Corotrangul (コロトラングル, also called Cotrangl) is a boss featured in Etrian Odyssey and Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl as the third stratum boss. Corotrangul also appears in Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City, as a optional sea quest boss.
This giant manta ray is the master of both water and wind elements, and can bend both with ease. It attacks with both powerful waves and raging blizzards. It can also use its mastery over air to fly.
Cotrangl (Etrian Odyssey)[]
Cotrangl (Lord of the celestial ocean) is one of the two bosses of the Azure Rainforest, and will be battled on B15F. Kupala summons it in order to stop the explorers from advancing further into the labyrinth.
Contrary to the previous bosses, Cotrangl doesn't summon allies and instead fights alone.
Blizzard: Very heavy Ice damage to random targets, hits 2-3 times, may cause sleep
Flood: Heavy Ice attack to entire party
Tackle: Very heavy Bash damage to a party member
Aquaveil: Gains immunity to fire damage.
Ice Gaze: Reduces strength of entire party
Coiling: Binds arms and head of party member
- Huge Fin (Worth: 1800 en)
- Ice Spine (Conditional) (Worth: 6000 en)
- Condition: Defeat with a non-fire attack (30% drop rate)
Corotrangul (Etrian Odyssey III)[]
Corotrangul is a sea boss in Etrian Odyssey III. It can be fought in the sea quests for the Marine City of Sheba.
Corotrangul always starts the battle with two Bolt Strikers.
Flood (Uses Head): Ice attack to entire party, may cause sleep.
Coiling: Bash attack to one party member and may bind head/arms/legs.
Aqua Veil: Gains immunity to fire damage for 3 turns.
- Summon : Summons Bolt Strikers or Nautiluses.
Ice Gaze: Ice attack to entire party, reduces party offense.
- Rending Fin (Worth: 441 en)
- One of the ingredients for the Roundel Dagger (Knife, 93 ATK, 3 forge slots)
- Sea King Ice (Conditional) (Worth: 3000 en)
- Condition: Defeat while its head is bound.
- One of the ingredients for the Solid Moccasin (Boots, 19 DEF)
Related monsters[]
- Bolt Striker (Can be summoned)
- Nautilus (Can be summoned)
Corotrangul (Etrian Odyssey Untold)[]
Corotrangul returns in Etrian Odyssey Untold, still serving as the second of the two stratum bosses of the Azure Rainforest on B15F, as well as being the first stratum boss to not have any minions.
- Aqua Veil (Uses Head): Raises Fire resistance for 3 turns.
- Coiling Tail (Uses Legs): Binds head, arms or legs of a single target.
- Flood (Uses Arms): Heavy ice damage to random party members, will not hit same target more than once, may cause sleep, hits 3-5 times.
- Freeze Aura (Uses Head): Increases physical and elemental attack for three turns.
- Ice Breath (Uses Head): Heavy ice damage to entire party.
- Tackle (Uses Legs): Melee bash attack that pierces across lines, dealing heavy damage.
- Huge Fin (Worth: 2390 en)
- Unlocks the Ocean King Glove (Gloves, 20 DEF, +2 TEC)
- Venom Spine (Conditional) (Worth: 11540 en)
- Condition: Defeat with poison tick damage.
- Unlocks the Arc Drawer (Bow, 191 ATK, +3 TEC, +5 VIT), the strongest bow in the game.
King Grimoire:[]
- Sea Grimoire: A grimoire stone born in battle with Corotrangul. A stone containing special skills.
- Abyssal Prayer: (TP Cost: 30) Lowers the TP cost for all allies this turn.
Corotrangul (Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold)[]
Corotrangul is the fourth boss fought in sequence in the downloadable quest Treasures Untold.
- Ice Breath (Uses Head): Ranged Ice attack to all enemies.
- Flood (Uses Arms): 3-5 ranged Ice attacks across party randomly, may induce sleep.
- Coiling Tail (Uses Legs): May bind multiple body parts of a party member.
- Aqua Veil (Uses Head): Raises fire resistance for 5 turns.
- Freeze Aura (Uses Head): Raises offense for 5 turns.
- None.
- See Corotrangul/Strategy for more information.