Etrian Odyssey Wiki
Etrian Odyssey Wiki

Food in Etrian Mystery Dungeon takes the form of dishes that can be ordered in the Amber Restaurant. They can give a party member a bonus that lasts until KO or the end of a dungeon. Effects of dishes cannot stacked, but it is possible to give a different dish to each character in the party. New dishes are unlocked with the redevelopment of the Eatery District. It is unlock after reporting the first mission Fiend in the second dungeon.

Dish Name Cost Description Effects Requirements
Hors d'Oeuvre 100 You won't get anything done on an empty stomach! Chow down for some beginners' luck! Max HP UP (+10 HP), LUC UP (+5 LUC) Available from Start
Trout Meuniere 100 These fish come from a river with plenty of amber. They're good for you health! MAX TP UP (+10 TP), TEC UP (+5 TEC) Upgrade Eatery District to 2 stars
Someii Rice 150 I cooked some rice with cape jasmine seeds. That should last you a while! Max FP UP (+10 Max FP), Digestion DOWN (less FP consumed) Upgrade Eatery District to 3 stars
Amber Curry 150 Special curry, like Mom used to make! It'll help you resist those ailments. Poison/Sleep/Confusion Resist UP Upgrade Eatery District to 3 stars
Tundra Borscht 200 Here, drink up. It'll leave you warm and fuzzy, and you'll limber up too. Agility UP (+1 AGI), Dodge UP, Ice Resist UP Upgrade Eatery District to 4 stars
Protein Bowl 200 Heh, this rice bowl will toughen you up. It kicks in just when you need it most! Endure (Can survive a kill with 1HP) Upgrade Eatery District to 4 stars
Nasi Goreng 250 See how this looks like a stronghold? That's what it'll do for your defense! Physical/Type Def UP Upgrade Eatery District to 5 stars
Inazuma Soda 250 This soda's fizz will do a number on your mouth! Be sure to drink it slow. Accuracy UP, Dodge UP, Volt Resist UP Upgrade Eatery District to 5 stars
Snowy Ice 300 I made this with ice from Crystalline Peak and that ice doesn't melt easy. Fire Resist UP, Amber Effect UP (Amber Tiles restore 2 TP instead of 1 TP) Upgrade Eatery District to 6 stars
Amber Lunch 300 There's lots and lots of amber in this. It's for adventurers, not weaklings! Stats UP+ (+10 HP/TP, +3 STR/TEC/VIT/AGI/LUC) Upgrade Eatery District to 6 stars
Aloe Yogurt 350 This yogurt has sylvan aloe in it. It'll give you thick skin, that's for sure. Ailment/Debuff Resist UP+ Upgrade Eatery District to 7 stars
Contre-filet 350 This is one tasty hunk of meat! It boosts your spirits and your results! Money/Materials Earned UP Upgrade Eatery District to 7 stars
Cotelette 400 I was gonna call it Cotelette d'Especial, but this seemed like a better name. Fire/Ice/Volt Resist UP+ Upgrade Eatery District to 8 stars
Aglio e Oilo 400 Try this pasta! There's plenty of garlic in it, so monsters won't come near you! Fewer Happenstance (less monsters spawn) Upgrade Eatery District to 8 stars
Royal Banquet 500 This was a secret item, but it was so popular I caved and put it on the menu. Stats UP+ (+10 HP/TP, +3 STR/TEC/VIT/AGI/LUC), ATK UP+, Regen UP (Restores 1 HP every 2 steps instead of every 3 steps) Upgrade Eatery District to 9 stars
Manhan Quanxi 500 This was a great emperor's favorite meal. Eat it, and you'll be as great as him. Stats/Type ATK UP+, Amber Effect UP (Amber Tiles restore 2 TP instead of 1 TP) Upgrade Eatery District to 9 stars
Mountain BBQ (DLC) 100 This BQQ is a favorite of prospects. They think it helps them dig things up. Materials Earned UP+ Report the quest "Find a wanderer for me"
Lucky Catfish (DLC) 100 Gamblers like this grilled fish. They say it helps you win... Hmmm... Money Earned UP+ (+25%) Report the quest "Find a wanderer for me"
Beignet Lutin (DLC) 100 Don't tell anyone, but I sprinkle not just sugar, but pixie dust on these. EXP UP+ (+100% EXP Earned) Report the quest "Find a landsknecht for me"
Gui Cuon (DLC) 100 Rare breeds supposedly show up more if you eat this. Maybe they like the smell. Rare Breed Encounter UP Report the quest "Find a landsknecht for me"
Amber Cocktail (DLC) 100 Sharing this drink strengthens your bonds. Just don't drink too much... Blast Gauge Charge UP Report the quest "Find a landsknecht for me"
Onigiri Surprise (DLC) 100 This one's surprisingly big. It attracts other surprising things, too, I hear... More Happenstance (more monsters spawn) Report the quest "Find a wanderer for me"
Capelli d'Angelo (DLC) 100 Pasta so brilliant, you'd think it came from the hair of a goddess. Save Items Unless System is Turned Off Report the quest "Find a princess for me"