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Fort is a mechanic of Etrian Mystery Dungeon. Forts are unlocked after accepting the quest "Fort construction test". There are several types of forts with different features that are unlocked by improving the Guild District.

To build a fort, you have to open the "Map" menu and select a zone where you want to build the fort. You can only build forts in zones you have already visited. After that, the construction will begin, and the "Map" menu will show Building.... To complete the construction, you have to enter a different floor or use a Geomagnetic Pole to speed up time.

Under ordinary circumstances, the layout of the dungeon changes each time you enter it. But once a fort is built, the layout is frozen in place, and your Dungeon Map remains fixed.

DOETutorial 1 (EMD)

Forts are used to stop DOEs before they go into town, without facing them. Indeed, if a DOE encounters a fort, it destroys the fort and disappears. Therefore, it is advised to build a fort on B1F to keep DOEs from entering town.

It is possible to assign up to 4 guild members to a fort as guards. This allows these guild members to gain experience faster than if they stay in the guild. To deploy characters, you have to select a fort in the "Map" menu, then select a slot and choose the member to dispatch. You can also use this menu to use the default equipment that all forts have and that depends on the type of the fort.

If a DOE encounters a fort with guards, a fight will take place between the guards and the DOE. If the guards withstand the siege the fort remains, and if they fail the fort will be destroyed without further drawback. In addition, if the exploration team is in a fort with guards while a DOE arrives, it will start a fight with 8 characters against the DOE, 4 player-controlled characters and 4 allied characters (the guards).

Forts all have a Zone Detector function, with a different Radius Scan, which determines the number of areas that will be visible around the fort. This can be used to determine the layout of the dungeon or whether a DOE is nearby.

Some forts have a Geomagnetic Pole. Forts equipped with a Geomagnetic Pole allow for free travel between the fort and Alsarga. With this, you can also force the flow of time to speed up. Using it passes enough time to search through one floor. For example, using this function after you begin constructing a fort will skip to the fort's completion. However, you will loose FP. The Geomagnetic Pole allows you to use forts to save your progress in a dungeon because it allows you to continue the dungeon from these forts.

Forts List[]

Icon Name Description Cost Scan Radius Geomagnetic Pole? Unlocks
Basic Fort Icon (EMD) Basic Basic fort with no special functions. 1500 1 No From Start.
Search Fort Icon (EMD) Search Has stronger scanning functions. 2800 3 Yes Upgrade Guild District to 3 stars.
Attack Fort Icon (EMD) Attack Boosts the attack of its occupants. 3600 4 Yes Upgrade Guild District to 4 stars.
Fire Fort Icon (EMD) Fire Boosts fire attacks during battles. 3600 4 Yes Upgrade Guild District to 6 stars.
Ice Fort Icon (EMD) Ice Boosts ice attacks during battles. 3600 4 Yes Upgrade Guild District to 6 stars.
Volt Fort Icon (EMD) Volt Boosts volt attacks during battles. 3600 4 Yes Upgrade Guild District to 6 stars.
Storage Fort Icon (EMD) Storage Preserves items left in it until destroyed. 5000 3 Yes Upgrade Guild District to 8 stars.
Luxury Fort Icon (EMD) Luxury Equipped with every special function. 9999 5 Yes Upgrade Guild District to 8 stars.

Forts Equipments[]

Basic Fort[]

Class Weapon Armor1 Armor2 Armor3
Landsknetch Knife Tweed Buckler Hide Boots
Protector Knife Tweed Buckler Hide Boots
Gunner Hakenbuechse Leather Vest Feathered Hat Hide Boots
Runemaster Wand Tweed Feathered Hat Smart Earring
Medic Wand Leather Vest Feathered Hat Thick Gloves
Dancer Dagger Leather Vest Feathered Hat Hide Boots
Hexer Wand Tweed Feathered Hat Brilliance Belt
Ninja Kodachi Tweed Thick Gloves Hide Boots
Sovereign Dagger Tweed Feathered Hat Hide Boots
Wanderer Knife Leather Vest Buckler Thick Gloves

Search Fort[]

Class Weapon Armor1 Armor2 Armor3
Landsknetch Broadsword Spiked Leather Targe Chain Greaves
Protector Crushing Club Lorica Squamata Kite Shield Chain Greaves
Gunner Handcannon Haubergeon Kettle Hat Chain Greaves
Runemaster Rod Scale Jerkin Kettle Hat Smart Earring
Medic Crushing Club Haubergeon Kettle Hat Light Muffs
Dancer Fleuret Haubergeon Kettle Hat Chain Greaves
Hexer Rod Scale Jerkin Kettle Hat Brilliance Belt
Ninja Kodachi Scale Jerkin Light Muffs Chain Greaves
Sovereign Fleuret Spiked Leather Kettle Hat Chain Greaves
Wanderer Kodachi Haubergeon Targe Light Muffs

Attack Fort[]

Class Weapon Armor1 Armor2 Armor3
Landsknetch Broadsword Spiked Leather Targe Chain Greaves
Protector Crushing Club Lorica Squamata Kite Shield Chain Greaves
Gunner Handcannon Haubergeon Kettle Hat Chain Greaves
Runemaster Rod Scale Jerkin Kettle Hat Smart Earring
Medic Crushing Club Haubergeon Kettle Hat Light Muffs
Dancer Fleuret Haubergeon Kettle Hat Chain Greaves
Hexer Rod Scale Jerkin Kettle Hat Brilliance Belt
Ninja Kodachi Scale Jerkin Light Muffs Chain Greaves
Sovereign Fleuret Spiked Leather Kettle Hat Chain Greaves
Wanderer Kodachi Haubergeon Targe Light Muffs

Fire/Ice/Volt Fort[]

Class Weapon Armor1 Armor2 Armor3
Landsknetch Viking Sword Lorica Squamata Kite Shield Solid Moccasins
Protector Light Mace Ring Mail Knight Shield Solid Moccasins
Gunner Dark Saker Leaf Tunic Hairpin Solid Moccasins
Runemaster Staff Chemise Hairpin Smart Earring
Medic Light Mace Leaf Tunic Hairpin Hair Mittens
Dancer Parazonium Leaf Tunic Hairpin Solid Moccasins
Hexer Staff Chemise Hairpin Brilliance Belt
Ninja Mumeitou Leaf Tunic Hair Mittens Solid Moccasins
Sovereign Parazonium Lorica Squamata Hairpin Solid Moccasins
Wanderer Mumeitou Leaf Tunic Round Shield Hair Mittens

Storage Fort[]

Class Weapon Armor1 Armor2 Armor3
Landsknetch Macuahuitl Ring Mail Aspis Front Cuisse
Protector Spiked Club Fluted Armor Tower Shield Front Cuisse
Gunner Iron Saker Half Armor Chain Helm Front Cuisse
Runemaster Bone Staff Leaf Jacket Chain Helm Smart Earring
Medic Spiked Club Half Armor Chain Helm Leather Gloves
Dancer Verdun Half Armor Chain Helm Front Cuisse
Hexer Bone Staff Leaf Jacket Chain Helm Brilliance Belt
Ninja Doutanuki Caster's Robe Iron Gloves Front Cuisse
Sovereign Verdun Ring Mail Chain Helm Front Cuisse
Wanderer Doutanuki Half Armor Kite Shield Leather Gloves

Luxury Fort[]

Class Weapon Armor1 Armor2 Armor3
Landsknetch Macuahuitl Fluted Armor Tower Shield Jackboots
Protector Heavy Mace Alla Romana Scutum Jackboots
Gunner Arquebus Aketon Crown Hat Jackboots
Runemaster Mirage Rod Caster's Robe Crown Hat Wisdom Earring
Medic Nirrti White Plate Crown Hat Power Bracers
Dancer Stiletoo Aketon Crown Hat Jackboots
Hexer Mystic Rod Caster's Robe Crown Hat Godly Belt
Ninja Shinobigatana Mist Robe Leather Gloves Jackboots
Sovereign Stiletto Fluted Armor Crown Hat Jackboots
Wanderer Shinobigatana Aketon Aspis Power Bracers

