton King |
Holy Horn | 5890en | Came from a dragon so long-lived as to be called eternal. | Elder Dragon |
Deathly Stone (gold) | 6000en | Transformed Divine Punisher stone that emits a miasma. | Divine Judge (Kill while completely bound) |
Volt Scale | 7390en | Sharp scale from one of the multi-headed dragon's heads. | Revelationer |
Dimension Disc | 8780en | Oral ring of an increasingly vicious, enlarged anemone. | Anemone |
Prisoner's Arm | 8980en | Gouges the insides of its prey as it twists painfully. | Kraken (Kill with legs bound) |
King's Petal | 9020en | Resilient petal that cannot easily be scratched. | Alraune |
Trembling Fin (gold) | 10000en | Vibrates when it touches the ground, causing earthquakes. | Narmer (Kill with only one fighter) |
Tough Membrane (gold) | 10000en | White membrane that cannot be torn or pierced. | Ketos (Kill within first turn) |
Giant's Core (gold) | 10000en | Core containing two of the giant's power sources. | Gatekeeper (Kill full body with arms bound) |
Crimson Tail (gold) | 10000en | Lightning beast's tail as red as the submerged darkness. | Kirin (Kill with curse damage) |
Fullmoon Crown (gold) | 10000en | Crown tinged with magic power flowing from the moon. | Shin (Kill with head bound) |
Elastic Body (gold) | 10000en | The fat stockpiled within makes it extremely tough. | King Penguin (Kill in 5 turns or less) |
Tsunami Fang (gold) | 10000en | Emits a jet of water to blast away the prey it traps. | Leviathan |
Princess's Fur (gold) | 10000en | Shining fur enchanted with the ice princess' power. | Scylla (Kill with curse damage) |
Abyss Crystal | 11200en | Polyhedral crystal whose black shine brings disaster. | Progenitor |
Thunder Scale | 11960en | An unimaginably sharp scale of the thunder walker. | Dragon |
Reverse Scale | 12020en | An unimaginably sharp scale of the ruler of blizzards. | Drake |
Fire Scale | 12300en | An unimaginably sharp scale of the red dragon. | Wyrm |
King's Velvet (gold) | 20000en | Multicolored cloth that's rare among flower petals. | Alraune (Kill with ice damage) |
Blue Bone (gold) | 20000en | Unbelievably sturdy and flexible metallic bone. | Anemone (Kill without Fire/Ice/Volt) |
Offset Funnel (gold) | 20000en | Emits jets of fluid that allow for faster movement. | Kraken (Kill without bound legs) |
Divine Scale (gold) | 20000en | Scale worth a shine greater than the brightest miracle. | Elder Dragon (Kill while completely bound) |
Ice Skin (gold) | 30000en | Dragonskin that emits the chill of the frigid northland. | Drake (Kill with ice damage) |
Thunder Horn (gold) | 30000en | Lightning dragon's horn that still rumbles with thunder. | Dragon (Kill with volt damage) |
Fire Fang (gold) | 30000en | Fire dragon's fang that spews the fires of ruination. | Wyrm (Kill with fire damage) |
Happiness Fluff (gold) | 50000en | Golden shining fluff rumored to bring good fortune. | Gold Pasaran |
Darkstar Bead (gold) | 100000en | Black sphere so dark that it personifies fear itself. | Abyssal God |
Ship Items[]
- See Seafaring (EO3) for more information
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City |
Info Monsters • Weapons • Armor • Accessories • Consumables • Items • Quests • Missions • Subclass • Seafaring • Limit Skill
Waterfall Wood • Undersea Grotto • Molten Caves • Abyssal Shrine • Porcelain Forest • Cyclopean Haunt
Sovereign • Gladiator • Hoplite • Buccaneer • Ninja • Monk • Zodiac • Wildling • Arbalist • Farmer • Shogun • Yggdroid |