- "Their forbidden arts use curses to control minds. As so few are fit to master the practice, they are quite rare."
- —Hexer description, Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight

Shrouded in mystery, only their bells reveal their true power.
The Hexer (カースメーカー Curse Maker in the Japanese version, Hexcaster in the European versions) are masters of potent curses and hexes designed to debilitate their enemies until they waste away to nothing. The source of their mysterious prowess comes from the bell attached to their person. Unlike their brethren the Dark Hunter and the Troubadour, they're ill-suited for the front lines and are best kept in the back in almost any circumstance.
Like their melee counterpart, the Dark Hunter, the Hexer is capable of debilitating enemies with status ailments. Unlike their brethren, however, the Hexer is capable of far more potent debilitation via curses, ranging from strength and defense weakening to powerful curses to make enemies kill each other or even simply lay down and die.
- Strengths: Powerful disabling hexes that deteriorate enemies' health, strength, defenses, and more to nothing.
- Weaknesses: Low defenses barring them from the front row, tagged along by mediocre offensive abilities.
To Unlock[]
Starting from the Geomagnetic pole in B16F of the Sandy Barrens, take either of the first two doors on the west side. Travel north up the next two conveyors, then walk east and follow the next conveyor. One step west, south across the short conveyor, then two steps east onto the next conveyor. Take one step east, then west, then west again, before turning north to find Tlachtga. Speak with her for the Hex Bell that unlocks this class.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Hexer/Stats#EO1
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 19 | 15 | 5 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 7 |
30 | 140 | 79 | 24 | 39 | 24 | 24 | 31 |
50 | 246 | 123 | 36 | 60 | 36 | 36 | 48 |
70 | 358 | 167 | 46 | 75 | 46 | 46 | 60 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisite |
HP Up | Increases maximum HP. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
TP Up | Increases maximum TP. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
Curses | Needed to learn Curses. | Mastery | Available at Start |
Stagger | Chance of stunning enemies at the beginning of the battle. | Passive | Torpor Lv.5 Corrupt Lv.5 |
Sapping | Curse that decreases all enemies' strength. | Weakening Curse | Curses Lv.1 |
Frailty | Curse that decreases all enemies' defense. | ||
Leaden | Curse that decreases all enemies' speed. | ||
Blinding | Curse that has a chance to blind all enemies. | Debilitation Curse | Curses Lv.2 |
Relapse | Curse that decreases enemy recovery time from status aiments. | Weakening Curse | Curses Lv.3 |
Cranial | Curse that has a chance to bind an enemy's head. | Debilitation Curse | Curses Lv.5 |
Abdomen | Curse that has a chance to bind an enemy's arms. | ||
Immobile | Curse that has a chance of binding an enemy's legs. | ||
Torpor | Curse that has a chance to put all enemies asleep. | Debilitation Curse | Curses Lv.6 |
Corrupt | Curse that has a chance to give all enemies cursed status. | Debilitation Curse | Curses Lv.7 |
Revenge | Curse that deals damage to an enemy when struck. | Offensive Curse | Corrupt Lv.10 |
Evil Eye | Evil gaze that has a chance of terrifying the enemy. | Debilitation Curse | Curses Lv.10 |
Paralyze | Commands a terrified monster to remain motionless. | Fear Curse | Evil Eye Lv.3 |
Betrayal | Commands a terrified monster to attack its own comrades | Evil Eye Lv.5 | |
Suicide | Commands a terrified enemy to take its own life | Evil Eye Lv.10 | |
Lure | Curses the party to encounter more enemies | Field Curse | Evil Eye Lv.1 |
Mine | Mine for materials at item points | Gather | Available at Start |
Similar to their capabilities in Etrian Odyssey, the Hexer remains a powerful ally. With their new arsenal of skills, they gain the ability to take the lives of their enemies in brand new ways, either by protecting their allies by lowering the enemy's accuracy, or by petrifying the enemy, killing it instantly. Although their potency has increased, they're still ill-suited for the front lines, making them ideal to be placed in the back row, unless grimoire stones are used to rectify their meager melee capabilities.
- Strengths: Access to a wide range of debuffs and ailments that can shut down large crowds of enemies.
- Weaknesses: Low health, offense, and defense. Poor against targets resistant to ailments.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Hexer/Stats#EOU
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 23 | 37 | 6 | 9 | 5 | 6 | 9 |
30 | 96 | 111 | 12 | 24 | 14 | 18 | 25 |
70 | 248 | 237 | 22 | 50 | 27 | 37 | 52 |
99 | 395 | 346 | 30 | 70 | 38 | 53 | 74 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisite |
Curse Mastery | Enables Curse skills and increases the success rate of ailments. | Mastery | Available at Start |
Sapping Curse | Lowers all enemies' offenses for 3 turns. | Curse | Curse Mastery Lv1 |
Frailty Curse | Lowers all enemies' defenses for 3 turns. | ||
Leaden Curse | Lowers all enemies' turn speed for 3 turns. | Curse | Sapping Curse Lv2 |
Deceit Curse | Lowers all enemies' accuracy for 3 turns. | Frailty Curse Lv2 | |
Revenge Curse | Ranged untyped attack to 1 enemy that grows stronger as HP falls. | Battle | Leaden Curse Lv5 Deceit Curse Lv5 |
Blinding Curse | May blind a line of enemies. | Curse | Curse Mastery Lv3 |
Madness Curse | May panic a line of enemies. | ||
Torpor Curse | May put a line of enemies to sleep. | ||
Corrupt Curse | May curse an enemy. | Curse | Blinding Curse Lv2 Madness Curse Lv3 |
Stoning Curse | May petrify an enemy. | Madness Curse Lv3 Torpor Curse Lv2 | |
Relapse Curse | Lowers all enemy's recovery rate from ailments for 3 turns. | Curse | Corrupt Curse Lv3 Stoning Curse Lv3 |
Cranial Curse | May bind an enemy's head. | Curse | Curse Mastery Lv5 |
Abdomen Curse | May bind an enemy's arms. | ||
Immobile Curse | May bind an enemy's legs. | ||
Evil Eye | May induce fear in a line of enemies. | Curse | Curse Mastery Lv10 |
Luring Whisper | Raises encounter rate for 20 steps. | Field | Evil Eye Lv1 |
Muting Word | Afraid enemies cannot act and take more damage this turn. Maximum priority. | Curse | Evil Eye Lv3 |
Conflict Word | Afraid enemies will attack each other this turn. Maximum priority. | Evil Eye Lv5 | |
Suicide Word | Causes 1 afraid enemy to attack itself this turn. Maximum priority. | Evil Eye Lv10 | |
TP Up | Raises maximum TP. | Stat Up | Available at Start |
Staggering Word | May stun all enemies at the start of a battle. | Passive | TP Up Lv3 |
HP Up | Raises maximum HP. | Stat Up | Available at Start |
Chop | Allows the user to find more resources while chopping. | Gather | Available at Start |
Grimoire Stones[]
Skills to generate and pass:
- Sapping/Frailty/Leaden/Deceit/Relapse Curse: Can be used by any party member and is handy in a boss fight.
- Curse Mastery: Actually capable of increasing the success rates of all skills that inflict ailments or binds, contrary to the skill description.
Skills best used on a Hexer:
- Triple Charge (Landsknecht): Raise ailment/bind chance to shut down a resistant boss or enemy.
- Formulas (Alchemist): Make use of the Hexer's good TEC stat to do damage.
Stronger than ever before, the Hexers return with a wider arsenal of debilitating curses to hex their enemies with. With their new debilitating prowess, the Hexer can condemn their enemies to being poisoned, paralyzed, blinded, and more. With this new power comes the capability to control enemies - demanding they take the lives of their comrades, or even themselves. As with Etrian Odyssey, they're ill-suited for the front lines due to their meager melee capabilities.
- Strengths: With heightened mastery of debilitation, their hexes are even more potent than before. Coupled with their high TP cost, they're easily one of the strongest party-mates to keep on-hand.
- Weaknesses: Low defenses, low health, and mediocre melee capabilities confine the Hexer to the back row, lest have them die frequently.
- Force skill - Caprice: When the hexer cannot decide which of its many curses to cast, Caprice will doom the enemy party to a cornucopia of random status ailments.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Hexer/Stats#EO2
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 33 | 31 | 3 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 6 |
30 | 154 | 95 | 9 | 32 | 16 | 24 | 33 |
70 | 372 | 183 | 20 | 69 | 33 | 51 | 61 |
99 | 542 | 404 | 37 | 86 | 51 | 70 | 79 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisite |
HP Up | Increase maximum HP. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
TP Up | Increase maximum TP. | ||
STR Up | Increase strength. | ||
TEC Up | Increase technique. | ||
VIT Up | Increase vitality. | ||
AGI Up | Increase agility. | ||
LUC Up | Increase luck. | ||
Esc Up | Increase chances of successfully escaping from battle. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
Curses | Needed to learn curse skills. | Mastery | Available at Start |
Scavenge | Increase the chance of finding items after battle. | Passive | TP Up Lv.5 TEC Up Lv.5 |
Sapping | Curse that decreases all enemies strength. | Weakening Curse | Curses Lv.1 |
Frailty | Curse that decreases all enemies' defense. | ||
Leaden | Curse that decreases all enemies' speed. | ||
Dampen | Curse that decreases an enemy's special resistances. | Weakening Curse | Curses Lv.10 Scavenge Lv.5 |
Cranial | Curse with a chance of binding an enemy's head. | Debilitation Curse | Curses Lv.3 |
Abdomen | Curse with a chance of binding an enemy's arms. | ||
Immobile | Curse with a chance of binding an enemy's legs. | ||
Blinding | Curse with a chance of blinding all enemies. | Debilitation Curse | Curses Lv.1 |
Poison | Curse with a chance of poisoning all enemies. | Curses Lv.2 | |
Torpor | Curse with a chance of putting all enemies to sleep. | Curses Lv.3 | |
Evil Eye | Curse with a chance of terrifying all enemies. | Curses Lv.4 | |
Paralysis | Curse with a chance of paralyzing all enemies. | Curses Lv.5 | |
Corrupt | Curse with a chance of giving all enemies cursed status. | Curses Lv.6 | |
Suicide | Commands a terrified enemy to take its own life. | Fear Curse | Evil Eye Lv.1 |
Betrayal | Commands a terrified enemy to attack its own comrades. | ||
Paralyze | Commands a terrified enemy to remain motionless. | ||
Revenge | Uses the amount of HP lost as the basis for a single-enemy attack. | Offensive Curse | Curses Lv.7 |
Take | Gather plants for materials at item points. | Gather | Available at Start |
Returning with even further mastery of debilitating curses, the Hexer gains new powers to compliment their old talents from Etrian Odyssey. Gaining the ability to trade the lives of the enemy for their allies' and even restore the lives of fallen comrades, the Hexer gains new grounds into the world of dark magic, allowing them to be far more useful than ever before. With the ability to sacrifice use of their own limbs for the sake of heightened cursing prowess, the Hexer is an ally to fear, as long as they stay standing. However, even with their highly destructive curses, the Hexer is ill-suited for the front lines due to their meager melee capabilities, unless rectified through grimoire stones.
- Strengths: Potent debilitation capabilities, including the ability to instantly eradicate enemies unlucky enough to fall victim to the Hexer's curses. Incredible Luck growth raises the ease with which the Hexer lands ailments and binds.
- Weaknesses: Low defenses, low health, and mediocre melee and offensive magic capabilities that can only be improved through the use of grimoire stones.
- Force Boost - Creeping Curse: For 3 turns, bind/ailment success rate is increased, and enemy debuff counter will not decrease.
- Force Break - Black Mist: Extends duration of all binds and ailments on enemies. Unusable if the Hexer's head has been bound.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Hexer/Stats#EO2U
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 26 | 45 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 10 |
30 | 110 | 210 | 11 | 22 | 13 | 19 | 26 |
70 | 281 | 462 | 22 | 45 | 26 | 40 | 53 |
99 | 445 | 623 | 30 | 62 | 36 | 57 | 74 |
Grimoire Stones[]
Skills to generate and pass:
- Sapping & Frailty Curses: Due to not requiring any stats, the debuffs can be utilized by anyone and will be handy in a boss fight.
- All Ailment Curses: To be given to high-luck characters like Survivalists to facilitate hunting of conditional drops.
Skills best used on a Hexer:
- Perseverance (Dark Hunter): As if the Hexer's ailment accuracy is not good enough, Perseverance will raise the odds of hitting enemies with ailments they resist on repeat attempts.
- Displace (War Magus): To be used with the Chained Benefit skill, allowing the Hexer to simultaneously bind a target's arms and legs. Note that the binds from Chained Benefit also result in lower turn speed for this combo to work.
- All Formulas (Alchemist): When the Hexer doesn't need to use ailments or debuffs, an attacking option always helps.
- Petrifying Gaze (Enemy: Cockatrice): The best means for a Hexer to petrify enemies and eliminate priority targets.
- Stigmata (Highlander) : This works similarly to Displace, excepts that it first binds your character entirely. That mean that the Hexer will attempt to completely bind itself, and every bind will be given to the target. This stacks with Chained Benefit, and does not use a body part. Excellent against bosses, especially when coupled with a whip Dark Hunter for Ecstasy.
Equipment when registered: Wand, Tweed.
Availability: Complete the tutorial by exploring the Mysterious Labyrinth.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Hexer/Stats#EMD
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC | EXP to next level | Total EXP |
1 | 40 | 55 | 3 | 9 | 4 | 7 | 6 | 160 | 0 |
30 | 155 | 293 | 76 | 139 | 17 | 101 | 111 | 30,000 | 274,000 |
50 | 176 | 316 | 99 | 180 | 24 | 121 | 132 | 30,000 | 874,000 |
70 | 196 | 336 | 119 | 220 | 30 | 141 | 152 | 30,000 | 1,474,000 |
99 | 225 | 365 | 148 | 254 | 40 | 170 | 181 | - | 2,344,000 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisites | Lv Max | Extra |
Oban's Curse | Inflict Confusion and Fear on enemies in the room, causing them to attack themselves. | Blast Skill | Report the quest To those seeking Oban's Curse | 1 | Cost 3 Blast Gauge |
NOVICE (LV1) | |||||
Proficiency | Recover some TP when hit with an ailment. | Passive | None | 1 | Recover 5 TP. |
Sapping Curse | May decrease physical and elemental attacks of enemies in the room for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | None | 8 | TP Cost 7 - 13. Last 6 turns after Lv4. Last 7 turns after Lv7. |
Poison Curse | May Poison all enemies in the room for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | None | 5 | TP Cost 12 - 16. Last 6 turns after Lv4. |
Abdomen Curse | May bind the arms of all enemies in the room for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | None | 5 | TP Cost 8 - 12. Last 6 turns after Lv4. |
Power Word | Forbidden word with a 5-space range. Deals untyped damage to its target. | Active / Head Skill | None | 8 | TP Cost 5 - 11. |
Herbology | May find extra materials when gathering at a taking point. | Passive | None | 10 | |
Immobile Curse | May bind the legs of all enemies in the room for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | Abdomen Curse Lv3 | 5 | TP Cost 8 - 12. Last 6 turns after Lv4. |
VETERAN (LV10) | |||||
Expertise | Recover some TP when hit with an ailment. | Passive | Proficiency Lv1 | 1 | Recover 3 more TP. |
Frailty Curse | May decrease physical and elemental defense of enemies in the room for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | Sapping Curse Lv3 | 8 | TP Cost 7 - 13. Last 6 turns after Lv4. Last 7 turns after Lv7. |
Torpor Curse | May put all enemies in the room to Sleep for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | Poison Curse Lv3 | 5 | TP Cost 14 - 18. Last 6 turns after Lv4. |
Cranial Curse | May bind the heads of all enemies in the room for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | Immobile Curse Lv3 | 5 | TP Cost 12 - 16. Last 6 turns after Lv4. |
Revenge | Has a 5-space range. Any targets hit by it take untyped damage that ignores defense. Its strength increases with lower HP. | Active / Head Skill | Power Word Lv3 | 5 | TP Cost 12 - 15. At Lv5, deals 1.2 damage for each missing HP of the hexer, rounded down. |
Evil Eye | May inflict Fear on all enemies in the room for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | None | 5 | TP Cost 10 - 14. Last 6 turns after Lv4. |
Suicide Word | Order all enemies with Fear status in the room to attack themselves. | Active / Head Skill | Evil Eye Lv3 | 5 | TP Cost 9 - 13. |
MASTER (LV20) | |||||
Enlightenment | Recover some TP when hit with an ailment. | Passive | Expertise Lv1 | 1 | Recover 2 more TP. |
Curse Mastery | Greater chance of inflicting ailments with curse skills. | Passive | None | 8 | |
Corrupt Curse | Forbidden word with a 5-space range. May inflict Pain Trade status on its target for 5 turns. | Active / Head Skill | Torpor Curse Lv3 | 5 | TP Cost 13 - 17. Last 6 turns after Lv4. |
Pain Storm | Affects the whole room. Any targets hit by it take untyped damage that ignores defense. Its strength increases with lower HP. | Active / Head Skill | Revenge Lv3 | 3 | TP Cost 20 - 23. At Lv3, deals 1 damage for each missing HP of the hexer. |
Conflict Word | Order all enemies with Fear status in the room to attack each other. | Active / Head Skill | Suicide Word Lv3 | 5 | TP Cost 11 - 15. |
Muting Word | Paralyze all enemies in the room with Fear status. | Active / Head Skill | 3 | TP Cost 13 - 9. |
External Links[]
- Even though their arms are already bound with chains, they can still be arm bound by enemies.
- Funnily enough, in Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold, they gain an ability that inflicts Arm and Leg bind to themselves in order to boost their ailment and bind infliction rate.
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