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The Berserker King is the first boss fought in Etrian Odyssey IV. It is encountered on B3F of the Lush Woodlands.

Berserker King (Etrian Odyssey IV)[]

Berserker King
Beserker KingEO4
A bear ruling over the Lush Woodlands' beasts. It bristles its fur and roars to shake the forest.
Enemy Data
HP 2380
ATK 25
DEF 17
EXP 5362
Skills Binding Voice
Rock Crusher
Berserker Rage
Items Berserker Claw
Berserker Skin 3ds-condition
Weakness None
Resistance None
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The Berserker King is a magnificent beast who lives up to his name. There's no inherent trickery or hidden powers behind his moves. It's very straightforward and to the point, which often means hitting your face. The Berserker King is, as his name implies, the patriarch of the Lush Woodlands, and has the physique and power to back it up.


  • 3ds-hbind Binding Voice : Ranged untyped attack to the entire party, may stun.
  • 3ds-abind Ruinous Strike : Slow melee cut attack to a row.
  • 3ds-abind Rock Crusher : Melee bash attack to the entire party, may blind.
  • 3ds-abind Counter : Retaliates with a physical attack when struck.
  • 3ds-abind Arm Breaker : Strong bash attack to a single target, may bind arms.
  • Delay Charge : Telegraphs Berserker Rage 2 turns later. Can be interrupted if it takes over 400 damage during this time period.
  • 3ds-abind Berserker Rage : 3-5 strong melee cut attacks across different targets. Used only if Delay Charge goes uninterrupted.


  • Berserker Claw (Worth: 418 en)
  • None.
  • Berserker Skin (Worth: 10000 en)
    • Selling the Berserker Skin unlocks the Mythic Nithsdale, a Runemaster specific cloth armor with relatively high defense.

Conditional Drop[]

  • To obtain the Berserker Skin, you have to defeat the Berserker King on the first turn.

Related Monsters[]

Berserker King (Etrian Odyssey Nexus)[]

Berserker King
Beserker KingEO4
A bear that rules over the woodlands. It crouches down before springing into a pulverizing attack.
Enemy Data
HP 4067
ATK 29
MAT 26
DEF 17
MDF 13
EXP 1350
Skills Binding Voice
Rock Crusher
Berserker Rage
Items Berserker Claw
Status Weakness V-sleep V-blind
Status Resistance V-stun
Status Immune V-death
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The Berserker King reappears with the Lush Woodlands, serving as the main threat alluded to as the player ventures throughout that dungeon. As they approach the stairway to B3F of the Lush Woodlands, they encounter several soldiers who have been mauled by a large bear-like creature. Veterans who have played IV will expect the Bloodbear to be a prime suspect, and enter B3F thinking they will engage it before the Berserker King makes its presence.

No such luck.

Less than 10 steps into the floor, and the Berserker King gets the drop on the party! This is a scripted ambush that may cause the demise of a party in less than perfect shape. Be sure to have rested well before going too deep into B3F. The Berserker King is fought at half health at this stage in the game.

After fighting it off, the party discovers there are multiple Berserker Kings. The few they have engaged are dispatched, but one more exists at the end of the floor. Travel that far, and the party will then fight the Berserker King at its fullest. It is guarded by a pair of Cutters which impede the player's path, but by properly luring them to destroy the tree trunks in the room, a safe path to the King can be cleared out.


  • V-hbind Binding Voice : Ranged untyped attack to the entire party, may stun.
  • V-abind Ruinous Strike : Slow melee cut attack to a row.
  • V-abind Rock Crusher : Melee bash attack to the entire party, may blind.
  • V-abind Arm Breaker : Strong bash attack to a single target, may bind arms.
  • Charge : Charges for Berserker Rage next turn.
  • V-abind Berserker Rage : 3-5 strong melee cut attacks across different targets.
  • V-hbind Berserk : Physical ATK boost for 3 turns.


  • Berserker Claw (Worth: 240 en)

Related Monsters[]

Berserker King (Etrian Mystery Dungeon)[]

Berserker King
Berserker King (EMD)
The power of this bear's strikes can knock loose its opponent's equipment.
Enemy Data
HP 1050
EXP 2000
Skills Binding Voice
Berserker Rage
Arm Breaker
Equipment Strike
Confounding Roar
Amber Lure
Items Berserker Claw
Berserker Skin
Wandering Box
Weakness None
Resistance None
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The Berserker King is a 3x3-tiles DOE that can be encountered in Muspelheim and Equinox Garden.

This monster is an Animal type monster.


  • Binding Voice (Uses Head): "Unleashes a roar that deals untyped damage to enemies in the room and Paralyzes them."
  • Berserker Rage (Uses Arms): "Charges up for a strong cut attack that hits enemies in the room the next turn." 4 attacks that deals Cut damage to random party member in the room.
  • Arm Breaker (Uses Arms): "Bashes the target with fearsome arm strength, sealing its arms for 5 turns." Single-target melee attack that deals Bash damage and can Arm Bind.
  • Equipment Strike (Uses Arms): "Knocks off the enemy's equipment with a powerful strike." A single-target melee attack that can knock a character's weapon or shield on the floor. The equipment falls on the same tile as the character, so it is possible to recover it easily.
  • Confounding Roar (Uses Head): "Lets out a perplexing scream, sealing the heads of enemies in the room for 5 turns."
  • Amber Lure (Uses Head): "Sprays the area with Amber mist, calling all monsters in the zone to gather." Teleports all monsters on the floor around the DOE. This skill does not work in corridors.


  • Berserker Claw (Worth: 1400 en)
  • Berserker Skin (Worth: 1500 en)
  • Wandering Box : Chest that disappears after about ten turns and that contains a random item from the dungeon, usually a piece of equipment.

Related Monsters[]



See Berserker King/Strategy for more information.