- "Their long whips are useful in weakening their foes. Proper use of a Dark Hunter greatly expands your options in battle."
- —Dark Hunter description, Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight

Foreboding appearance complimented by foreboding power, the Dark Hunter's appearance will surely give their foes a fright.
The Dark Hunter (ダークハンター) is a specialized whip and sword-wielding class, with the capabilities to debilitate their enemies with skillful strikes. With their high-speed, their debilitation can push the difference between loss and victory. Whether it's a dangerous F.O.E. or a local monster, the Dark Hunter has an arsenal capable of taking them all down to the party's size. Unlike their brother the Hexer, the Dark Hunter is best suited for the front line, though not as suited for close-quarter combat as their brother the Landsknecht. However, utilizing their baiting and disguising abilities, the Dark Hunter can become virtually untargetable by the enemy.
Masters of deception, the Dark Hunter can punish their enemies to bend to their will before going in for the kill. With their skill with the whip, they can completely immobilize an enemy before taking it's life force for themselves. If a Dark Hunter decides to take up the blade instead, they can deliver powerful blows to the enemy's nerves, destroying them from the inside-out. While their power is more than welcome, it comes two-face, as the Dark Hunter is capable of baiting enemy fury with their own comrades.
- Strengths: Varied methods of debilitation with decent combat prowess, making them formidable despite their flaws. Their naturally high Luck allows them to deliver punishing blows frequently, with excellent precision thanks to their high Agility.
- Weaknesses: Meager defenses and relatively high TP costs, making them guzzle TP during their earlier stages.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Dark Hunter/Stats#EO1
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 23 | 11 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 9 | 7 |
30 | 188 | 64 | 35 | 39 | 31 | 39 | 31 |
50 | 333 | 100 | 54 | 60 | 48 | 60 | 48 |
70 | 484 | 136 | 68 | 75 | 60 | 75 | 60 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisite |
HP Up | Increase maximum HP. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
TP Up | Increase maximum TP. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
ATK Up | Increase physical damage in battle. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
Whips | Increase whip damage. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
Swords | Increase sword damage. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
Boost Up | Increase the improvement gained when boosted. | Passive | ATK Up Lv.3 |
Fury | Increase damage dealt when HP is low. | Passive | ATK Up Lv.5 |
Cloak | Hide in the shadows so the enemy won’t target you. | Defensive Skill | TP Up Lv.3 |
Viper | Whip attack with a chance of poisoning the enemy. | Debilitation Whip Skill | Whips Lv.1 |
Gag | Whip attack with a chance of binding the enemy’s head. | Binding Whip Skill | Whips Lv.2 |
Shackles | Whip attack with a chance of binding the enemy’s legs. | Whips Lv.3 | |
Cuffs | Whip attack with a chance of binding the enemy’s arms. | Whips Lv.4 | |
Ecstasy | Whip skill that does incredible damage to totally bound enemies. | Offensive Whip Skill | Whips Lv.5 ATK Up Lv.5 |
Climax | Whip skill that may kill and drain enemies with low HP. | Offensive Whip Skill | Whips Lv.10 |
Hypnos | Sword stab with a chance of putting the enemy to sleep. | Debilitation Sword Skill | Swords Lv.1 |
Nerve | Sword stab at the enemy’s nerves with a chance of paralyzing it. | Swords Lv.2 | |
Mirage | Sword stab at the enemy’s skull with a chance of confusing it. | Swords Lv.3 | |
Drain | Sword stab that drains the enemy’s HP through the blade. | Offensive Sword Skill | Swords Lv.4 |
Bait | Sword skill that uses comrades on either side to bait a trap. | Offensive Sword Skill | Swords Lv.5 ATK Up Lv.5 |
Petrify | Sword stab at the enemy’s muscles with a chance of stoning. | Debilitation Sword Skill | Swords Lv.10 |
Take | Gather plants for materials at item points. | Gather | Available at Start |
Similar to their capabilities in Etrian Odyssey, the Dark Hunter returns with a enhanced arsenal, granting them the ability to better punish their foes should they breach through their various methods of self-defense. Bait is no longer restricted to swords, Ecstasy now works on unbound enemies, and several of their ailment-related skills got reworked. Should they take too much damage, their damage output sharply increases, showing off an inner strength never before seen.
- Strengths: Varied methods of debilitation with decent combat prowess, making them formidable despite their flaws. Their naturally high agility allows them to deliver blows frequently, with excellent precision.
- Weaknesses: Meager defenses and relatively high TP costs, making them guzzle TP during their earlier stages unless rectified through the use of grimoire stones. Lack of area attacks. With their slightly below average Luck growths, they may need outside assistance or Luck boosting gear to assist with ailment or bind infliction.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Dark Hunter/Stats#EOU
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 33 | 22 | 9 | 7 | 7 | 10 | 7 |
30 | 134 | 84 | 22 | 18 | 18 | 23 | 17 |
70 | 329 | 194 | 44 | 39 | 36 | 45 | 34 |
99 | 511 | 290 | 61 | 55 | 50 | 62 | 47 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisite |
Whip Mastery | Enables Whip skills and increases damage dealt with whips. | Mastery | Available at Start |
Gag | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, may bind head. | Whip | Whip Mastery Lv1 |
Shackles | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, may bind legs. | ||
Cuffs | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, may bind arms. | ||
Ecstasy | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy. Damage raises with each bind it has. | Whip | Gag Lv7 Cuffs Lv7 Shackles Lv7 |
Viper | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, may poison. | Whip | Whip Mastery Lv5 |
Climax | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy. Drains HP and may kill enemies under 40% HP. | Whip | Whip Mastery Lv10 Viper Lv3 |
Sword Mastery | Enables Sword skills and increases damage dealt with swords. | Mastery | Available at Start |
Hypno Bite | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, may induce sleep. | Sword | Sword Mastery Lv1 |
Nerve Bite | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, may paralyze. | ||
Mirage Bite | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, may cause panic. | ||
Soul Liberator | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy with increased power to ailing enemies. Removes ailment after it hits. | Sword | Hypno Bite Lv7 Nerve Bite Lv7 Mirage Bite Lv7 |
Drain Bite | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, absorbs HP. | Sword | Sword Mastery Lv5 |
Catastrophe | Melee cut attack to 1 enemy, may petrify. Ailment success rate increases next turn if it fails. | Sword | Sword Mastery Lv10 Drain Bite Lv3 |
ATK Up | Raises physical attack. | Stat Up | Available at Start |
Boost Up | Raises the rate of Boost Gauge gain. | Passive | ATK Up Lv3 |
Wrath's Might | Raises damage when below 30% HP. HP threshold increases with level. | Passive | ATK Up Lv5 |
Bait | Places traps on allies to either side that counters physical attacks to them. | Attack | Boost Up Lv3 Wrath's Might Lv3 |
TP Up | Raises maximum TP. | Stat Up | Available at Start |
Bind Heart | Lowers an enemy's turn speed for 3 turns. | Support | TP Up Lv1 |
Shadow Veil | Lowers the chance of being targeted for 3 turns. | Support | TP Up Lv3 |
Dark Curse | May inflict Curse upon all enemies. | Support | Bind Heart Lv2 Shadow Veil Lv2 |
HP Up | Raises maximum HP. | Stat Up | Available at Start |
Take | Allows the user to find more resources while taking. | Gather | Available at Start |
Grimoire Stones[]
Skills to generate and pass:
- Drain Bite: Give Sword users the ability to heal themselves.
- Wrath's Might: An incredibly powerful offensive staple that can also be augmented through Stones.
- Viper: Poison damage scales off the user's TEC and can be one of the strongest sources of poison in the game.
- Boost Up: When combined with Action Boost from the Gunner, the Boost Gauge can rapidly refill.
Skills best given to Dark Hunters:
- Triple Charge (Landsknecht): Raises damage and ailment potential, saving on TP.
- Falcon Slash/Tornado (Landsknecht): Area damage for Sword Dark Hunters.
- Limitless (Highlander): Allows a Dark Hunter to access both Sword and Whip skills for greater utility.
- Action Boost (Gunner): Combined with a maxed-out Boost Up, a Dark Hunter can easily restore up to half the Boost Gauge in 2 turns.
Similar to their capabilities in Etrian Odyssey, the Dark Hunter returns with new powers that allow them to better hinder their foes. With their deadly traps and ability to bait enemies into triggering powerful counterattacks, the Dark Hunter punishes anything that dares to oppose their might. Thanks to their furthered training in debilitation, they attained the ability to resist the very ailments and binds that they dish out to the enemies.
- Strengths: Varied methods of debilitation with decent combat prowess, making them formidable despite their flaws. Their naturally high Luck allows them to deliver punishing blows frequently, with excellent precision thanks to their high Agility. Capable of returning blows with sheer destructive force.
- Weaknesses: Meager defenses and relatively high TP costs, making them guzzle TP during their earlier stages.
- Force - Dominate: Using every binding technique at its disposal, the dark hunter will fully bind a single enemy, rendering it completely incapable of acting in battle.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Dark Hunter/Stats#EO2
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 42 | 26 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
30 | 207 | 79 | 27 | 19 | 26 | 27 | 15 |
70 | 503 | 151 | 60 | 36 | 51 | 54 | 33 |
99 | 731 | 330 | 77 | 53 | 69 | 73 | 51 |
Skill | Description | Type | Prerequisite |
HP Up | Increase maximum HP. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
TP Up | Increase maximum TP. | ||
STR Up | Increase strength. | ||
TEC Up | Increase technique. | ||
VIT Up | Increase vitality. | ||
AGI Up | Increase agility. | ||
LUC Up | Increase luck. | ||
Esc Up | Increase chances of successfully escaping from battle. | Stat Increase | Available at Start |
Whips | Needed to learn whip skills. | Mastery Skill | Available at Start |
Swords | Needed to learn sword skills. | Mastery Skill | Available at Start |
Antisick | Intensive training allows the user to resist status ailments. | Passive | Unbind Lv.3 |
Antibind | Indomitable will allows the user to resist being bound. | ||
Viper | Whip slash with a chance of poisoning the enemy. | Debilitation Whip Skill | Whips Lv.1 |
Shackles | Whip slash with a chance of binding the enemy's legs. | Binding Whip Skill | Whips Lv.2 |
Cuffs | Whip slash with a chance of binding the enemy's arms. | Whips Lv.3 | |
Gag | Whip slash with a chance of binding the enemy's head. | Whips Lv.4 | |
Ecstasy | Whip slash that does incredible damage to totally bound enemies. | Offensive Whip Skill | Whips Lv.8 STR Up Lv.5 |
Climax | Whip slash that may kill and drain enemies with low HP. | Offensive Whip Skill | Whips Lv.6 |
Hypnos | Sword stab with a chance of putting the enemy to sleep. | Debilitation Sword Skill | Swords Lv.1 |
Nerve | Sword stab at the enemy's nerves with a chance of paralyzing it. | Swords Lv.2 | |
Mirage | Sword stab at the enemy's skull with a chance of confusing it. | Swords Lv.3 | |
Drain | Sword stab that drains the enemy's HP through the blade. | Offensive Sword Skill | Swords Lv.4 |
Petrify | Sword stab at the enemy's muscles with a chance of stoning. | Debilitation Sword Skill | Swords Lv.6 |
Bait | Uses comrades on either side as bait for physical attacks. | Offensive Skill | Swords Lv.8 Whips Lv.8 |
Magibait | Uses comrades on either side as bait for elemental attacks. | ||
Unbind | Removes bindings from one party member. | Recovery Skill | TEC Up Lv.1 |
Racket | Loud noises draw FOEs to the spot where the skill is used. | Field Skill | Available at Start |
Chop | Chop wood for materials at item points. | Gather | Available at Start |
Similar to their capabilities in Etrian Odyssey, the Dark Hunter returns with an altered arsenal. Though some of their skills have lost their potency, they're now far more versatile, allowing them to spread inflicted ailments to other enemies and punishing those with ailing allies. With advanced training, the Dark Hunter can trade an enemy's ailments for a powerful attack, all while heavily punishing those afflicted by the Dark Hunter's cruelty through deep-routed debilitation that saps an enemy's strength merely for being inflicted by an ailment. Should their ailments be unsuccessful in landing, the chances of a successful infliction increases with each failure, allowing them to make a decisive comeback. Their stat distribution also offers a good balance of strength, agility, vitality, and luck, allowing them to switch to various different classes with ease.
- Strengths: Varied methods of debilitation with decent combat prowess, making them formidable despite their flaws. Their naturally high Luck allows them to deliver punishing blows frequently, with excellent precision thanks to their high Agility.
- Weaknesses: Meager defenses and relatively high TP costs, making them guzzle TP during their earlier stages unless rectified through the use of grimoire stones. Lack of area attacks.
- Force Boost - Trance: Doubles damage dealt to enemies with any binds or ailments for 3 turns.
- Force Break - Rose Prison (uses arms): Melee cut attack with high chance of head/arm/leg bind & poison.
Stat Progression[]
- Main article: Dark Hunter/Stats#EO2U
Level | HP | TP | STR | TEC | VIT | AGI | LUC |
1 | 33 | 22 | 9 | 4 | 7 | 9 | 8 |
30 | 134 | 126 | 23 | 11 | 18 | 22 | 21 |
70 | 329 | 294 | 47 | 23 | 36 | 45 | 44 |
99 | 511 | 396 | 66 | 32 | 50 | 62 | 62 |
Grimoire Stones[]
Skills to generate and pass:
- All Sword Skills: These can be used to their full extent with other sword-wielding party members, including War Magus.
- Perseverance: Important for ailment-reliant party members like Hexers.
Skills best given to Dark Hunters:
- Triple Charge (Landsknecht): Raises damage and ailment potential, saving on TP.
- Charge (Enemy Skill): Raises damage more for cheap TP, for coordinating with Force Boost and/or Soul Liberator.
- Elemental Sabres (Fafnir): Reliable source of elemental damage for Sword Dark Hunters.
- Weapon Free/Limitless (Fafnir/Highlander): Allows Dark Hunters access to both Sword and Whip skills for greater utility.
- Headcut, Armcut, Legcut (War Magus): Allows Sword Dark Hunters to also inflict binds.
- This is one of the four classes from the first two games which have the same name in both English and Japanese versions, the other three being Medic, Alchemist and Gunner.
- Even though the official profile states that their force skill in Etrian Odyssey II is Bondage, its in-game name is Dominate.
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey |
Info Monsters • Weapons • Armor • Accessories • Consumables • Items • Quests • Boost • Maps
Emerald Grove • Primitive Jungle • Azure Rainforest • Sandy Barrens • Lost Shinjuku • Claret Hollows
Landsknecht • Survivalist • Protector • Dark Hunter • Medic • Alchemist • Troubadour • Ronin • Hexer
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard |
Info Monsters • Weapons • Armor • Accessories • Consumables • Items • Quests • Maps • Force
Ancient Forest • Auburn Thicket • Frozen Grounds • Petal Bridge • Heavenly Keep • Forbidden Wood
Landsknecht • Survivalist • Protector • Dark Hunter • Medic • Alchemist • Troubadour • Ronin • Hexer • Gunner • War Magus • Beast
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl |
Info Monsters • Weapons • Armor • Items • Accessories • Quests • Maps • Boost • Floor Jump • Grimoire Stone
Emerald Grove • Primitive Jungle • Azure Rainforest • Sandy Barrens • Lost Shinjuku • Claret Hollows • Gladsheim
Story Characters Highlander • Frederica Irving • Simon Yorke • Raquna Sheldon • Arthur Charles • Rosa • Austin • Kupala • M.I.K.E.
Landsknecht • Survivalist • Protector • Dark Hunter • Medic • Alchemist • Troubadour • Ronin • Hexer • Highlander • Gunner
v · t · eEtrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight |
Info Monsters • Weapons • Armor • Items • Accessories • Quests • Maps • Force • Floor Jump • Grimoire Stone
Ancient Forest • Auburn Thicket • Frozen Grounds • Petal Bridge • Heavenly Keep • Forbidden Wood • Ginnungagap • Dark Paradise
Characters Fafnir Knight • Flavio • Arianna Caledonia • Bertrand de Gervaise • Chloe • Regina Dubois • Artelinde • Der Freischutz
Landsknecht • Survivalist • Protector • Dark Hunter • Medic • Alchemist • Troubadour • Ronin • Hexer • Gunner • War Magus • Beast • Sovereign • Fafnir • Highlander