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A list of armor found in Etrian Mystery Dungeon. These can be bought at Chano Retail, at Red Lion Shoppe or found in dungeons. This list is in the order in which they appear in the in-game Item Almanac. In the store at Chano Retails, armors are sorted depending on the defense.

Shield can be enhanced by the Forge to add effects if slots are available, and by enchantment to increase their defense.

In addition to the materials, the Market District must be developed in order to unlock some armors (this is not included in the tables exhaustively).


Shields are usable by Landsknechts, Protectors, Medics, Sovereigns and Wanderers.

Name Cost Sell Description Def Effect Requirements
Buckler 30 3 A small shield used to parry attacks. 1 None Available From Start
Targe 110 55 A small shield hung on armor to protect the user's shoulders and joints. 3 2 slots Fiery Rind x1
Teak Wood x1
Round Shield 120 60 A circular shield made for soldiers on the front lines. 4 Volt Resist x1
2 slots
Mole Claw x1
Sturdy Timber x1
Heater Shield 200 100 A large cowhide shield that guards the upper body. 5 4 slots Light Hardwood x1
Paulownia Bark x1
Caetra 210 105 Despite its small size, it's very good at withstanding impacts. 5 Damage Reflection x2 (Reflect 20% of damage rounded down) Muddle Hypha x1
Jet-black Pith x1
Kite Shield 230 115 A shield that has been lengthened vertically for nearly full coverage. 6 Paralyze Resist x1
3 slots
Sky Iron Shell x1
Jet-black Pith x1
Studded Shield 240 120 A shield made from hide fortified by heat, blunting the force of explosions. 7 Explosion Resist x1
2 slots
Sky Iron Claw x1
Paulownia Bark x1
Aspis 330 165 A durable, circular shield made from hard shells. 8 4 slots Boar Tusk x1
Trileaf Stalk x1
Knight Shield 350 175 A beautifully ornamented shield, beloved by knights of noble birth. 10 Sleep Resist x1
2 slots
Sharp Claw x2
Wisteria Branch x1
Tower Shield 360 180 A giant shield that can completely cover the entire body. 11 4 slots Soft Plume x2
Ice Stake x2
Sword Shield 530 265 A shield that affords both defense and offense by sharpening the edges. 12 3 slots Bloody Blade x2
Yggdrasil Trunk x2
Sentry Shield 480 240 This shield protects its holder as if a guardian were hidden nearby. 13 4 slots Giant Petal x2
Yggdrasil Trunk x2
Scutum 500 250 A shield that defends by utilizing the friction it creates with the ground. 14 Ice Resist x1
3 slots
Indigo Vine x2
Tough Vine x2
Lunar Shield 660 330 A shield that induces happiness, as if one saw a rainbow bloom in the moonlight. 15 Volt Resist x1
2 slots
Cursed Bone x2
Tough Vine x2
Battle Counter 680 340 A spear-like blade is attached to this to deal damage to one's attackers. 10 Damage Reflection x4 (Reflect 40% of damage rounded down)
1 slot
Spiked Ball x1
Holy Shield 630 315 A holy shield that only dauntless knights can carry. 16 Fire Resist x1
Ice Resist x1
Volt Resist x1
Bloody Blade x2
Cave Palm Bark x2
Dragon Shield 800 400 A shield with a scaly surface, made from dragon skin. 17 3 slots Writhing Wood x3
Holly Lumber x2
Adarga 810 405 A shield covered in blades, allowing one to provide defense and offense simultaneously. 25 None Bent Claw x3
Cork Tree Bark x2
Pain Shield 900 450 A large shield that covers both defense and offense with its spikes and hard surface. 19 Poison Resist x1
3 slots
Butterfly Wing x3
Dried Vine x3
Emperor Shield 780 390 A large shield that gleams silver. Said to have belonged to a great emperor. 20 4 slots Fire Fang x3
Pachypodium x3
Somatemus 950 475 Used for both stopping attacks and evading them entirely. 21 4 slots Heavy Iron Ball x4
Pagoda Branch x4
Angel Shield 960 480 This shining white shield is said to grant absolute protection to its holder. 22 Volt Resist x1
2 slots
Barbel x5
Cork Tree Bark x5
Hildebrand 1550 500 A shield that only knights who have vowed to serve their master can carry. 25 2 slots Red Lion Hide x3
Red Lion Fang x1
Light Shield 1160 552 This shield's glow can be considered either mystical or sinister. 24 Damage Reflection x1 (Reflect 10% of damage rounded down)
Volt Resist x1
2 slots
Bear Claw x5
Evil Copal x5
Shinryu Shield 1170 555 A shield that can only be held by the brave warriors who slew the Great Dragon. 25 4 slots Fire Scale x1
Reverse Scale x1
Thunder Scale x1
Yggdrasil Shield 1190 590 Created from the concentrated life force of Yggdrasil. 26 6 slots Orange Shard x1
Purple Shard x1
Green Shard x1


Headgears are usable by Landsknechts, Gunners, Runemasters, Medics, Dancers, Hexers, Ninjas, Sovereigns and Wanderers.

Name Cost Sell Description Def Effect Requirements
Feathered Hat 60 6 Typical headgear for adventurers. 2 None Available From Start
Kettle Hat 120 60 A hat-shaped, heavy helm forged from ore. 4 TEC x1 (+5 TEC) Hard Skin x1
Small Flower x1
Barrette 110 55 A cute hair clip made from a bunny's tail. 6 TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
TP x1 (+7 TP)
Fire Resist x1
Rabbit Tail x1
Mint x1
Hairpin 200 100 A hairpin carved out of wood. 6 TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Ice Resist x1
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Muddle Hypha x1
Scarlet Sage x1
Chain Helm 210 105 A helmet that keeps the head protected with woven metal threads. 7 TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
TP x2 (+14 TP)
Rabbit Tail x1
Luminous Moss x1
Caresche 270 135 A hat made with a soft lining for maximum comfort. 8 TP x2 (+14 TP)
Arm Bind Resist x2
Muddle Hypha x1
Crane Ginseng x1
Viking Helm 480 240 A helm reinforced with rivets on its metal surface for added defensive strength. 11 None Deer Skin x1
Glove Grass x1
Crown Hat 390 195 An ancient hat worn only by those of high status. 10 Head Bind Resist x2 Deer Skin x1
Osmunda Frond x2
Barbute 570 285 A helm adjusted many times for ease of use and defensive performance. 12 Volt Resist x1 Frigid Sickle x1
Crabapple x2
Nightcap 660 330 A large, black cap with elaborate embroidery. 14 Head Bind Resist x1
Arm Bind Resist x1
Leg Bind Resist x1
Baboon Skin x1
Aloe x2
Bascinet 750 375 A helm that emphasizes parrying over deterrence. 15 Fire Resist x1
Ice Resist x1
Volt Resist x1
Ostrich Feet x1
Deathly Bud x2
Round Helm 850 420 A simple design which provides a generous amount of defense. 16 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Berserker Claw x1
Fennel x2
Circlet 1000 500 A crown wholly covered in inscriptions that drive away evil. 17 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Thorny Bone x1
Shea Fruit x2
Morion 1200 600 A helm with thick plating to improve its ability to withstand attacks. 18 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Crusher's Hide x1
Ambrosia x2
Armet 1400 700 A highly efficient helm that fits snug on the head. 19 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x2 (+10 TEC)
Writhing Wood x1
Deathly Bud x2
Pumpkinhead 1600 800 Headgear in the shape of a pumpkin, praised for its hardness. 21 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
LUC x1 (+10 LUC)
Bison Fur x1
Green Nut x2
Great Helm 2000 1000 The finest war helm, which can withstand any attack. 22 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
LUC x2 (+20 LUC)
Fire Fang x1
Odd Fruit x2
Angel Helm 2120 1060 Very beautiful organic headgear, dyed with a pigment created from beautiful flowers. 23 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Bash Resist x1
Wing Bone x1
Narcissus x2
Sandogasa 2450 1220 A hat woven from bamboo skin and sedge. Fortified on the back for defense. 24 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Century Shell x1
Papyrus Plant x2
Cathbharr 2650 1300 A war helm that softens every blow while glowing as bright as the sun. 25 TP x1 (+7 TP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Beast Horns x1
Papyrus Plant x2

Heavy Armor[]

Heavy Armors are usable by Landsknechts, Protectors, Sovereigns and Wanderers.

Name Cost Sell Description Def Effect Requirements
Spiked Leather 230 115 Armor whose resistance has been improved by adding countless spikes. 5 LUC x2 (+20 LUC) Available From Start
Scale Mail 270 135 Armor made of small overlapping discs cut from beast shells. It's sturdy, but heavy. 7 LUC x1 (+10 LUC)
ELM x1
Grasseater Leg x1
Dolomite x2
Lorica Squamata 440 220 Armor strengthened with small copper plates on the lining. 9 LUC x1 (+10 LUC)
Cut Resist x1
Poison Hypha x1
Steel Earth x2
Studded Mail 470 235 Armor reinforced by carefully embedding metal into it. 12 ELM x1
Cut Resist x1
Bat Fang x1
Chalcedony x2
Ring Mail 510 255 Armor made of woven metal rings. 15 Stab Resist x1
Fire Resist x1
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Spotted Tongue x1
Dolomite x2
Fluted Armor 750 375 Functional armor with notched grooves in it for parrying. 18 ELM x1
Ice Resist x1
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Armor Shard x2
Steel Earth x2
Alla Romana 780 390 Royal knight's armor decorated with flamboyant accoutrements. 21 Cut Resist x1
Volt Resist x1
TP x1 (+7 TP)
Beetle Shell x2
Red Jasper x2
Tourney Mail 810 405 Heavy armor whose plating can withstand heavy strikes. 24 ELM x1
Fire Resist x1
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Thunder Tooth x2
Nephrite x2
Composite Armor 1080 540 Armor that has been strengthened by layering it with animal shells. 27 Stab Resist x1
Ice Resist x1
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Bloody Fist x2
Rose Quartz x2
Plate Mail 1130 565 A carefully-constructed suit of armor made of several layers of metal plates. 30 Cut Resist x1
Volt Resist x1
TP x1 (+7 TP)
Metallic Horn x2
Tourmaline x2
Shell Armor 1160 580 Heavy armor that deflects attacks through its distinctive shape. 33 Stab Resist x1
Fire Resist x1
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Deer Skin x2
Tricolor Stone x2
Brigandine 1430 715 Armor made lighter by tempering a Bouncing Beast's fists. 36 Bash Resist x1
Ice Resist x1
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Giant Petal x3
Slate x3
Full Plate 1470 735 Heavy equipment that can hold up through a full assault by an entire divison. 39 Cut Resist x1
Volt Resist x1
TP x1 (+7 TP)
Ostrich Feet x3
Dark Pyroxenite x3
Plate Coat 1500 750 Body armor that uses strong shells to protect its wearer's vital areas. 42 ELM x1
Fire Resist x1
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Rending Claw x3
Tiger's Eye x3
Heavy Armor 1470 735 Bulky armor that stops attacks with thick sheets of metal. 45 Stab Resist x1
Ice Resist x1
Tiny Tooth x3
Steel Chip x3
Field Armor 1770 885 Impenetrable cavalry armor that scoffs at superficial blows. 48 Cut Resist x1
Volt Resist x1
Red Plume x4
Fluorite x4
Tilled Armor 1800 900 Heavy armor that retains its original form even against cannon fire. 51 Bash Resist x1
Fire Resist x1
Fire Fang x5
Steel Chip x5
Holy Armor 2180 1090 Phantom armor known to lend its powers only to those of pure heart. 54 Bash Resist x1
Ice Resist x1
Magma Shard x6
Serpentinite x6
Demon Mail 2460 1230 Impressively strong armor that's ideal for any true warrior. 57 Stab Resist x1
Volt Resist x1
Beast Horns x7
Sigil Ore x3
Royal Byrnie 2660 1330 Royal armor with a golden gleam that causes enemies to cower in fear. 60 Bash Resist x1
Fire Resist x1
Century Shell x8
Sympathy Stone x4

Light Armor[]

Light Armors are usable by Landsknechts, Protectors, Gunners, Medics, Dancers, Sovereigns and Wanderers.

Name Cost Sell Description Def Effect Requirements
Leather Vest 60 6 A simple tunic made from the skins of beasts found in the labyrinth. 4 None Available From Start
Haubergeon 230 115 Armor made lighter by raising the hem. 6 HP x1 (+7 HP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Available From Start
Leaf Tunic 260 130 Armor that has been lightened by limiting the amount of reinforcements. 7 TEC x1 (+5 TEC) None
(Need Market District level 2)
Half Armor 410 205 Sturdy armor made for infantry. 9 HP x1 (+7 HP)
LUC x1 (+10 LUC)
(Need Market District level 3)
Cuirassair 450 225 Armor that foregoes defensive joints in favor of mobility. 11 LUC x1 (+10 LUC)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
(Need Market District level 4)
White Plate 800 400 A breastplate made from shining white feathers to augment recovery skills. 13 HP x1 (+7 HP)
Healing x1
Soft Plume x1
Jet-black Pith x2
Aketon 710 355 Thin armor expressly made for increased mobility. 15 LUC x2 (+20 LUC) Lion Claw x1
Paulownia Bark x2
Iron Plate 740 370 A breastplate forged in iron for battle. 17 TEC x3 (+15 TEC) Wallaby Fist x1
Mahogany x2
Studded Leather 770 385 A jacket that's been strengthened by embedding metal into it. 19 HP x1 (+7 HP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Frigid Sickle x1
Wisteria Branch x2
Wing Plate 1020 510 A breastplate with large feathers that parry attacks inlaid across its surface. 21 HP x1 (+7 HP) Golden Horn x1
Ice Stake x2
Indigo Chain 1050 525 Beautiful chainmail dyed in indigo. 24 None Ostrich Feet x1
Trileaf Stalk x2
Hide Armor 1100 550 Armor shaped like a fierce beast. Its wild nature makes healing easier. 26 LUC x2 (+20 LUC)
Healing x1
Ostrich Feet x1
Yggdrasil Trunk x2
Cloth Armor 1050 525 Armor that helps to soften the blow of enemy strikes or tackles. 28 LUC x1 (+10 LUC) Cursed Bone x1
Tough Vine x2
Sneaking Plate 1290 645 Armor made from special material that makes little noise when moving. 30 LUC x1 (+10 LUC) Crusher's Hide x2
Tough Vine x2
Padded Armor 1380 690 Armor made by combining plate and chainmail to negate impact. 32 LUC x1 (+10 LUC) Crusher's Hide x2
Cave Palm Bark x2
Fusskampf 1410 705 Armor with metal plating fitted onto the joints to reduce weak points. 34 LUC x4 (+40 LUC) Butterfly Wing x3
Cave Palm Bark x3
Lorica Hamata 1610 805 Chainmail made for light and fluid movement. 36 LUC x2 (+20 LUC)
HP x2 (+14 HP)
Withered Vine x4
Holly Lumber x4
General Leather 1700 850 Leather armor said to have been worn by front-line generals. 38 LUC x2 (+20 LUC)
HP x2 (+14 HP)
Heavy Iron Ball x5
Cork Tree Bark x5
Fairy Chain 2060 1030 Weightless armor rumored to have been woven by fairies. 40 LUC x2 (+20 LUC)
HP x2 (+14 HP)
Barbel x6
Dried Vine x5
Panacea Vest 2310 1155 Armor sought after for its user-friendliness. Named after a god of healing. 42 LUC x2 (+20 LUC)
Healing x1
HP x2 (+14 HP)
Barbel x6
Pachypodium x6
Sylpheed 2510 1255 Spirits' garb that makes its wearer as light as the wind. 44 LUC x2 (+20 LUC)
HP x2 (+14 HP)
Orange Shard x6
Pagoda Branch x6

Cloth Armor[]

Cloth Armors are usable by all classes.

Name Cost Sell Description Def Effect Requirements
Tweed 50 5 Woolen clothing that's easy to move in, but has low defense. 3 None Available From Start
Scale Jerkin 200 100 Clothes fashioned by lining scales on the surface of the fabric. 5 STR x1 (+5 STR)
TP x1 (+7 TP)
Sky Iron Nail x1
Teak Wood x1
Chemise 400 115 Clothes that cover from the chest to the waist for maximum protection. 7 STR x2 (+10 STR)
Confusion Resist x1
Muddle Hypha x1
Mahogany x1
Leaf Jacket 600 180 Adventuring garb dyed with forest leaves. 8 TP x1 (+7 TP)
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Paralyze Resist x1
Mountain Claw x1
Jet-black Pith x1
Kazak 900 195 A robe that completely covers the body. Commonly worn by hunters. 9 STR x2 (+10 STR)
Fear Resist x1
Sharp Claw x1
Paulownia Bark x1
Sack Dress 1000 210 Clothing made from coarse, heavy fibers. 10 Poison Resist x1 Sky Iron Shell x1
Jet-black Pith x1
Cotardie 1100 315 A tight overcoat fashioned from monster wings sewn together. 11 STR x1 (+5 STR) Flame Fang x1
Jet-black Pith x2
Caster's Robe 1200 325 An overcoat enchanted with the caster's knowledge of barriers. 13 Healing x1
Sleep Resist x1
Crimson Fang x2
Trileaf Stalk x2
Mist Robe 1400 480 An overcoat worn by assassins who lurk in the mist before they strike. 15 STR x2 (+10 STR) Indigo Vine x1
Ice Stake x2
Mantle 1500 430 Clothes which hide the entire body. They are resistant to both heat and cold. 17 STR x1 (+5 STR)
HP x2 (+14 HP)
Indigo Vine x2
Wisteria Branch x2
Gilet 1600 475 Clothes with hard fibers covering the front to enhance defense. 19 Explosion Resist x1 Ostrich Feet x1
Yggdrasil Trunk x2
Witch's Cloak 1700 480 A robe enchanted with a spell to prevent harm from coming to its wearer. 21 STR x1 (+5 STR)
TP x1 (+7 TP)
Ostrich Feet x2
Trileaf Stalk x2
Siren Tunic 1800 570 Clothes strengthened by carving mystic runes into them. 23 STR x1 (+5 STR) Bent Claw x1
Thujopsis Root x2
Spirit Cape 1900 615 Clothes with the power to balance one's mind and body. 25 STR x1 (+5 STR)
TP x1 (+7 TP)
Crusher's Hide x1
Holly Lumber x3
Linen Cuirass 2000 630 Cloth armor specially enchanted to repel attacks. 27 STR x2 (+10 STR)
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Bent Claw x2
Cave Palm Bark x3
Aurora Veil 2100 715 An overcoat made of fabric imbued with divine protection. 29 STR x1 (+5 STR)
TP x2 (+14 TP)
Mandrake Root x1
Tough Vine x3
Greatcoat 2200 760 A powerful overcoat worn by royalty to protect themselves. 31 STR x1 (+5 STR)
TP x3 (+21 TP)
Tiny Tooth x2
Thujopsis Root x3
Dark Attire 2300 775 The attire of assassins who fly through darkness to end countless lives. 33 STR x3 (+15 STR)
Healing x1
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Barbel x3
Pagoda Branch x3
Mythic Nithsdale 2400 930 A long cape with ancient scripture embroidered in the interior lining. 35 STR x2 (+10 STR)
HP x2 (+14 HP)
Earthy Skin x4
Pachypodium x4
Hex Mantle 2500 1030 This cloak makes its wearer's eyes glow, bolstering the effect of hexes. 37 STR x2 (+10 STR)
TP x4 (+28 TP)
Magma Shard x4
Dried Vine x5
Vagabond Tunic 2560 1110 A tunic used by travelers to ward against wind or rain on their journey. 39 STR x3 (+15 STR)
Paralysis Resist x1
Confusion Resist x1
TP x2 (+14 TP)
Ruby Skull x6
Yggdrasil Trunk x6


Armwears are usable by Runemasters, Medics, Dancers, Hexers, Ninjas, Sovereigns and Wanderers.

Name Cost Sell Description Def Effect Requirements
Thick Gloves 30 3 Simple gloves made from tree bark gathered nearby. 1 None Available From Start
Light Muffs 60 25 A cylindrical fitting that covers the entire hand, protecting it. 4 TP x1 (+7 TP)
LUC x1 (+10 LUC)
Sky Iron Nail x1
Cyanite x1
Hair Mittens 80 40 Gloves made of beast hide that make one feel as if they have incredible strength. 6 TP x1 (+7 TP) Hard Skin x1
Iridescent Ore x1
Iron Gloves 185 55 Gauntlets of hard pelt mixed with chains for even more protection. 8 LUC x2 (+20 LUC) Hard Skin x1
Dolomite x1
Leather Gloves 660 85 Simple gloves with effective grips. 10 TP x1 (+7 TP) Hard Skin x1
Steel Earth x1
Studded Gloves 880 120 The fingers in these gloves are combined to allow for great power. 11 TP x2 (+14 TP) Sky Iron Shell x1
Chalcedony x1
Gauntlets 1100 130 Gauntlets that fit the wearer's hands perfectly for optimum gripping. 12 TP x1 (+7 TP) Eryngii Cap x1
Chalcedony x2
Power Bracers 1200 150 Bracers for warriors who refuse to yield in the face of adversity. 12 TP x2 (+14 TP) Black Crab Shell x1
Nephrite x2
Hard Gloves 1300 205 Sturdy gloves that aren't scratched even by sword strikes. 13 TP x3 (+21 TP) Black Crab Shell x1
Rose Quartz x2
Jarngreipr 1400 300 Gauntlets that offer heightened protection by wrapping the arms in wind. 14 TP x1 (+7 TP) Bloody Blade x1
Red Jasper x2
Stained Gloves 1500 45 Gloves with mottled dye patterns that make them quite comfortable. 15 AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
TP x1 (+7 TP)
Bloody Blade x2
Nephrite x2
Vambraces 1600 85 Armor that lessens the burden on the wearer's arms in battle. 16 AGI x1 (+10 AGI) Flame Fang x2
Tourmaline x2
Exorcist Gloves 1700 85 Gloves engraved with symbols of power that expel demons. 17 HP x3 (+21 HP) Crimson Fang x2
Dark Pyroxenite x2
Beast Gauntlets 1800 120 Strong gauntlets formed from the claws of the king of beasts. 18 AGI x3 (+30 AGI) Berserker Claw x2
Tricolor Stone x2
Expel Bracers 1900 130 Golden gloves that glow brightest when within the deepest darkness. 19 VIT x1 (+3 VIT)
AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
LUC x1 (+10 LUC)
Baboon Skin x2
Tiger's Eye x3
Rune Gages 2000 160 Gloves with holy verses written on them, releasing energy that monsters hate. 20 STR x3 (+15 STR) Metallic Horn x3
Fluorite x3
Dark Gauntlets 2100 160 Cursed gauntlets that drag the wearer's heart into darkness. 21 TP x1 (+7 TP)
LUC x2 (+10 LUC)
AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
Feather x4
Tiger's Eye x4
Brave Bracers 2200 205 Defensive gear for the arms that also cover the upper chest, protecting vital points. 23 Ice Resist x2 Rainbow Skin x4
Serpentinite x4
Lion Gauntlets 2300 205 Arm guards that cover the upper arm as well to protect vital areas. 25 AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Sternum x5
Eclogite x5
Storm Gloves 2500 280 Metal gloves that are said to have been owned by an ancient god of lightning. 27 TEC x3 (+15 TEC) Sternum x6
Sympathy Stone x6


Footwears are usable by Landsknechts, Protectors, Gunners, Dancers, Ninjas, Sovereigns and Wanderers.

Name Cost Sell Description Def Effect Requirements
Hide Boots 40 4 Sturdy boots made by layering tanned leather. 2 TEC x1 (+5 TEC) Available From Start
Chain Greaves 80 40 Sturdy boots made by mixing ore and chains. 4 AGI x1 (+10 AGI)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Mole Claw x1
Teak Wood x1
Strap Shoes 240 70 Shoes fixed in place by wrapping string around their wearer's legs. 5 AGI x1 (+10 AGI) Mole Claw x1
Guaiacum Wood x1
Solid Moccasins 600 100 Armor that protects the entire leg with hard, sturdy material. 6 TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
HP x1 (+7 HP)
Hard Skin x1
Guaiacum Wood x1
Front Cuisse 800 110 Leg guards for assault soldiers, with plating on the front. 7 HP x1 (+7 HP) Sky Iron Shell x1
Jet-black Pith x1
Jackboots 1050 135 Long boots with a strong surface. Favored by knights. 8 VIT x1 (+3 VIT) Sky Iron Shell x1
Paulownia Bark x1
Ivy Anklets 1200 145 Shrouds the wearer with mysterious power that makes healing spells more effective. 10 Healing x1
VIT x1 (+3 VIT)
Lion Claw x1
Mahogany x1
War Greaves 1300 155 Leg armor that won't break while running around a battlefield. 11 Fire Resist x1
Ice Resist x1
Volt Resist x1
Wallaby Fist x1
Trileaf Stalk x1
Kilt Tassels 1400 165 Special shoes with patterns sewn into them that create a barrier. 12 TEC x2 (+10 TEC) Bear Claw x2
Ice Stake x1
Insect Sandals 1500 180 Lively-colored sandals created to lessen the burden on the legs. 13 Volt Resist x1 Baboon Skin x2
Wisteria Branch x1
Night Greaves 1600 200 Heavy shin guards used by knights. 14 Ice Resist x3 Metallic Horn x2
Yggdrasil Trunk x1
Quill Boots 1700 220 Boots with feathers imbued with magical powers. 15 HP x1 (+7 HP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Writhing Wood x2
Trileaf Stalk x1
Sabaton 1800 240 Leg armor with several layers of metal to repel fierce attacks. 16 HP x1 (+7 HP)
TEC x1 (+5 TEC)
Thorny Shell x2
Thujopsis Root x1
River Tabi 1900 280 These tabi's magical water-repelling nature allows their wearer to walk on water. 17 Water Walking Bent Claw x2
Holly Lumber x1
Fairy Boots 2000 300 Bolsters the wearer's spirit via the protection of fairies. 18 TEC x2 (+10 TEC) Hard Bark x2
Cave Palm Bark x1
Commander Boots 2100 330 Thigh-high boots worn by leaders of men in battle. 19 LUC x2 (+20 LUC) Cursed Hypha x2
Cork Tree Bark x1
Guard Poleyn 2200 360 Leg armor with strengthened knee guards that catch attacks. 20 Ice Resist x1
Volt Resist x2
Golden Shell x2
Pagoda Branch x1
Battle Boots 2300 400 Boots preferred by veteran warriors for their reliability in battle. 21 Ice Resist x2
Volt Resist x1
Magma Core x2
Pagoda Branch x1
Talaria 2400 450 The pinnacle of footware, worn by a great hero as he struck down monsters. 22 HP x2 (+14 HP) Purple Hyoid x2
Evil Copal x1
Vitharr Boots 2500 500 Boots as sturdy as steel, made from a titanic boar's lower jawbones. 24 HP x1 (+7 HP) Glacier Core x2
Evil Copal x1