- Weapons (EO2U)
- Armor (EO2U)
- Accessories (EO2U)
- Items (EO2U)
Monster Drops[]
Regular Monsters[]
Name | Finding Place | Description | Drop Condition | Sell Price |
Cooled Lava | Lava Beast (cold) | Lumpy lava hardened by a cooling process.
Any use it had is gone in this state. |
1 en | |
Carapace Piece | Forest Snail | The shattered shell of a Forest Snail.
Not used in everyday life, so not worth much. |
5 en | |
Rat Needle | Hedgehog | Prickly fur used to protect one's body.
Brittle and hard to use; not ideal for offense. |
6 en | |
Strange Horn | Jackalope | Deer horn an odd rabbit-like monster.
A rare item often displayed with pride. |
6 en | |
Mole Claw | Mole | Hard, thick claw of a Labyrinth mole.
Used in equipment fir its edge and durability. |
7 en | |
Soft Fur | Mole | Soft fur from beasts who inhabit the lower Stratums. Widely used for its versatility. | 8 en | |
Ray Flower | Sunflower | A large flower petal that store sunlight.
Supple yet tough, it's great for making gear. |
9 en | |
Venomous Wing | Venomfly | Venomfly wing in a poisonous violet shade. Handle with care due to its venomous powders. | 10 en | |
Gum Hide | Roller | Animal hide with buoyant properties.
Commonly used as joints in leather armor. |
11 en | |
Spotted Carapace | Giant Ladybug | A ladybug's magnificent outer shell.
Its patterns remains even after being worked on. |
12 en | |
Shell Wart | Roller | Thorns protruding from a beast's carapace.
Not too stiff, so its uses are limited. |
13 en | |
Gel Core | Cube Gel | The hard nucleus of a cube-like gel.
Commonly worked into weapons. |
14 en | |
Perfect Thorn | Sunflower | Sunflower thorn with no visible damage.
Unscathed, its fire can be imbued in charms. |
defeat with non-phys dmg | 14 en |
Small Nail | Crawler | Crawler's twisted black nail.
Widely used due to its hard outer surface. |
15 en | |
Large Feather | Hypnosis Owl | Owl feathers whose pattern resembles eyes.
Popular as a decoration. |
15 en | |
Owl Beak | Hypnosis Owl | Sharp beak of an owl that lives in the woods.
Its small shape makes it hard to work on. |
17 en | |
Glue Hide | Flying Lizard | Thin hide with a sticky surface.
Used to make light and sturdy armor. |
18 en | |
Metal Hull | King Snail | A shell as sturdy as a sheet of metal.
Widely used since it's harder than normal ones. |
19 en | |
Yellow Plume | Haggis | Soft yellow down that covers a Haggis.
The color and texture make it quite popular. |
20 en | |
Chipped Blade | Wereboar | Chipped blade carried by Wereboars.
It seems to be long used, but it's made of a tough metal. |
22 en | |
Electric Shell | King Snail | Shell that retains an electric current. It can be use to make lightning shields. | defeat with volt dmg | 24 en |
Wyvern Skull | Wild Wing | A skull with a thin and distinct shape.
Due to this trait, it takes time to work on it. |
27 en | |
Collar Fur | Frilled Lizard | The hide surrounding a lizard's neck area.
Soft and supple, it is fit for making armor. |
31 en | |
Iron Toenail | Frilled Lizard | Metallic toenail with a distinct black color.
Many loves the weapons made with it. |
38 en | |
Open Cap | Giant Shroom | Giant Shroom's head with a hard core.
Used in sorceror's weapons when hardend |
40 en | |
Huge Petal | Rafflesia | Large petal of a flower that attacks people.
Handle with care due to its toxic pollen. |
42 en | |
Bendy Vine | Fanged Vine | The tangled, fibrous vines of a plant.
This flexibility is used in whips and clothes. |
44 en | |
Crimson Hide | Flame Lizard | Lizard skin impervious to any flame.
Often used in place of cloth when thinly sliced. |
45 en | |
Bony Scale | Dread Hydra | Hardened scales of a many-headed dragon.
Many try not to touch the bonelike surface |
47 en | |
Steel Fang | Raging Boar | A boar's large fangs containing quality iron.
Quite heavy compared to its size. |
49 en | |
Gooey Fiber | Red Gel | A fibrous nucleus that gives off warmth.
When specially treated, it becomes a soft cloth |
49 en | |
Glow Quill | Madness Owl | Luminescent feathers of a Madness Owl.
Also used in accessories due to its beauty. |
55 en | |
Ruby Shard | Rattle Nozuchi | Scrap of Nozuchi hide. Contains crimson metals.
One mistake in forging it will turn it black. |
57 en | |
Steel Beak | Gryphon | Sturdy, steel-like beak of a Gryphon.
High heat it needed to work with it. |
58 en | |
Rock Shard | Odd Statue | Strange-looking rock, crushed to fine pieces.
Harder than cheap metal, but still brittle. |
59 en | |
Steel Horn | Actaeon | Actaeon's giant horn, containing steel grains.
However, the metal is difficult to extract. |
59 en | |
Frozen Bone | Wild Wing | Wing bone frozen to its core.
Its cold power can be embedded into weapons. |
defeat with ice dmg | 60 en |
Crest Feather | Red Haggis | Feather from the head of the cute Red Haggis.
A popular ornament for weapon and armor. |
63 en | |
Eerie Tail | Bugbear | Purple tail from a Bugbear. Because of its eerie appearance, some avoid touching it. | 64 en | |
White Crest | Gryphon | The brilliant white crest of a Gryphon.
For its size, it's unbelievably light. |
66 en | |
Massacre Claw | White Orangutan | Dense monkey claw that can crack boulders.
It's prized for making quality weapon with. |
77 en | |
Ostrich Tendon | Giant Moa | Thick tendon from a Giant Moa.
Often used in bows due to its elasticity. |
83 en | |
Thick Boar Skin | Raging Boar |
Boar skin pounded thin. It doesn't look great, but it's now ten times as strong. |
defeat with bash dmg | 89 en |
Ankylosaur Skin | Armor Tortoise | Thorned armor of a giant dragon.
Specialized skills are needed to mold it. |
101 en | |
White Gem | Snow Ghost | Stone thought to be a Snow Ghost's core.
However, this has not been confirmed. |
103 en | |
Bound Wings | Madness Owl | Wings that can no longer be moved. Many stay away, unsure when they'll move again. | defeat while arm bound | 105 en |
Blue Scale | Fishman | Beautiful scales on a Fishman's body.
Hard as iron, but easy to work with. |
108 en | |
Crazed Bulb | Fanged Vine | Bulb that has lost control over its mouths.
Even severed, it thrashes wildly. |
defeat while paniced | 112 en |
White Metal | Snow Lizard | Sturdy, white bones of a winged creature.
Used often in weapons for its toughness. |
114 en | |
Frozen Iron | Rattle Nozuchi | Red iron rapidly cooled and trapped in ice.
If treated incorrectly, its power will react. |
defeat with ice dmg | 114 en |
Crabshell | Great Hermit | A shard of a Great Hermit's shell.
It's brittle, but easy to work with. |
118 en | |
Beast Femur | Sauroposeidon | A powerful dinosaur's huge thigh bone.
Many adventurers can't get it back to town. |
120 en | |
Red Fin | Redfish | Beautiful red-white fin of a Redfish.
It's worn on some local holidays. |
121 en | |
Red Mane | Sleipnir | Fine hair from a Sleipnir's mane.
Rare and sticking, it sells out quickly. |
122 en | |
Slimy Scale | Redfish | The red scales of a Redfish's body.
If it dries out, it crisps and crumbles. |
125 en | |
Swan Feather | Snowbird | Snowbird's wingfeathers, pale as snowfall.
Popular as material for warm clothing. |
127 en | |
Divine Carapace | Claw Beetle | Carapace with metals unknown to humans.
Used to make both weapons and medicine. |
129 en | |
Bound Right Arm | Odd Statue | Statue arm sealed so it can't attack.
Those who fell to it may now rest it peace. |
defeat while arm bound | 133 en |
Sapphire Arm | Deadly Statue | Arm-shaped stone with strange emblems engraved. Can be used for all manner of weapons or armor. | 140 en | |
Ugly Horn | An Illbear's small horn that spreads sickness.
Exercise caution with it to avoid disease. |
140 en | ||
Horn Shard | Chi You | Broken horn from the head of a Chi You. It can be reforged as incredibly strong iron. | 147 en | |
Gourd Head | Deathly Pumpkin | Large pumpkin like a laughing face. It sells out in certain times of year. | 147 en | |
Perfect Shell | Great Hermit | A shell with no visible damage at all. These are more rare, since they chip easily. | defeat with non-phys dmg | 156 en |
Crushed Carapace | Claw Beetle | Crushed carapace of a hard-shelled beetle. Gets harder the more it's struck. | defeat with bash dmg | 163 en |
Red Foreleg | Forest Dragonfly | Dragonfly foreleg containing red iron. When tempered, it turns black. | 177 en | |
Metal Horn | War Bison | Curved animal horn with metal traces. The curve makes it hard to work with. | 204 en | |
Giant Tusk | Evil Mammoth | Curved tusk broken off at its base. A heavy load for just one person. | 219 en | |
White Boulder | Giant Snow | Stone found in a Giant Snow thought to be its core. It's much larger than a Snow Ghost's one. | 232 en | |
Elephant Hide | Evil Mammoth | Thick, red hide of an Evil Mammoth. The rough texture is hard to refine. | 234 en | |
Severed Wing | Forest Dragonfly | Severed front wing of an agile dragonfly. Must be severed while still alive. | defeat with cut dmg | 242 en |
Gold Crest | Ptarmigan | Beatiful golden crest from a bird's head. Some fashion it into accessories for luck. | 243 en | |
Bee Needle | Waspior | A sharp point that pierces anything. Carry it with extreme caution. | 247 en | |
Prism Shell | Prism Ladybug | Prism Ladybug shell patterned in colors. The design is quite popular among explorers. | 254 en | |
Azure Beak | Raven | Strong, sharp beak from a pale bird. Its sharpness is used in some weapons. | 271 en | |
Sticky Web | Venomous Spider | Sticky web spun by a Venomous Spider. Drying it makes it workable into weapons. | 287 en | |
Pink Leather | Axolotl | Soft leather with a dinstinct pink color. It's popular among young women. | 299 en | |
Frozen Stone | Giant Snow | White stone made by freezing a snow monster. As an accessory, it grants its wearer power. | defeat with ice dmg | 301 en |
Soft Scythe | Grim Mantis | The massive scythe of a forest mantis. It's said that many died to its edge. | 308 en | |
Razor Cutter | Wind Cutter | Wind Cutter arm that resembles a scythe. It cuts anything, but it's brittle as-is. | 309 en | |
Night Vine | Night Flower | A thorny vine of a Night Flower. When treated, it can put others to sleep. | 316 en | |
Glinting Beak | Diatryma | A large metallic beak, white and curved. Easily workable, and widely used. | 326 en | |
Dark Claw | Mad Crawler | The small and toxic claw of a Mad Crawler. Take caution when dealing with its venom. | 326 en | |
Snow Teeth | Thunder Rabbit | Sharp rabbit tooth fit for a herbivorous diet. It can be processed to make weapons and armor. | 330 en | |
Meteoric Spike | Deathstalker | Undamaged needle from a scorpion's tail. Used for weapons and accessories. | 358 en | |
Bendy Wings | Longisquama | The supple wings of a Longisquama. It's often used for weapons and armor. | 364 en | |
Savage Fang | Black Boar | A hard fang that can pierce through steel. A powerful weapon can be made with this. | 378 en | |
Dense Syrup | Waspior | Syrup made more dense from Waspior's fear. It is now sweeter, and calms the mind. | defeat while Feared | 389 en |
Bound Mandible | Venomous Spider | A mandible now bound and unable to spit web. Its razor sharpness remains threatening. | defeat while head bound | 404 en |
Century Shell | Metal Tortoise | Shell of a tortoise said to live to 100. Layering these makes fine protective gear. | 512 en | |
Plum Quill | Great Moth | Surprisingly light Great Moth wings. Poison still remains, so handle with care. | 555 en | |
Lilac Vine | Wrath Bloom | Thorny vine with sky-colored leaves. Strong enough to be used for animal taming. | 561 en | |
Dormant Seed | Night Flower | Black seed that seems completely dormant. It's unknown if it can return to normal. | defeat while asleep | 564 en |
Ancient Beak | Cockatrice | A Cockatrice beak that can shatter even rocks. The beak is strong, though it can't petrify. | (Selling 50 of these unlocks Petrify Gas) | 572 en |
Bat Fangs | Forest Bat | Fangs of a bat living deep in the forest. Commonly used for making new weapons. | 601 en | |
Mandrake Root | Mandrake | Mandrake Root shaped like a human leg. Eerie, and said to draw bad luck. | 608 en | |
Blue Carapace | Nozuchi | Nozuchi's outer shell, made of blue metal. Though layered with scales, it feels smooth. | 614 en | |
Plum Hide | Gem Lizard | A coarse, plum colored hide. With proper treatment, it makes weapons or armor. | 619 en | |
Coal Bone | Black Wing | Charred bone fragment of a Black Wing. It's brittle, and hard to work with. | 622 en | |
Yellow Gelatin | Yellow Gel | Faintly luminescent nucleus. If treated properly, it can make a powerful weapon. | 625 en | |
Gold Shell | Silver Gunman | Piece or armor for a mechanical gunman. It seems manmade, but its origin is unknown. | 632 en | |
Black Hoof | Nightmare | Pitch-black hooves of a dark horse. It's easy to work with, and valued for crafting. | 640 en | |
Silver Shard | Undead Soldier | Pieces of a bodiless suit of armor. Requires expertise to properly craft with. | 647 en | |
Chattering Tooth | Thunder Rabbit | Rabbit's front teeth that chatter in fear. The more it chatters, the harder it gets. | defeat while Feared | 648 en |
Glittering Tail | Raptor Lord | Mysterious raptor tail that somehow releases heat and light. Takes great skill to work. | 707 en | |
White Crystal | Leukocyte | White object formed in a Leukocyte's body. Has no impurities, and looks like a gem. | 714 en | |
Red Crystal | Red Corpuscle | Red object formed in a Red Corpuscle's body. Has no impurities, and looks like a gem. | 721 en | |
Bone Plate | Dinotyrant | Bony plate of myriad overlapping scales. If worked properly, it makes weapons or armor. | 741 en | |
Frosted Wing | Hell Papillon | A beautiful light blue wing. Cold, and as fragile as a thin layer of ice. | 742 en | |
Fearful Stinger | Metal Needle | Thornlike point on a Metal Needle's tail. Casting it converts it into a hard metal. | 887 en | |
Gold Spore | King Shroom | The gilded spores of a giant mushroom. Its beauty is stark contrast to its source. | 1020 en | |
Frozen Petal | Wrath Bloom | Blue petal of a Wrath Bloom that devoured many. Frozen instantly, its life energy remains. | defeat with ice dmg | 1035 en |
Sleeping Hoof | Nightmare | Hoof gained by putting a Nightmare to sleep. A volatile power is sealed within. | defeat while asleep | 1090 en |
Squirming Vine | Gasser Tree | Tendril-like vine that moves after being cut. It writhes around when you aren't watching. | 1100 en | |
Black Carapace | Iron Tortoise | Blue-black carapace covered in spikes. Its hardness makes it difficult to shape. | 1130 en | |
Golden Horn | Bloody Lizard | The unique golden horn of a Bloody Lizard. Used often in weaponry for its hardness. | 1130 en | |
Severed Horn | Raptor Lord | A cleanly severed horn. Though impressive, it is hard and extremely difficult to work. | defeat with cut dmg | 1131 en |
Cowering Silver | Undead Soldier | Silver that has shrunk from fear. Now condensed, it better conducts certain energy. | defeat while Feared | 1173 en |
Meteor Fragment | Huge Statue | Part of a Huge Statue, it can't be pierced by a blade. Skill is needed to craft with it. | 1190 en | |
Withered Spine | Lord Saguaro | A durable thorn the color of rotting wood. Be careful of its sharpness when carrying. | 1220 en | |
Black Gelatin | King Gel | Ebon nucleus, needing two hands to lift. A curious gravitas can be sensed from it. | 1260 en | |
Bloody Blade | Scissor Crab | Crab claws whose tips appear bloodstained. Despite the hardness, it's a crafting staple. | 1290 en | |
Slaughter Claw | Black Claw | Black monkey claw that can cut anything. Through curses, it can be used for many things. | 1370 en | |
Damascus Claw | High Crawler | Dark caterpillar fangs resembling needles. Only workable be the most skilled artisans. | 1440 en | |
Lizard Crown | Carbuncle | Crown-shaped horn of a giant lizard. Hard and metallic, it works well for weapons. | 1480 en | |
Petrified Tail | Nozuchi | Petrified, snakelike tail of a Nozuchi. The bone inside makes a curious clattering. | defeat with petrification | 1515 en |
Pure White Horn | Trihorn | Bone-white fragment of a Trihorn. Used for equipment and medicine alike. | 1530 en | |
Red Iron Shard | Bloody Soldier | Shard of armor that looks bloodstained. It makes for reliable weapons and armor. | 1600 en | |
Pierced Heart | Dinotyrant | Dinotyrant's heart, stopped in one strike. If struck when alive, its power changes. | defeat with instant death | 1600 en |
Blue Head Gem | Gem Lizard | Stone taken by binding the lizard's head. It can be used to make a protective bracelet. | defeat while head bound | 1650 en |
Soft Black Hide | High Crawler | Highly flexible caterpillar hide. Absorbs shock, and is thus used in armors. | 1833 en | |
Bound Root | Mandrake | A root bound so firmly as to be immobile. The Mandrake's power is sealed within. | defeat while entirely bound | 1880 en |
Dull Crown | Carbuncle | The light has faded from this crown upon blinding. However, its power is magnified. | defeat while blinded | 1980 en |
Poisoned Hide | Bloody Lizard | Soft lizard hide with poison-formed spots. Treating it with gems enhances concentration. | defeat while poisoned | 2070 en |
Crazed Stinger | Lord Saguaro | Unusual stinger that appears when confused. It's quickly shed, and is hard to obtain. | defeat while panicked | 2150 en |
Mossy Shell | Ancient Hermit | Time has made it extremely resilient. Its assorted trees are popular as decoration. | 2180 en | |
Frozen Horn | Ice Drake | Thick, heavy horn that resembles a large sword. Dense, heavy, and unwieldy to carry. | 2280 en | |
Electric Crest | Lightning Drake |
Bladelike crest from the Lightning Drake's back. Imbues weapons with a voltaic energy. |
2280 en | |
Blue Skull | Mokele-mbembe | Metal-plated skull emitting blue light. It improves the grade of other metals. | 2360 en | |
Burnt Iron | Bloody Soldier | Iron scorched even after its bearer's death. If heated after death, it reacts differently. | defeat with fire dmg | 2370 en |
Cursed Core | King Gel | A giant cursed gelatinous core. Even just looking at it may bring misfortune. | defeat via curse damage | 2400 en |
Polished Shell | Ancient Hermit | Shell made tougher through physical shocks. It's said a lucky leaf grows on this shell. | defeat with phys dmg | 2430 en |
Red Quill | Moth Lord | Thin, nebula-patterned wings of a Moth Lord. Some people admire its vibrant coloring. | 2450 en | |
Shaking Shell | Scissor Crab | Shell that hardened from trembling in fear. The nature of this reaction is unclear. | defeat while feared | 2720 en |
Perfect Hide | Black Claw | Undamaged black hide of a wild clawed monster. If the faintest scratch is made, it's useless. | defeat with non-phys dmg | 2810 en |
Cursed Horn | Trihorn | Pristine white horn, wrought with curses. Though ominous, it's filled with life energy. | defeat while cursed | 2890 en |
Shabby Bone | Ice Drake | Swordlike dorsal bone, twisted from the Drake's insanity. Working it is extremely difficult. | defeat while panicked | 4980 en |
Rigid Croc Hide | Dinogator | Crocodile hide dappled with wedgelike scales. It can be used to make highest quality leather. | 5000 en | |
Coated Horn | Lightning Drake | Horn with mysterious textlike patterns on it. They slowly blink, as if breathing. | defeat while poisoned | 5730 en |
Petrified Scale | Mokele-mbembe | A hard purple scale from a petrified dragon. Now stone-hard, it can make stronger armor. | defeat with petrification | 7070 en |
Pierced Fang | Dinogator | The 4th fang, and Dinogator's largest. Dinogator must be alive to remove it. | defeat with stab dmg | 9999 en |
Name | Finding Place | Description | Drop Condition | Sell Price |
Black Muzzle | Mercenary Boar | Black hardened leather muzzle worn by a feral boar. Usable with some minor modifications. | 72 en | |
Deer Hide | Ragelope | Durable hide with a sandpapery surface.
Some people use it as a floor mat. |
80 en | |
Bat Membrane | Vampire Bat | The red membrane of a large bat monster.
Thin, but durable enough to fly with. |
96 en | |
Timeworn Hilt | Boar Captain | Hilt of a sword used by a Boar Captain.
It has a good grip, and swings well. |
101 en | |
Brass Fang | Raptor | A Raptor's steel-hard tooth. Its poisons can
be used to make special medicines |
120 en | |
Severed Antler | Ragelope | Deer antler severed with sharp blade.
Popular as decoration among the nobility. |
defeat with
cut dmg |
135 en |
Brass Claw | Terrible Hunter | Claw supporting the Terrible Hunter's body. It's hard enough to support a great weight. | 145 en | |
Punctured Wing | Vampire Bat | Bat wing with a round hole in it. When wrapped around wood, it heightens focus. | defeat with pierce dmg | 155 en |
Brute Tail | Chimaera | Chimaera tail that resembles a serpent. Still full of life and wrath, writhing still. | 208 en | |
Stiff Skin | Basilisk | Hard, snake-like skin. Its heavy, cold feeling reminds you of the fear of petrification. | 224 en | |
Fiery Chip | Baby Salamander | A scale-like chip of iron, as red as flames. It can grant weapons properties of fire. | 245 en | |
Water Bubble | Tree Sponge | The intact bubble of a Tree Sponge. With this, you could make fire-resistant armor. | 303 en | |
Cactus Spine | Attack Cactus | Light, sharp thorn on an Attack Cactus' head. The inattentive may prick their fingers. | 322 en | |
Sturdy Web | Binding Spider | Spider web made within a Binding Spider. It can ensnare almost anything. | 364 en | |
Spiny Horn | Fire Drake | Fire Drake's backbone, festooned with spikes. It grants resistance against fire. | 480 en | |
Poison Wing | Chimaera | Wing of a Chimaera that died while poisoned. | kill with poison | 780 en |
Pure Fang | Ambush Wolf | White fang that froze countless enemies. It can grant icy power to weapons. | 800 en | |
Red Wings | Flame Demon | Oddly small wings for such a huge monster. Slightly warm, and retain some power yet. | 840 en | |
Blue Core | Blue Gel | Cubic core that's cold to the touch. Working it into weapons can grant it freezing power. | 870 en | |
Woven Thread | Arachne | Powerful thread that binds one's movement. Spun in a special way and difficult to cut. | 901 en | |
Crystal Lens | Evil Eye | Resembles a polished crystal ball. It's often a decoration for the wealthy. | 920 en | |
Thorny Hide (DLC) | Gentle Toad | Thorny cheek skin that can stretch and expand. Its elasticity is used to make special armor. | 960 en | |
Rigid Fragment | Death Wall | A hard chunk used when mimicking a wall. It can be used to make protective shields. | 975 en | |
Purple Vine | Dazing Pumpkin | A curled up vine ending in a needle. Even if straightened, it'll curl itself up again. | 1040 en | |
Fleeting Thorn | Attack Cactus | A rare long needle on an Attack Cactus' head. Usually falls out immediately when hit. | defeat on the first turn | 1070 en |
Dark Scale | Hell Dragon | Bladelike scales of a many-headed dragon. It retains its color when worked. | 1300 en | |
Gold Claw | Luminous Bird | Sharp claws that rip easily through flesh. Some gather it only for the color. | 1500 en | |
Crazed Wolf Eye | Ambush Wolf | Wolf's eye bulging with insanity. Even now, it makes your mind feel strange to look at it. | defeat while panicked | 1500 en |
Toxic Skin | Frog Lord | Vibrant pink-colored skin of a giant frog. Being toxic itself, it resists poisons. | 1650 en | |
Frog Skin | Great Frog | Frog's cheek skin said to stretch 10 times its size. Good for making impact-resistant armor. | 1690 en | |
Deceptive Jaw | Mimic | Through trickery, this jaw harmed many people. Its sharp teeth pierce through any material. | 1720 en | |
Red Horn Shard | Charging Rhino | A chunk of a Charging Rhino's tough horn. Weapons made from it are the same striking red. | 1800 en | |
Cinder Stone | Lava Beast (hot) | Red stone too hot to handle with bare hands. Its heat even makes it hard to craft with. | 1840 en | |
Devil Wing | Wandering Eye | Wing bone that's more elastic than pine wood. Despite its size, it's light and easy to carry. | 1870 en | |
Cursed Scrap | Artelinde | Cloth stained crimson with a maiden's blood. Necessary for a war magus since it has mystical powers. | 2000 en | |
Magic Casing | Wilhelm | Bullets that never err, as if demon-guided. Power yet remains in them to be shaped anew. | 2100 en | |
Crushed Skin (DLC) | Gentle Toad | Frog skin crushed with tremendous strength. Now compressed, it has remarkable power. | defeat with bash damage | 2114 en |
Nickel Shell | Silver Sentinel | Silver alloy coating a Silver Sentinel's body. It's manmade, but it's unknown how it was done. | 2400 en | |
Frosted Hull | Icy Bulb | Highly elastic hull imbued with cold. Grants chilling power to crafted weapons. | 2400 en | |
Glinting Claw | Flame Demon | Fragile swordlike claw of a demon in the red forest. Gain it by defeating one quickly. | defeat on the first turn | 2400 en |
Black Feather | Enraged Raptor | Slick, firm black feather. Unless treated carefully, its beauty will soon fade. | 2500 en | |
Petrified Heads | Hell Dragon | All seven heads of the Hell Dragon petrified at once. Said to bring good fortune. | defeat with petrification | 2560 en |
Jet Black Iron | Cursed Knight | Broken-off piece of a helm's steel horn. Good for weapons, due to its hardness. | 3000 en | |
Ice Queen's Vine | Scylla | These strands steal heat with their touch. Its dark power turned countless invaders to ice. | 3000 en | |
Spongy Skin | Blue Glaucus | Thin and durable cloth-like skin. Armor made with this has the sea's beauty. | 3200 en | |
Undying Flame | Demi-Fafnir | Flame with an endless burn. One can sense eternal power from its light, even in death. | 3500 en | |
Sizzling Lava | Lava Beast (hot) | Rock formed when a Lava Beast burns to death. Won't burn, regardless of temperature. | defeat with fire dmg | 3770 en |
Blind Eye | Wandering Eye | An evil eye that no longer sees. Its ominous power can be used for curses. | defeat while blinded | 3970 en |
Eternal Hide | Icy Bulb | Plant matter carefully aged with no singes. The older, the better it feels. | defeat after 10 turns | 4000 en |
Bound Red Horn | Charging Rhino | Large horn that can no longer move freely. A flute made from this is said to be lucky. | defeat while head bound | 4100 en |
Wootz Shard | Sky Metal Knight | Crimson fragment of a knight's arm. Made of a now-lost metal called black steel. | 4500 en | |
Cursed Frog Skin | Frog Lord | Cursed skin that excretes toxins. Both toxic and cursed, it's extremely dangerous. | defeat with curse dmg | 4800 en |
Hazardous Bulb | Hazardous Petal | A bulb that extrudes vines in search of prey. Even when cut, it may still sprout again. | 5300 en | |
Bound Shard | Cursed Knight | Pitch-black shard, now darker from binding. It's almost impossible to see at night. | defeat while head bound | 5500 en |
Harpy Wing | Harpuia | Winged arm with three shard talons at the tip. Its power charms those who look upon it. | 6000 en | |
Pale Bone | Cursed Pumpkin | Piece of a horn from a Cursed Pumpkin's head. Unnerving to touch, so most keep away. | 6690 en | |
Lavish Bone | Scylla | Bone resembling a lance. It breaks upon Scylla's death, unless she's put to sleep. | defeat while asleep | 6700 en |
Black Steel | Asterius | Fragment of the finest metal alloys. Weapons made from this are unusually sharp. | 7680 en | |
Guardian Skin | Juggernaut | Sturdy hide fitting for a guardian beast. So hard, some smiths refuse to work with it. | 8700 en | |
Thorny Barbel (DLC) | Barbel developed from a thorn for capturing prey. It would then swallow them whole. | 8800 en | ||
Lavish Flower | Hazardous Petal | A flower of unsettling beauty, dead from its own curse. Its sweet nectar soothes the mind. | defeat with curse dmg | 9400 en |
Imperial Wrath | Overlord | Part of the Overlord's scale-like armor. Abnormally light, it's unknown how it was made. | 10000 en | |
Demon Essence | Yggdrasil Core | Core of the Calamity at Ginnungagap's heart. Its immense power is worthy of the title "demonic". | 12000 en | |
Queen's Quill | Harpuia | A seemingly weightless sky-blue quill. Silence its bearer's sing to obtain it. | defeat while head bound | 12500 en |
Flame Marrow | Salamander | Metallic marrow that burns continuously. Hard to work, but can grant fiery qualities. | 13000 en | |
Black Ingot | Asterius | Chunk of quality steel struck with great impact. Good for making both weapons and armor. | defeat with bash dmg | 13600 en |
Macho Plumage (DLC) | Master Bird | Plumage from a talking chicken. It flinches when you pluck it, so you kind of feel bad. | 15000 en | |
Sky Metal Shard | Sky Metal Knight | Sword chip made from material called Sky Metal. It's faintly warm, as if alive. | defeat within 5 turns | 16000 en |
Statue Shard | Golem | Golem piece that is harder than a boulder. One can sense the Golem's power from just holding this shard. | 16800 en | |
Emperor Barbel | Storm Emperor | Majestic barbel at the thunder dragon's mouth. Some believe the barbel controls thunder. | 17000 en | |
Poison Pumpkin | Cursed Pumpkin | Pumpkin with poison coursing through it. Certain medicine can be made from it. | defeat while poisoned | 17500 en |
Sky Metal Tail | Juggernaut | Tail said to be made of the mythical Sky Metal. Gained by sealing the limbs of the juggernaut. | defeat while leg bound | 17500 en |
Wyvern Talon | Wyvern | Curved talon from the tip of a Wyvern wing. It cuts through wind to increase its velocity. | 18500 en | |
Emperor Scale | Storm Emperor | The only reverse scale on the thunder dragon. It takes great fortune to acquire this. | 20000 en | |
King Plate (DLC) | Frost King | Thick chest plate of the Frost King. It's so big, carrying it will be troublesome. | 20000 en | |
Snow Pterygoid | Blizzard King | Ice dragon's wingbone that spreads, fanlike. A flap of this wing can cause blizzards. | 21000 en | |
Giant Skin | Hecatoncheires | Patchwork skin of the thousand-handed giant. It's obvious this isn't its original skin. | 23000 en | |
Blizzard Scale | Blizzard King | The only reverse scale on the ice dragon. It takes great fortune to acquire this. | 24000 en | |
Electric Ring (DLC) | Thunder Queen | A wheel used by the Thunder Queen to move. It may be useful for transportation. | 24000 en | |
Flame Breath | Salamander | Lizard tongue so hot it can scald you. It'll cool unless taken while it's afraid. | defeat while feared | 25000 en |
Dragon Fang | Great Dragon | Fire dragon's fang that can crush all. Its dreadful strength can shatter boulders. | 30000 en | |
Broken Stake | Hecatoncheires | One of the countless stakes in the monster. The deeper-driven ones are less given to rot. | defeat with bash dmg | 30000 en |
Statue Arm | Golem | Statue arm fixed in place by its joint. Made from a boulder, it's lethal already. | defeat while head bound | 35000 en |
Paralyzed Wing | Wyvern | A paralyzed wing that can no longer fly. So full of energy, it flaps while paralyzed. | defeat while paralyzed | 37000 en |
Dragon Scale | Great Dragon | The only reverse scale on the fire dragon. It takes great fortune to acquire this. | 38000 en | |
Thunderous Eye | Storm Emperor | Thunder dragon's eye, cloaked in lightning. Some say it holds the key to ultimate power. | defeat with volt dmg | 39000 en |
Bound Ice Arm (DLC) | Frost King | The bound arm of the Frost King, now still. It can no longer strike down any innocents. | defeat while arms bound | 41000 en |
Frozen Wing | Blizzard King | Ice dragon's wing, encrusted in ice. Some say it holds the key to ultimate power. | defeat with ice dmg | 44000 en |
Odd Purple Hide (DLC) | Tindalos | Spongy skin from a toxic monster. Repels poison, but not so much as armor. | 44444 en | |
Confusing Bow (DLC) | Thunder Queen | Bow dropped by the queen when confused. Normally inseperable from the body. | defeat while panicked | 48000 en |
Scorching Horn | Great Dragon | Fire dragon's horn, wreathed in flames. Some say it holds the key to ultimate power. | defeat with fire dmg | 66000 en |
Bound Talon (DLC) | Tindalos | Thin, leglike talon Tindalos' body. The dripping poison is unlike anything known. | defeat while legs bound | 88000 en |
Eden Apple | Ur-Child | Strange red fruit from the Ur-Child's wings. It's likely a fruit in name alone. | 90000 en |
Gathered Items[]
Chopped Items[]
Name | Found on | Description | Sell Price |
Bent Twig | Ancient Forest | Sturdy stick found in the forest's early area.
Supple, and fit for bow making. |
20 en |
Hard Root | Ancient Forest | Tree root commonly tripped over.
Hard, but light, making it easy to work with. |
22 en |
Scarlet Vine | Auburn Thicket | Elastic vine found wrapped around trees.
Used in practical items and weapons alike. |
55 en |
Hardwood | Auburn Thicket | Hard, sturdy from Auburn Thicket.
Used for weapons, housing, or furniture. |
60 en |
Clumped Sap | Ancient Forest | Chunk of crystallized tree sap.
It can be refined into quality oil for special tools. |
100 en |
Protruding Root | Frozen Grounds | Tree root jutting out of the ground.
Has a hard surface making it suited for weapons. |
110 en |
Sea Branch | Frozen Grounds | Blue tree branch that feels like coral.
Easy to use, being supple and durable. |
120 en |
Arc Branch | Petal Bridge | Tree branch bent in the shape of a bow. It can be used as-is by bowyers. | 230 en |
Red Pine | Auburn Thicket | From a tree common in areas lacking water. Its beautiful grain is quite popular. | 250 en |
Scent Wood | Petal Bridge | Wood with a soothing floral scent. Popular for housing, furniture, and weaponsmithing. | 250 en |
Gum String | Heavenly Keep | Very thin metal string in a soft outer skin. Looks manmade, but its origin is unknown. | 400 en |
Ironwood | Heavenly Keep | Thin and long metallic rod, hollow inside. Looks manmade, but its origin is unknown. | 440 en |
Ice Branch | Frozen Grounds | Rare, crooked crystal from the Frozen Grounds. Used for armor, though better known as art. | 600 en |
Crystal Vine | Forbidden Wood | Plant vines growing on ancient walls. Time has crystallized them. | 750 en |
Forest Branch | Forbidden Wood | Strange branch only in the forest depths. Being as hard as metal, it is used in weaponry. | 850 en |
Bloom Wood | Petal Bridge | Wood with a lingering, pleasant scent. Prized for upscale furniture, as it's quite rare. | 1500 en |
Light Chip | Heavenly Keep | Oddly light metal with carved round shapes. Look manmade, but its origin is unknown. | 2500 en |
Glow Wood | Forbidden Wood | Luminous wood storing light in its bark. Rare even in the depths of the forest. | 5000 en |
Mined Items[]
Name | Found on | Description | Sell Price |
Amazonite | Ancient Forest | Beautiful, blue-green soft from early floors.
Good for making weaponry, and also soap. |
20 en |
Aragonite | Ancient Forest | Ore with radial spikes and coral-like texture.
It's a good tool for whetting blades. |
22 en |
Fluorite | Auburn Thicket | Ore named for its shine when heated.
Used as binding agent for forging weapons. |
55 en |
Ruby | Auburn Thicket | Red gem that is small, but very hard.
Vividly colored ores sell for the most. |
60 en |
Garnet | Ancient Forest | Beautiful scarlet gem with high transparency.
Popular and common as jewelry. |
100 en |
Celestine | Frozen Grounds | Beautiful stone the color of the clear blue sky.
Turns red when heated up. |
110 en |
Adularia | Frozen Grounds | Distinctly shaped ore, a possible mutation of
orthoclase. Pure white ores are in demand. |
120 en |
Prehnite | Petal Bridge | Ore of multiple mixed metals. When polished, it takes on the green color of sultana grapes. | 230 en |
Blood Rock | Auburn Thicket | Dark red gem the color of coagulated blood. Rarely found, and thus highly valued. | 250 en |
Malachite | Petal Bridge | Bluish-green copper ore with signature markings. Popular, as no two patterns are the same. | 250 en |
Moonstone | Heavenly Keep | Gem that shines like gentle moonlight. It's believed to ward away evil. | 400 en |
Tourmaline | Heavenly Keep | Unusual ore that electrifies if heated. Has many practical uses aside from equipment. | 440 en |
Ice Sheet | Frozen Grounds | Crystal sheet of tiny granules, white as snow. Rare, and in demand for jewelry production. | 600 en |
Cat's Eye | Forbidden Wood | Beautiful gem that resembles a cat's eye in the right light. Good as a weapon material or art. | 750 en |
Jade Thews | Forbidden Wood | A pure yellow-green ore formed in crystal quartz. Some have it processed, and wear it in a charm. | 850 en |
Rose Quartz | Petal Bridge | Beautiful crystal with a faint pink color. The jewelry industry has it in high demand. | 1500 en |
Shine Rock | Heavenly Keep | A rare ore giving off a faint light. Rarely found in the Labyrinth, and quite valuable. | 2500 en |
Star Rock | Forbidden Wood | Ore with a distinctive radial pattern on it. Only rarely found in the forest's depths. | 5000 en |
Taken Items[]
Name | Found on | Description | Sell Price |
Small Flower | Ancient Forest | White flower commonly found near the entrance.
Used often to make medicine. |
20 en |
Sour Fruit | Ancient Forest | Tart fruit common on trees of the forest.
Its sour flavor is used for special medicine. |
22 en |
Mint Leaf | Auburn Thicket | Biting into this leaf is cool and refreshing.
The medicine made from it invigorates the mind. |
55 en |
Mugwort | Auburn Thicket | Once thought poisonous due to its bitterness.
Used for medicine that gives rise to power. |
60 en |
Dew Shard | Ancient Forest | Piece of crystalized flower nectar and sap.
Even a small amount can make a fine medicine. |
100 en |
Strawberry | Frozen Grounds | Grows on mossy rocks in the forest depths.
The sweet flavor makes one feel emboldened. |
110 en |
Icy Flower | Frozen Grounds | A native flower that resembles a snowflake.
Aesthetically pleasing, but also medicinal. |
120 en |
Crabapple | Petal Bridge | Small red fruit common on forest trees. High sugar content, and invigorating | 230 en |
Tricolor Fruit | Auburn Thicket | Mysterious fruit that changes color depending on its temperature. Used in low-quality elemental jars. | 250 en |
Unseasonal Grass | Petal Bridge | Fungus found on insects of the Petal Bridge. Highly nutritious, and used in certain medicine. | 250 en |
Life Honey | Heavenly Keep | Honey, shining as if with floral vitality. Nutritious, and used in expensive medicine. | 400 en |
Wild Rose | Heavenly Keep | Lovely flower that blooms in forest depths. Fragrant, and used for potent medicine. | 440 en |
Narcissus | Frozen Grounds | Round-shaped succulent that retains water. Sprays a mist when crushed to make medicine. | 600 en |
Ambrosia | Forbidden Wood | Shining white flower from the forest depths. Once believed to grant immortality. | 750 en |
Forest Flower | Forbidden Wood | Flower blossoming in the forest's true depths. Used for its sweet scent and expensive medicine. | 850 en |
Knockberry | Petal Bridge | Dangerous fruit that explodes when heated. Practically inedible, but used in jars. | 1500 en |
Bloody Dew (DLC) | Forbidden Wood | Mysterious liquid on grass in forest depths. Reddish-black, like thickened blood. | 2400 en |
Odd Fruit | Heavenly Keep | Eerie fruit that looks like an unsettling face. Used to make high-quality elemental jars. | 2500 en |
Solomon's Seal (DLC) | Forbidden Wood | Wild herb with a slightly sweet stalk. You can dry it to make an analeptic medicine. | 2700 en |
Profound Fruit | Forbidden Wood | Sublimely sweet fruit in the forest depths. Just finding it is proof of good fortune. | 5000 en |
Antler Fungus (DLC) | Forbidden Wood | Sought by royalty as a miracle longevity drug. The fungus extended in branches, not a cap. | 16000 en |
Consumable Items[]
Name | Description | Effect | Ingredients | Buy Price | Special? |
Ariadne Thread | Thread used to return to town. Necessary for venturing into the labyrinth. | Warps party back to town. | None | 100en | Not expendable on picnic mode |
Medica | Medicine made of boiled herbs. Slightly restore HP. | Recovers 50 HP. | None | 20 en | |
Medica II | Medicine from Tiny Petal extract. Moderately restores HP. | Recovers 100 HP | None | 100en | |
Medica III | Medicine made from Strawberries. Greatly restores HP. | Recovers 200 HP | None | 800en | |
Medica IV | Medicine made from Forest Flowers. Fully restores HP | Fully recovers HP | None | 5,000en | |
Soma | Potion made of squeezed Crabapples. Moderately restores party HP | Recovers ?? Party HP | None | 1,600en | |
Soma Prime | Potion of crushed Pure White Horns. Greatly restores party HP. | Recovers 160 Party HP | None | ||
Hamao | Potion made by soaking herbs in Life Honey. Moderately restores HP and TP | Recover ?? for one party member | None | 2,000en | |
Hamao Prime | Potion made of Ambrosia. Greatly restores HP and TP | Recover ?? for one party member | None | 5,000en | |
Nectar | Revival elixir made of Amber Lump. Revives a party member with low HP. | Revive a fallen party member with 20 HP. | 1x Dew Shard | 300en | |
Nectar II | Revival elixir from a Profound Fruit. Revives with a moderate amount of HP. | Revive a fallen party member with 200 HP. | 1xProfound Fruit | 6,500en | |
Therica A | Panacea made from stewed Mint Leaves. Removes bindings | Remove binds from a party member. | None | 150en | |
Therica B | Potion made from squeezed Sour Fruits. Removes ailments. | Remove ailments from a party member. | None | 250en | |
Metopon | Wild Rose-based neurotoxin. Neutralizes an enemy's status boosts | Remove all buffs on an enemy. | None | 2,500en | |
Unihorn | Paste made of boiled Unseasonal Grass. Returns all allies to normal status. | Remove all buffs and debuffs from party. | None | 2,500en | |
Bravant | Enhancement potion made by brewing Mugworts. Increases attack for 5 turns. | Increase all attack on one ally for 5 turns. | None | 500en | |
Stonard | Enhancement potion made with Icy Flowers. Increases defense for 5 turns. | Increase all defense on one ally for 5 turns. | None | 500en | |
Axcela | Powerful potion made from stewed Nacissus. Slightly refills the Force gauge. | Recover a part of the force gauge on one party member. | 1x Narcissus | 800en | |
Blaze Oil | Oil that imbues a weapon with the element of fire. This effect lasts for 5 turns. | Add fire element to normal attacks for 5 turns. | 1x Clumped Sap | 200en | |
Freeze Oil | Oil that imbues a weapon with the element of ice. This effect lasts for 5 turns. | Add ice element to normal attacks for 5 turns. | 1x Clumped Sap | 200en | |
Shock Oil | Oil that imbues a weapon with the element of lightning. This effect lasts for 5 turns. | Add volt element to normal attacks for 5 turns. | 1x Clumped Sap | 200en | |
Fire Mist | A mist that absorbs extreme heat, Lessens fire damage for 5 turns. | Lower the damage taken to fire attacks for 5 turns. | 1x Ice Branch | 1,000en | |
Ice Mist | A mist that absorbs extreme cold, Lessens ice damage for 5 turns. | Lower the damage taken to ice attacks for 5 turns. | 1x Ice Branch | 1,000en | |
Volt Mist | A mist that mitigates electrical charge, Lessens volt damage for 5 turns. | Lower the damage taken to volt attacks for 5 turns. | 1x Ice Branch | 1,000en | |
Fire Jar | Made from Tricolor Fruit. Open to unleash a ball of fire at one enemy. | Send a ball of fire at a single target. | 1x Tricolor Fruit | 200en | |
Ice Jar | Made from Tricolor Fruit. Open to unleash a spear of ice at one enemy. | Send a spear of ice at a single target. | 1x Tricolor Fruit | 200en | |
Volt Jar | Made from Tricolor Fruit. Open to unleash a bolt of lightning at one enemy. | Send a bolt of lightning at a single target. | 1x Tricolor Fruit | 200en | |
Flame Jar | Made from Odd Fruit. Open to unleash a wave of flames against all enemies. | Send a wave of fire at all enemies. | 1x Odd Fruit | 1,200en | |
Frost Jar | Made from Odd Fruit. Open to unleash a cold snap against all enemies. | Send a wave of ice at all enemies. | 1x Odd Fruit | 1,200en | |
Storm Jar | Made from Odd Fruit. Open to unleash a lightening storm against all enemies. | Send a wave of lightening at all enemies. | 1x Odd Fruit | 1,200en | |
Cut Jar | Made from Knockberry. Open to unleash a Cut attack on all enemies. | Cut all enemies on the field. | 1x Knockberry | 1,200en | |
Bash Jar | Made from Knockberry. Open to unleash a Bash attack on all enemies. | Bash all enemies on the field. | 1x Knockberry | 1,200en | |
Stab Jar | Made from Knockberry. Open to unleash a Stab attack on all enemies. | Stab all enemies on the field. | 1x Knockberry | 1,200en | |
Poison Gas | A toxic gas that poisons all enemies | Poison all enemies. | None | 950en | |
Stun Gas | An anesthetic gas that paralyzes all enemies. | Paralyze all enemies. | None | 250en | |
Addle Gas | A mesmerizing gas the causes all enemies to panic. | Cause all enemies to panic. | None | 650en | |
Sleep Gas | A soporific gas that puts all enemies to sleep. | Put all enemies asleep. | None | 650en | |
Head Liberator | A thread coated with disabling toxins. Binds all enemy heads. | Bind all enemies heads. | None | 400en | |
Arm Liberator | A thread coated with disabling toxins. Binds all enemy arms. | Bind all enemies arms. | None | 400en | |
Leg Liberator | A thread coated with disabling toxins. Binds all enemy legs. | Bind all enemies legs. | None | 400en | |
Flash Grenade | Unleashes a bright light that stuns nearby FOEs. | Use in battle to stop FOEs from moving for that turn. | None | 20en | |
Blast Grenade | Unleashes a loud sound, knocking enemies off-balance. | Use in battle to knock enemies off-balance after taking a stance. | None | 100en | |
Analysis Scope | Glasses made from Garnet. Adds an enemy's info to the codex. | Use on an enemy in battle to register their info in the codex. | 1x Garnet | 120en | |
Scout Boots | Insoles made from boar hide that lowers damage from harmful floors. | Use during exploration to lower the damage from damage tiles for 30?? steps. | 1x Thick Boar Skin | 300en | |
Return Flute | A flute that allows one to escape to the last stairway or geomagnetic pole used. | Usable in or out of battle to warp back to the last stairway or geomagnetic pole used. | 1x Severed Antler | 200en |
Key Items[]
Name | Description |
Western Food 1 | The first volume of Western recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Western Food 2 |
The second volume of Western recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Western Food 3 |
The third volume of Western recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Western Food 4 |
The fourth volume of Western recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Western Food 5 |
The fifth volume of Western recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Western Food 6 |
The sixth volume of Western recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Chinese Food 1 |
The first volume of Chinese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Chinese Food 2 |
The second volume of Chinese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Chinese Food 3 |
The third volume of Chinese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Chinese Food 4 |
The fourth volume of Chinese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Chinese Food 5 |
The fifth volume of Chinese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Chinese Food 6 |
The sixth volume of Chinese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Japanese Food 1 |
The first volume of Japanese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Japanese Food 2 |
The second volume of Japanese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Japanese Food 3 |
The third volume of Japanese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Japanese Food 4 |
The fourth volume of Japanese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Japanese Food 5 |
The fifth volume of Japanese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Japanese Food 6 |
The sixth volume of Japanese recipes that uses ingredients found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Western Cuisine | Recipes of the ultimate dishes that only those who have made all of Apicius's Western foods can cook. |
Chinese Cuisine |
Recipes of the ultimate dishes that only those who have made all of Apicius's Chinese foods can cook. |
Japanese Cuisine | Recipes of the ultimate dishes that only those who have made all of Apicius's Japanese foods can cook. |
Tea Brewing 1 | An extremely old book showing the different teas that can be made with the rare sprouts found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Tea Brewing 2 |
An extremely old book showing the different teas that can be made with the rare buds found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Tea Brewing 3 |
An extremely old book showing the different teas that can be made with the rare clovers found in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Flower Pin | A pin the innkeeper's daughter made from white clovers. |
Ice King's Book | The story of the Ice King, told since ancient times in High Lagaard, is written in this book. |
Foul Grail Memo 2 | Memo detailing the locale of the Foul Grail.
"To gain the cursed cup, bring the key shard to the center of the temple." |
Labyrinth Map | Parchment used to map the interior of the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Citizenship Card | Show that the bearer is a citizen of High Lagaard.
The registration as an adventurer is directly recorded here. |
Ancient Periapt | An ancient necklace emblazoned with the Duke's crest. |
Yggdrasil Key | Unlocks the patterned door in the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. |
Gold Book | Scripture of the winged ones relating to the golden snake. |
Foul Grail Memo 1 | Memo detailing the locale of the Foul Grail.
"Those who seek the sky: through the cursed cup's shrine, the sacred cup returns." |
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight |
Info Monsters • Weapons • Armor • Items • Accessories • Quests • Maps • Force • Floor Jump • Grimoire Stone
Ancient Forest • Auburn Thicket • Frozen Grounds • Petal Bridge • Heavenly Keep • Forbidden Wood • Ginnungagap • Dark Paradise
Characters Fafnir Knight • Flavio • Arianna Caledonia • Bertrand de Gervaise • Chloe • Regina Dubois • Artelinde • Der Freischutz
Landsknecht • Survivalist • Protector • Dark Hunter • Medic • Alchemist • Troubadour • Ronin • Hexer • Gunner • War Magus • Beast • Sovereign • Fafnir • Highlander