Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Haunted Woods (EMD)
The maze where the DOE that once attacked Aslarga appeared. Since then, it has been used as a watch post to fend off future attacks.
Dungeon description, Haunted Woods

Haunted Woods is the 4th Branch and 5th Dungeon in Etrian Mystery Dungeon. It is unlocked after finishing 3rd Branch. This is the first dungeon where DOEs appear. This dungeon has two versions, a normal version, and an extended version when all dungeons have been completed.

Normal dungeon

This dungeon has 15 floors, the last floor being that of the boss and the geomagnetic pole allowing to return to Aslarga. The power of the monsters increases from B9F. You can build fort up to B10F and it is possible to build 3 forts in this dungeon. There can only 1 DOE at the same time in the dungeon.

Extended dungeon

After completing every dungeon in the game, this dungeon is modified. By destroying all the forts in the dungeon and returning to the dungeon the message "Something feels different... You wonder if you are being overcautious." is displayed. The dungeons modified in this way are the first 6 Branches and they are expanded to 99 floors.

At the bottom of the dungeon, there is a treasure room closed by a door. To open the door, it is necessary to use a Key, which can be bought from Lizley for 4000en, or found in dungeons. It is not possible to use the Wanderer's Dig skill to dig the walls and enter the room. Behind this door there are 9 Wandering Boxes. In these Boxes you can find Yggdrasil Leaf, White Potion, Golden Potion, Amrita II, Armory Scroll, Guard Scroll, Books or Beetle Leaf.

The extended dungeon has 99 floors, the last floor being that of treasure room and the geomagnetic pole allowing to return to Aslarga. You can build fort up to B89F and it is possible to build 4 forts in this dungeon. There can be up to 6 DOEs at the same time in the dungeon. The power of the monsters increases from B9F on, but the enemies become much stronger as one goes down into the dungeon without there being any messages warning of the increase in power of the monsters as opposed to the other dungeons.

Gather Points[]

B3F-B14F (Normal dungeon) & B3F-B19F (Extended dungeon)

  • Mine: Corundum, Dolomite, Steel Earth, Chalcedony, Red Jasper.
  • Chop: Guaiacum Wood, Mahogany, Jet-black Pith, Paulownia Bark, Trileaf Stalk.
  • Take: Mint, Crane Ginseng, Luminous Moss, Scarlet Sage, Glove Grass.



  • Normal Dungeon: There can be between 150 and 328 en on the ground.
  • Extended dungeon: There can be between 150 and 346 en on the ground.

Bottles & Other[]

  • On the ground in both normal and extended dungeon : Medica, Medica II, Amrita, Glutton Potion, Poison Pill, Confusion Pill, Sleeping Pill, Paralysis Pill, Antidote Pill, Eye Drops, Quick Salve, Demon Breath, Yggdrasil Leaf, Ariadne Thread.
  • On the ground only in the extended dungeon : Slow Salve, White Potion, Amrita II, Key.
  • In the treasure room at the bottom of the Extended dungeon : Yggdrasil Leaf, White Potion, Golden Potion, Amrita II.


  • On the ground in both normal and extended dungeon : Light Scroll, Confuse Scroll, Sleep Scroll, Whirl Scroll, Safety Scroll, Recall Scroll, Healing Scroll.
  • On the ground only in the extended dungeon : Armory Scroll, Guard Scroll, Gilding Scroll, Spectre Scroll, Trauma Scroll, Yeast Scroll, Restore Scroll.
  • In the treasure room at the bottom of the Extended dungeon : Armory Scroll, Guard Scroll.


  • On the ground in both normal and extended dungeon : Stun Sigil, Sealing Sigil, Delaying Sigil, Sewing Sigil, Teleport Sigil, Blowback Sigil, Fireball Sigil, Icicle Sigil, Shocking Sigil.
  • On the ground only in the extended dungeon : Escape Sigil, Haste Sigil, Pain Sigil.


Extended Dungeon Only : All Books can be found in the treasure room at the end of the extended dungeon.


The equipment is located in Wandering Boxes, in hidden rooms, or for accessories, on the ground.

  • Weapons : Poison Knife, Shamshir, Viking Sword, Murgleis, Light Mace, Spiked Club, Morningstar, Staff, Shakujo, Bone Staff, Mystic Rod, Fleuret, Parazonium, Verdun, Stiletto, Torador, Madfa, Dark Saker, Iron Saker.
  • Shields : Heater Shield, Caetra, Kite Shield, Studded Shield, Aspis, Knight Shield, Tower Shield.
  • Headgear : Kettle Hat, Barrette, Hairpin, Chain Helm, Caresche, Viking Helm, Barbute.
  • Armors : Lorica Squamata, Studded Mail, Ring Mail, Fluted Armor, Alla Romana, Tourney Mail, Half Armor, Curassair, Aketon, Iron Plate, Leaf Jacket, Kazak, Cotardie, Caster's Robe.
  • Armwear : Iron Gloves, Leather Gloves, Studded Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers, Hard Gloves.
  • Footwear : Solid Moccasins, Chain Greaves, Strap Shoes, Front Cuisse, Jackboots.
  • Accessories :
    • On the ground in both normal and extended dungeon : Power Ring, Smart Earring, Rabbit Amulet, Lucky Choker, Critical Belt.
    • On the ground only in the Extended Dungeon : Aim Goggles, Fire Charm, Ice Charm, Bolt Charm, Slash Charm, Stab Charm, Bash Charm, Explosion Charm.
    • In the treasure room at the bottom of the Extended dungeon : Beetle Leaf.


Normal dungeon[]

  • Arrow Trap
  • Binding Trap
  • Boulder Trap
  • Slowness Trap
  • Slumber Trap
  • Wrecker Trap

Extended dungeon[]

  • Arrow Trap
  • Binding Trap
  • Boulder Trap
  • Curse Trap (After B50F)
  • Dart Trap (After B50F)
  • Demon Gate (After B50F)
  • Disarm Trap (After B50F)
  • Enervation Trap (After B50F)
  • Giant Bomb (After B50F)
  • Mute Trap (After B50F)
  • Slowness Trap
  • Slumber Trap
  • Small Bomb (After B50F)
  • Summon Trap (After B67F)
  • Teleport Trap (After B50F)
  • Transmogrifier (After B75F)
  • Wrecker Trap


Normal dungeon[]

Extended dungeon[]


Normal dungeon[]

Extended dungeon[]


